“How do I know your father is baby boy Alexander?”

He reached in to his file and pulled out another document. “This came from the Home for foundlings. My father was adopted out of that foundling home. It’s the paperwork my father found at his adoptive parents’ home after they passed on. Look right here.” He moved his seat closer toward her and leaned in, tapping his finger against the paper. “Baby Boy Alexander’s adoption date from the home, along with his birth date and the name of his adoptive parents. Those are my grandparents—they raised my father. There’s no disputing that and I can provide evidence if you need it.”

Hope’s heart sank. The documents appeared to be authentic. Grayson seemed self-assured and matter-of-fact. Grayson did have ties to Savannah House and Miss Hattie. It was too much of a coincidence that Grayson’s father possessed documents that shared so many similarities. Birth dates. Place of birth. Suddenly, everything appeared way more complicated in her world.

“No,” she said in a soft voice. “I don’t think that will be necessary.” Her heart was beating like a jackhammer. Grayson wasn’t just some interloper trying to scam his way into Savannah House. More and more he was looking like the real deal.

“Okay, let’s not get off track,” Marisol advised. “Grayson, those papers establish a possible link to Savannah House, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you are entitled to inherit a piece of it.”

“I know that,” Grayson said. “And honestly, I’m not sure I even want that.”

Hope felt as if her eyes might pop out of their sockets. Had she heard him right? “You don’t? What do you want then?”

“For starters, I’d like someone to show me around the resort. I’d like to feel welcome there and to be told the history of the place. I want to know about Miss Hattie. What she was like? Does anyone know anything about my grandfather? Am I welcome to take a walk in the gardens of Savannah House without being given the boot?” Grayson locked gazes with her and raised his eyebrow in a pointed manner. She got the message loud and clear. He was referencing their run-in from the other day.

“Hope,” Marisol said from across the table. “Does that sound reasonable to you? Would you be willing to meet Grayson halfway in order to resolve things amicably?”

Hope bit her lip. Her mind was whirling with a hundred different thoughts. She felt a huge weight on her shoulders. She alone was serving as the sole representative of Savannah House during this meeting. So much hinged upon it. It would be a wonderful feeling to head back to Savannah House with good news. And squashing this lawsuit before it made headlines in Savannah was paramount to their continued success.

She nodded her head at Marisol. “Yes, I’d be willing to explore things further and try to accommodate Mr. Holloway’s wishes.”

“Grayson. Remember. We decided you were going to call me Grayson.” The rich timbre of Grayson’s voice caused her to swing her gaze back in his direction. She was almost sorry she had done so. His eyes seemed to bore straight through her.

She nervously placed a stray strand of hair back in place, trying not to lose herself in Grayson’s gaze. “Yes, excuse me. I forgot. Grayson.”

“That’s wonderful.” Marisol’s voice oozed with excitement. She pulled some papers from a file. “I’d like to get both of your signatures on these documents. It’s basically just agreeing to work through the mediation process rather than head to court.”

Marisol pushed the papers in Grayson’s direction. For a few minutes he scanned the pages, then carefully placed his signature at the bottom. He slid them toward her, a smile gracing his lips. “Isn’t it nice we can be friends now?” he said in a teasing voice.

Something about the way he said it—in a flir

tatious tone—made her cheeks feel flushed. Marisol was watching her carefully from across the table. Something flashed across her face. She seemed to be studying her reaction to Grayson. No doubt Marisol harbored an interest in Grayson. If things were different, perhaps she would too, Hope realized. Not that she was ready to head back into the dating pool. She was still too traumatized from her relationship with Ross. Some scars took years to heal. And some never completely went away.

As Hope signed the paperwork as owner of Savannah House, Marisol gathered up the papers, stuffed them back in her file, then called the meeting to a close. She and Grayson would have to decide the next steps. Suddenly, in Marisol’s wake, the room felt way smaller than it was in actuality. Since he was sitting so close to her, Grayson’s arm hovered within inches of her own. Being alone with him made her feel vulnerable.

Lord, please give me protection from these feelings Grayson stirs up inside me. The last time I had feelings like this it ended disastrously. I got my heart broken into a jillion little pieces. And I’m still broken from it, Lord. I don’t need another charmer to twist my heart into knots.

She could feel Grayson staring at her. “So, are you hungry?” he asked.

“Not really,” Hope fibbed. Right at that moment her stomach groaned loudly, eliciting a wide grin from Grayson. His pearly whites were now on full display. Perfect straight white teeth. It wasn’t fair. This man had been blessed with looks for days.

“I think your stomach disagrees with you,” Grayson said. “How about we head out to grab some coffee or an early lunch.”

“I can’t,” she said quickly. “I have to get back to Savannah House.”

Grayson frowned and looked at this watch. “It’s only eleven-thirty. This meeting was really quick, so I’m sure the girls aren’t expecting you. You can tell me your favorite restaurant and I’ll take you there. My treat.”

Hope was famished. Once again she’d forgotten to eat in her zest to get ready for this meeting. Knowing Grayson would be in attendance had created a desire within her to look as attractive as possible.

More grumbling noises emanated from her stomach. Grayson tried in vain to hide his laughter behind his hand. He looked like a little kid up to mischief.

“Okay. We can go grab something for lunch.” She rubbed her belly. “I am really starving.”

The look of happiness etched on Grayson’s face made Hope feel ten feet tall. “You just made my day!” he said in an excited voice. He stood up from the table and grinned down at her. Grayson held out his hand. “Shall we?”


Hope agreeing to have lunch with him felt like he’d made a touchdown at the Superbowl. He hadn’t given himself the best odds at accomplishing the seemingly impossible task. Hope seemed very skeptical about him, but earlier at the mediation meeting he’d seen signs of her thawing out. Perhaps it had been the moment he’d shown his cards and revealed he had no interest in claiming the resort.