“I think it’s time to head home,” Hope said, reaching for Grayson’s hand and squeezing it. As they walked out of the doors of Savannah House, Hope turned around to get one last look at the festively decorated foyer. From this vantage point she could see the gigantic Christmas tree and the sweeping spiral staircase. A few guests were still milling around the area, reluctant to end the festivities. Hope smiled. There was such promise in every day at Savannah House.

On the drive over to their new home, Hope hummed along to Christmas music softly playing from the car radio. Once they stepped inside the house, they made a bee-line to Ella’s room. Neither one of them wanted to risk her waking up and having to be soothed back to sleep. Every time Hope stepped inside the room she felt awestruck by the beautiful illustrations Grayson had painted on the walls. Princesses. Fairies. Castles. And a sweet image of Ella walking through high grass at the beach. It was a masterpiece made with love.

“Goodnight, sweet Ella,” Hope whispered as Grayson lowered

her down to her toddler bed. She didn’t stir at all. Grayson slightly jiggled the bed’s railing just to make sure it didn’t give way. Hope loved his protective side. She imagined Ella wouldn’t go out on a date until her thirtieth birthday if Grayson had any say in the matter.

The celebration at Savannah House had been wonderful. The resort had been filled up to the rafters. The inn was fully booked for the Christmas holidays. Grayson’s parents were arriving tomorrow to spend Christmas with them, along with her parents. Grayson and his parents were working really hard to repair the dysfunction of the past and to come together as a family. Hope knew where there was love anything was possible.

Hope had a special gift under the Christmas tree for Grayson. And she wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight unless he opened it. After they finished settling Ella down, Hope led Grayson to the living room where the Christmas tree sat, brilliant and festive.

“There’s a little something under the tree I want you to open,” Hope said, her heart skittering with excitement.

“Aah. Breaking the rules on Christmas Eve, huh?” Grayson asked, rubbing his hands together.

Hope picked up the small, square shaped present with the red bow on top and handed it to Grayson.

Grayson took the present and shook it. He held it up to his ear. “Hmm. It’s not rattling.”

Hope rolled her eyes. “You’re worse than a child,” she said, making a tutting sound. “Go ahead and open it.”

“Okay. Okay.” Grayson ripped off the wrapping paper then lifted the top off the box. He scrunched up his nose and held up the small green and red bootie. “What’s this? I don’t think it’s going to fit.”

“It’s not for you,” Hope said in a soft voice. She watched as Grayson’s expression transformed from confusion to clarity. “It’s for someone new who’s coming in about seven months or so.”

“A baby?” he asked. “Are we having a baby?” His voice had become raspy. He was trembling.

“Yes,” Hope said with a firm nod of her head. “We’re having a baby, Grayson.”

A dazed expression appeared on his face. He dangled the baby bootie in the air. “So this means I’m going to be a father again?” He ran shaking hands over his face.

Hope nodded. She could feel the gigantic smile breaking out over her face. “Yes, sweetheart. It does. We’re having a baby. Ella’s going to be a big sister.”

Grayson let out a ragged breath. He seemed truly stunned.

Hope bit her lip. This wasn’t going exactly how she’d planned. “Grayson, are you all right? A-aren’t you happy about it?”

“Happy? I’m over the moon thrilled about it. I keep thinking I should pinch myself to see if I’m dreaming.” He bent down and placed a triumphant kiss on her lips. “Hope, I can’t imagine receiving better news than this. Baby, this is wonderful.” Tears pooled in his eyes. Hope could see the raw emotion on his face.

He threw his head back and let out a hoot of celebration. “Wahoo!”

Hope giggled and pressed her hand over his mouth. “Shh. You’re going to wake up Ella.”

“Sorry. I feel like shouting it from the rooftops.”

“I want to be really sensitive where Fancy and Case are concerned. I don’t want our joyful news to deflate them,” Hope said.

Grayson brushed a kiss across her temple. “My sweet, considerate wife. Always thinking of others. Something tells me Fancy and Case will be over the moon for us. And they’ll get their little bundle of joy. There’s more than one way to make a family.”

“Have I told you lately how much I love and adore you?” Hope asked.

He encircled her waist with his arms and pulled her close. “Not nearly as much as I’d like to hear. I’m crazy about you, Hope. And that will never change.

All was right in their world. With love, faith and devotion, they had built a beautiful world for themselves. Children. Family. Friends. Savannah House. There were so many things to be thankful for on Christmas Eve.

Grayson had come to Savannah in search of his identity. In the process, he’d found everything he had always been looking for. Love. A family of his own. Feeling settled in his own skin. And in Grayson, Hope had found a man who would stand by her side, come what may. He was Ella’s father in every sense of the word.

Hope gazed up at Grayson. Her heart was so full of love she thought she might burst. “Thank you, Grayson, for making my fairytale ending come true.”