Over lunch, Hope discovered that Grayson Holloway was a very charismatic man. He was one of those people who radiated like the sun. One of the most fascinating aspects of his life was his career as an author and illustrator.

“So you write children’s books?” Hope asked. “That’s really interesting work.”

“It’s the last thing I thought I’d ever be doing,” he’d said with a light shrug. “But I always wanted to draw. It was the only thing I was ever good at. For a long time, I traveled the world surfing and spending my trust fund money. That didn’t make me very happy.”

Trust fund money? “So you have a trust fund? Lucky you.”

Grayson wrinkled his nose. “It came from my grandparents. It’s a long story, but suffice it to say I had more money in my bank account than I could ever spend, but I lacked a sense of purpose.”

“I can’t say I’ve ever had that problem,” Hope quipped. “I think it’s easy to think money will solve all our problems, but obviously it doesn’t work that way.”

“No it doesn’t. Once I tapped into my creative side, a whole new world opened up for me. I tapped into the power of me. From that point on I began writing and drawing, making a name for myself in the literary world. Everything came together…book deals, the television show on the kid zone channel, best-selling books.”

“I admire you for building yourself up.”

“There’s a whole lot more to my story, so if you let me take you out on the town, all will be revealed.” He sent her an impish grin.

She took a hearty bite of her chicken, then washed it down with her drink. She cleared her throat. “I think we need to resolve some of this issues so the situation can be diffused. I’d love to tell the girls the lawsuit is being rescinded.” She looked across at Grayson, feeling hopeful the worst was over.

Grayson let out an appreciative sound as he swallowed a mouthful of food. He was taking his time in answering her, seemingly consumed by the delectable offerings on his plate. “I’d like to have your promise that I can have access to Savannah House, as well as providing me with an insight into Miss Hattie and her family. Photos, journals, oral history. I want to feel connected to my lineage. And part of that is walking in the footsteps of Miss Hattie and her folks. I have a lot of questions I want answered. And I’m hoping you can help me with that.”

Hope felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off her chest. This morning’s meeting had led to this moment of clarity. Grayson wasn’t seeking ownership of Savannah House. He was looking for information on the Alexander family. He wanted a snapshot of his family’s history. His origins. Roots were very important. For the first time she understood his position.

“That sounds fine by me, especially if you drop the suit.” Hope wasn’t leaving the table until she convinced Grayson to back off with the legalities.

“Done,” he said in a firm voice.

Hope was smiling so hard it made her cheeks ache. “We should probably have Marisol draw up some paperwork saying we’ve agreed to deal with this in an amicable fashion. She can detail the specifics.”

Grayson grinned and sat back in his chair. “So, do you like me now?”

Hope let out a cough. How did she even begin to answer Grayson’s question?

“Are you always this straightforward?” Hope asked, stalling for time.

“Pretty much,” he said. “Someone one described me as a straight shooter. I don’t think that’s a bad thing.”

“No, it’s not,” she admitted. “Grayson, you seem like a decent guy, but I honestly don’t know you well enough to know the answer to that question.”

He winked at her. “I’m hoping that’s about to change. Between my visits to Savannah House and getting to know the ins and outs of the Alexander family, we’re going to be seeing a lot of each other.”

For some reason the very thought of Grayson hanging out at Savannah House gave her a feeling of euphoria. She did like him! Even though she had no intention of telling him so. As it was, she suspected Grayson had a slightly swelled head. She didn’t want him to think he had her wrapped around his pinky finger.

This was information she needed to mull over in her head. Were her feelings toward Grayson romantic? If so, it would be surprising. After her disastrous relationship with Ross, a part of Hope had never truly believed she would find a man attractive on so many levels.

Pain stabbed her in her heart as memories of Ross washed over her with the force of a tsunami. After all this time it still haunted her. Words, phrases were still stuck in her head.

/> “Pregnant? You can’t be pregnant. I don’t want a baby.”

“I’m married. I’ve been married for six years, Hope. I’m sorry, but it’s over between us. And you should get rid of that baby.”

“I never loved you. Those were just words I threw out there in the heat of the moment.”

“Are you all right?” Grayson’s voice brought her back to the present.

She shook off the brutal memories. “I’m fine,” she said in a soft voice. It was true! And with each and every day she was healing from Ross’s cruelty and lies. She was becoming a better, more grounded woman. And those trials had strengthened her relationship with God.

The question remained though—was she ready to date again? To fall for another man? To hope for something real? She had a daughter now to protect and guide. Dating just anybody wouldn’t do. Not at all.