She closed her eyes and centered herself. The anger inside her made everything feel so complicated. She began to pray.

Dear Lord. Show me the way to forgiveness. I love Charlotte like a sister, but I’m so furious at her withholding the truth from me all this time. Grant me the serenity to place all my burdens aside and embrace my new future and a true spirit of forgiveness.

Suddenly, it dawned on her that earlier this evening she had extended her enemy grace. If she could do that for Meryl, there was no question in her heart and mind that she could forgive Charlotte. Charlotte was her dear friend, a woman who had always sought to lift her up. And how could she blame Charlotte for things she herself had chosen to do?

Fancy opened her eyes and let out a cry as she pulled Charlotte into her arms and began to whisper, “I forgive you, my friend. Of course I forgive you. I love you, Charlotte.”

Charlotte hugged her tightly and began to thank Fancy profusely for her grace. “Thank you, Fancy. You can’t imagine what a huge weight you’ve just lifted off me.”

“You lifted it off of yourself,” Fancy said in a low voice. “You were open and honest with me, when in reality you could have sat on this for the rest of our lives. You gave me closure. Now I can truly move forward.”

“And I’m so thrilled that the two of you are moving forward together,” Charlotte gushed as she wiped tears from her cheeks.

Case stood by and watched, his eyes misty as the spirit of forgiveness floated in the air.

“I’m going to give the two of you some privacy,” Charlotte said, sniffling as she left the room.

Once Charlotte had left the room, Case quickly came to Fancy’s side.

“I knew you were a wonderful woman, but I’m a little stunned at how quickly you forgave Charlotte


“How could I not forgive her when the relationship we’re building is based on forgiveness?” Fancy asked. “You’ve taught me more about grace and forgiveness than anyone else in my life.”

“I think we’ve both shown each other that, in the end, love is the answer,” Case said, his voice raspy with emotion.

“I agree. If you follow God’s command and lead with love, you’ll never be disappointed in your choices.”

“That’s what I intend to do,” he said, placing a tender kiss on her lips. “Lead with love. Especially when it comes to my amazing girlfriend.”

Fancy let out a squeal. “Girlfriend. Oh, I just love being your girlfriend, Case Duvall.”

He leaned down and placed his forehead against hers, then gazed deeply into her eyes. “At this rate, you won’t be my girlfriend for long. I’m planning on making you something infinitely more permanent.”

“Oh, Case. Right here, right now I’m already happier than any girl has a right to be. I love you.”

“I love you, too,” he whispered.

Fancy caressed his cheek, then planted a scorching kiss on him that celebrated how far they had come in such a short time. The past had taught them that love was stronger than any other force known to man. With God on their side and love deeply embedded in their hearts, they knew that the future was destined to be filled with an abundance of joy.

“When you love someone with all your heart, all you want to do is make them your forever.” Hattie Alexander


Fancy navigated her car along the winding road leading to Savannah House. Her headlights illuminated the pink and cream sign announcing the resort. Fancy had commissioned a new sign for the inn. This one fit perfectly with the vibe of the new and improved inn. Savannah House was one week away from opening up its doors. There was still so very much to do in order to get things ready for their launch. And now a crisis had brought her to Savannah House out of the clear blue sky. She prayed it wasn’t anything major that would disrupt their plans.

The house was in complete darkness, with the exception of a light softly glowing in the library window. What in the world? Were the ladies trying to save on energy costs?Had the power gone out?

Fancy let herself into the house. The heavenly aroma of food wafted in the air. Candles sat on the hall table. Perhaps her hunch about the power had been right.

“Hey! Is anybody here? Olivia. Charlotte. Morgan,” she called out.

The sound of footsteps on the hardwood floors alerted her to someone’s presence. A tall figure walked toward her down the hall. Her heart pounded with slight fear. It was a masculine stride. As soon as he came closer, she realized it was Case. Although he wasn’t wearing a business suit, he looked gorgeous in a tan pair of slacks and a button down shirt. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and his hair appeared to be a bit disheveled. Not that it made him look any less handsome, Fancy thought with a sigh. He always made her heart skip a beat.

“Case! What’s going on? What are you doing here?” she asked. “Where are the girls?”

“They’re gone,” he said, flashing her a devilish grin.