A look of relief swept across Cadence’s face. “Thank you,” she said in a low voice. “I know this situation isn’t easy on anyone.”

“Cadence, why don’t you settle in for the night?” Parker suggested. “You can bunk down in the guest bedroom. Jason and I are going to be up for a while going over things. We need to get a jump start on this right now.”

“That’s very generous of you,” Cadence said, meeting Parker’s gaze. “I drove all the way here from Palm Beach on auto-pilot. To be honest, I wasn’t thinking of anything but Logan and getting to you as quickly as possible.” She made a tutting sound. “I didn’t think about making a hotel reservation. I don’t even have a toothbrush or a change of clothes.”

“It’s fine,” Parker said. “I can get you what you need for tonight and we’ll deal with the rest in the morning. We’re going to do whatever is humanly possible in order to bring Logan home.”

“Thank you,” Cadence murmured, appearing relieved.

“You must be exhausted. Emotionally and physically,” Jason said, his voice softening.

“Yes, I am,” Cadence acknowledged with a nod. She looked weary, and for a moment Parker felt an immense amount of sympathy for her. He couldn’t imagine how painful it must be to know your son was missing and possibly in danger. Parker knew his own feelings about fatherhood couldn’t rival Cadence’s emotions toward Logan. After all, she’d nurtured and loved him since the day he was born. Parker had a lot of catching up to do in that regard.

No matter what Cadence had done in the past, he wouldn’t wish this pain on his worst enemy. It was written all over her face. It was agonizing. She was terrified. And hurting.

“Let me show you upstairs,” Parker said, leading the way toward the staircase. Walking his ex-girlfriend toward his guest room was a surreal experience. Tonight was shaping up to be a strange and groundbreaking evening. Cadence had blown him away in every way imaginable. His mind was still whirling about Logan’s abduction and the fact that he was the boy’s father. He was a father! His life was now forever changed. Fatherhood was sacred.

Please, Lord, he prayed. Allow me to use my skills to locate my son. Keep him out of harm’s way until we can get to him. Shelter him in the palm of your hand.

Parker prayed for his son’s safety. If Mason Price had so much as looked at Logan sideways, Parker knew he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from dealing with the man using his own special brand of justice.

“If you’re fortunate enough to find a soul mate, you should go to the ends of the earth to keep her.?


Jason Donahue

Chapter Four

Cadence settled in for the night, weariness and exhaustion completely sapping her of her strength. Parker had provided her with an over-sized T-shirt, a brand new toothbrush and a few other toiletries. Everything was happening so quickly. It had been less than twenty-four hours since Mason had taken Logan, yet it felt like a lifetime since she’d cuddled her son in her arms or felt his hot breath against her cheek. A tear slipped down her face at the realization that she wasn’t tucking Logan into bed this evening. For all of his two-and-a-half years of life, Cadence had always been the one to put him to sleep.

What was Logan thinking? Was he asking for her? Crying? Frightened? Was he sucking his thumb or sobbing himself to sleep? Cadence let out a cry as she realized his favorite blanket was back at their condo. Logan slept with it each and every night.

God, please watch over my son.

She could hear the low rumble emanating from downstairs of Parker and Jason talking. She prayed they would come across leads that would allow them to locate Logan as swiftly as possible. She’d done her best in a terrible situation to always keep her son safe. But had she done enough? She couldn’t stop herself from playing a game of what if in her mind.

What if she’d told Parker three years ago about Mason’s threats against the people she loved and his role in Keith’s death? Would they be married right now and raising Logan together? Had her actions been incredibly foolish? Or had she done the right thing in protecting Parker? She still didn’t know the right answer to any of those questions. The only thing she knew for certain was that her motives had been pure ones. She’d acted out of love for Parker. Of that she felt certain.

As tired as she felt, Cadence knew she needed to pray. There was nothing more reassuring than laying her burdens down before Him. She got down on her knees and crossed her hands in front of her. She began to recite a verse from Psalm 46.

“God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, Even though the earth be removed, And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though its waters roar and be troubled, Though the mountains shake with its swelling. Selah.”

Cadence knew God was with her. Ever since this ordeal began, she had clung to the Lord for strength. Without Him, she wouldn’t have gathered the courage to drive to Pelican Bay to seek Parker’s assistance. It hadn’t been easy to come running back to the only man she’d ever loved—a man who clearly thought the worst of her. A man who’d been under the belief for the past three years that she’d unceremoniously dumped him for another man. Cadence couldn’t help but wonder if Parker believed her version of events. If so, he had to know she’d only broken things off with him in order to save his life.

Cadence wondered if her feelings for him were as clear as the blue skies over Pelican Bay? Had he taken one look in her direction and seen the love she felt for him shining in her eyes?

She shook her head to rid her mind of all these thoughts. Her feelings for Parker didn’t matter. She loved him still, but Logan was the only thing that mattered. She’d had her shot with Parker three years ago, and it had all crashed and burned around them because of Mason and his deadly obsession with her. Cadence realized now that she could have handled things differently. She could have told Parker about Mason, his threats and the automobile accident that had taken Keith’s life. Fear had kept her silent. She’d thrown herself on her sword in order to protect Parker. And in the end, she’d subjected herself to endless pain.

If Parker and Jason could bring Logan back home safe and sound, Cadence would never ask for another thing in her entire life. Years ago she’d lost Logan’s father and the only love she’d ever known. She couldn’t lose Logan. He was the most important thing in her world and the only reason she had to get up in the morning. Being married to Mason and losing Parker had caused the last three years of her life to be bleak. The only ray of sunshine had been Logan. Sweet, innocent Logan. God had blessed her by making her his mother. And even though she’d lost Parker, Cadence would forever have a piece of him in Logan.

As she drifted off to sleep, Cadence curled herself up into a ball. She didn’t make a sound as the hot tears coursed down her face. At the moment she felt almost numb. She wasn’t sure how much more she could take before she shattered into a million little pieces.


“So, you’re a father?” Jason asked as soon as Parker came back downstairs after making sure Cadence was all settled in for the night.

Parker heaved a tremendous sigh. He ran a weary hand over his face. “Yes. It seems that I am.”