“I’m sorry about that, Grayson. I know it would mean the world to you if he gave you a thumbs up.”

“It’s okay,” Grayson said. “Being here in Savannah has given me some healing. For so long I wondered why my parents were so disconnected from me. I don’t know how to explain it, but hearing about Hattie and Samuel has given me a measure of understanding and peace. I come from amazing stock. Their love story was amazing but tragic. And no matter how I slice it, that trickled down to my father. It’s all one big cycle of pain and loss. No matter how intelligent he is, and despite all the books he’s written about adoption, he still can’t bridge the distance between us.”

“Grayson, healing is still possible. God can move mountains. And I know you’ve been praying about the situation. Maybe you should hear Tanner out. He seemed…worried.”

“I’ll talk to him later.” Grayson shook his head. “We are not changing our plans.” He lowered his head and placed a tender kiss on Hope’s lips. “I’ve been waiting all morning to do that.”

“I’ve been waiting all morning to have you do that,” Hope said in a teasing voice.

“Spending time with my two favorite girls is important to me.” His cheeks hurt from grinning, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. Hope made him happy. She made him feel like anything was possible. He wasn’t Grayson Holloway the wanderer anymore.

“Mama!” Ella said, leaning in so she could place herself between them.

“I think someone is jealous,” Grayson said, placing Ella down on the floor and holding her hand as she tried to take steps.

“You’re right. She thinks I’m stealing her boyfriend,” Hope said, giggling as she gazed adoringly at Ella.

“I’m flattered,” Grayson said, leaning down and placing a smooch on Ella’s cheek. His heart felt fuller than he could ever remember. He was bursting to tell Hope he was in love with her, but he knew he should tread carefully. Her ex—Ella’s father—had ripped her heart out and trampled all over it. He wanted to respect Hope in a way Ross hadn’t. And when he told he loved her, Grayson wanted to make sure that all his ducks were lined up in a row so the words weren’t just hollow. With every day that passed, Hope and Ella were imprinting themselves on his heart strings like a permanent tattoo. And he couldn’t be happier about it.


Hope couldn’t remember a more light-hearted and fun day than the one she’d just spent with Grayson and Ella. They spent a few hours at the aquarium and then headed down to the ri

verbank to watch the boats. It scared Hope a little bit how she’d felt like a family today. People had looked at them and smiled, as if admiring their little family unit. That’s what she wanted for Hope. To be part of a family with a father at the helm. And lately, she’d begun to fantasize about what it would feel like to be Grayson’s partner. His soul mate.

By early evening, Ella was pooped. She fell asleep on the ride home and didn’t wake up when they got home and Ella placed her down to sleep. “May God bless and keep you, my darling,” Hope whispered as she turned off the light and closed the door. Before she had left the room, Hope had made sure to turn the baby monitor on, as well as the night light.

Hope joined Grayson in the living room. She sat down next to him on the couch, reaching out and touching him on the knee. “Thanks for a perfect day.”

“She really fell in love with those sea turtles, didn’t see?” Grayson asked, chuckling as he placed his hands behind his head and sat back on her couch. It was nice to see him making himself comfortable at her home. She loved having him here. His larger than life presence filled the place up.

“She really did,” Hope said, smiling at the memory of Ella’s joy filled face.

“You’re a great mother, Hope,” Grayson said, reaching out and entwining his fingers with Hope’s fingers.

“I appreciate you saying so,” Hope said. “It’s not easy doing it alone. Ella’s father hasn’t been in her life at all.” She cringed. “I hate even calling him that. He hasn’t earned that title.”

“Did you love him?” Grayson asked. Their gazes locked and Hope could see the intensity blazing from his eyes.

“Yes, I did. It wasn’t a good type of love though. It wasn’t the type that makes a person strong or uplifted. His name was Ross. He lied to me. Deceived me. Nothing he told me about himself was true. He told me to get rid of Ella. I was at my lowest point in my life. I thought he was going to be my husband.” Hope shuddered. “I’m ashamed to admit all that I went through with him. I wasn’t living up to the person I wanted to be. And I wasn’t living a faith-based life. I lost sight of who I was. So I made a vow to myself that I would never lose myself in a man again.”

Grayson nodded. He clenched his teeth. “I’d like to have a few minutes alone with Ross. No real man acts like that. No real man tricks a woman with lies so she’ll be his. No real man asks a woman to get rid of his child. I hope your heart isn’t closed to love, Hope, because it’s out there for you. You just have to reach out and grab it.”

She felt a groundswell of emotion rising up inside her. Was Grayson talking about himself? “I think you’re helping me realize that, Grayson.”

“I’m happy to hear that,” he said, leaning down and placing a kiss on her lips. Hope breathed in the scent of him. He smelled woodsy and masculine. His kiss had a tenderness about it that made her feel protected and cherished. She knew Grayson wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. It was all there in the kiss. It was a promise of something more to come. She could feel it. Hope wrapped her arms around Grayson’s neck and leaned in to the kiss. She prayed Grayson could feel her heart and soul wrapped up in the embrace. She wasn’t quite ready to tell Grayson she loved him, but she hoped this kiss would tell him her heart belonged to him.

“Home is a feeling. It’s the place where you feel most comfortable in your own skin. It’s a safe haven where you feel like your best self.” Charlotte Duvall Cabron

Chapter Ten

Grayson woke up the following morning missing Hope. Last night he’d almost told her he was in love with her, but he worried it was too soon. Hope’s heart was a fragile thing indeed. He needed to tread carefully with it. At the same time, he knew he wanted a future with her. But he didn’t want to scare her off. She’d been through so much with Ella’s father.

He downed a bowl of cereal and dragged on a pair of jeans and a T shirt, then drove over to Savannah House. He walked out to the garden and watched as Hope led a group of guests in a Yoga class. Grayson stood at a distance, watching Hope in all her glory. She looked athletic and dewy eyed and beautiful.

“Hey you,” she said, walking up to greet him as the class ended.

“Hey. Looking good out there.”