“Olivia. We need to convene in the parlor. Asap,” Hope said in a low voice. She didn’t want to upset Ella by sounding as frantic as she felt. Ella reached up and grabbed her chin, one of her little techniques for showing Hope she wanted her undivided attention.

Olivia’s eyes widened and she held up her finger to indicate she would need a minute for her phone call.

The click of heels heralded the arrival of Fancy Tolliver Duvall, another co-owner of Savannah House. Fancy was a beautiful blonde with cornflower blue eyes. “What’s this about a meeting?” She glanced at her watch. “I have a conference call in twenty minutes.” Her face lit up when she laid eyes on Ella. All of sudden the tone of her voice changed and she began talking in baby talk with Ella.

“How’s the pretty ittiest baby in all of Georgia?” Fancy asked Ella, reaching out and tickling her under her chin. In response, Ella giggled. She definitely seemed to respond to the women of Savannah House, Fancy in particular.

“Can you go get the others?” Hope asked. “I’ll pop in the kitchen and grab Morgan. I promise you. It’s important,” Hope said.

“Okay, but only if I can bring Ella with me,” Fancy said, holding out her hands and reaching for Ella. Ella didn’t skip a beat upon being transferred into Auntie Fancy’s arms. Ella looked at Fancy as if she’d hung the moon. With a big huge grin, Fancy turned on her heels and walked off to find Callie and Charlotte. Hope chuckled as she walked toward the kitchen in pursuit of Morgan. Once she stepped into the kitchen, heavenly aromas assaulted her senses. It served as a reminder that she hadn’t eaten breakfast. Grayson Holloway’s arrival at her front door had distracted her from making scrambled eggs and oatmeal. After she’d given him the boot, Hope had been too angry to eat.

“Hey there, Hope. Surprised to see you so early,” Morgan said, looking up from stirring the bowl in front of her.

“Morning Morgan.” She closed her eyes and inhaled. “Whatever that smell is, if you bottle it up and sell it you’ll make a fortune.”

Morgan laughed, which lit up her already luminous face. With her café au lait colored skin and expressive eyes, Morgan was a lovely woman. And she knew how to cook like nobody’s business. “If I only could,” she said in a lilting tone.

“Can I steal you away for a little bit?” Hope asked.

“I’m doing some lunch prep, but I’ll make some time if it’s important.” Morgan shot her a curious look. “What’s going on? That look on your face is a bit alarming.”

Hope made a face. “We need to talk…all of us behind closed doors. Something has come up.”

Morgan turned toward Henry Marsham, her sous-chef. “Think you can handle things for a bit while I scoot out to a meeting?”

Henry nodded. “Of course I can. That’s what you pay me the big bucks for, right? To hold the fort down when I’m needed.”

“You’re the best, Henry,” Morgan said, flashing him a beautiful smile.

Henry’s cheeks turned a bit red and he quickly looked away, focusing on his prep work rather than on Morgan. Morgan pulled off her apron and placed it on the butcher block table. She walked over to the sink and washed and dried her hands.

As they walked out of the kitchen, Hope looked over at Morgan. “You better watch out. Henry has a huge crush on you. If you keep gifting him with those winning smiles he’s going to fall head over heels in love with you.”

Morgan shook her head. “He works for me. I’m his boss. He admires me, but that’s it.”

“Umm Hmm,” Hope said, her lips twitching with mirth. “You’re being a bit naïve, but I promise not to say I told you so.”

Morgan playfully jabbed Hope in the side. “You’re crazy.”

By the time they made their way toward the parlor, Charlotte, Fancy, Callie and Olivia had already beaten them there. They were all playing with baby Ella and trying to make her laugh. Hope made a point of closing the door behind her.

All eyes turned toward Hope. She felt her heart swell as Ella’s face lit up with a smile when she spotted her. The love she felt for this tiny human being always felt like a force so much bigger than anything she’d ever known. Although she wasn’t happy with the choices that had led her to conceive Ella, Hope knew she was heaven sent. God loved Ella, and he’d bestowed on Hope such a miraculous gift—one she felt grateful for each and every day. She looked over across the room at her precious bundle. One day she would have to tell Ella about her father—the man who’d helped to create her but hadn’t been more than a fraud and a liar. Hope shuddered as she thought about Ross Breck. He had made her question every single thing about herself—her intellect, her decision making, her sense of self. And worst of all, her faith.

She shook off the feeling, knowing she needed to focus on the matter at hand.

“I think everyone should sit down,” Hope said, glancing around at her five friends. She looked at Fancy who was now cuddling Ella against her chest. Hope could see Ella’s eyes drooping. She was mere moments away from falling asleep.

“I can take her off your hands,” Hope said, holding her arms open.

Fancy looked crestfallen for a moment. “I don’t mind holding her for a bit. I think she’s falling asleep.”

Hope smiled at the sight of her beautiful, blonde haired friend taking such great care of Ella. It wouldn’t be too long, Hope imagined, before Fancy and Case started a family. Clearly, Fancy was in love wi

th babies.

Everyone settled down into chairs. Hope splayed her hands on the table and swung her gaze around at the women. “This morning I had a visitor at the guest cottage. A man showed up with a bloodied foot.” She cleared her throat. “Long story short is he introduced himself as Grayson Holloway.”

Startled gasps were audible.