He reached out and palmed her cheek. “I do trust you. And I don’t believe for a second that there’s anything going on between you and Marc. It’s just strange that these rumors suddenly went into overdrive.”

“I don’t know why or how these so-called rumors started,” Fancy said, “but considering I just saw Marc this morning, something tells me it has nothing to do with Marc and I running into each other at the market. You said the gossip has been swirling around for days.”

“So you think someone is deliberately spreading poison out there?”

Fancy nodded. “Yes, I do. Problem is, I can’t think of anyone who actually dislikes me enough to do this.”

Suddenly, it felt as if a light went on in Case’s mind. Meryl! She had been venomous toward Fancy a few weeks ago. Case had seen the hatred blazing in her eyes. She was jealous and petty. Then she’d seemed totally out of sorts the night of the Savannah House party. Showing up uninvited had been inappropriate and out of bounds. Her behavior had seemed slightly unhinged.

“Meryl. I think it might have been Meryl.” Case didn’t bother mincing words. Not being honest wasn’t an option. It had cost them both too dearly in the past.

Fancy gasped. “Meryl! No! She wouldn’t.”

“Wouldn’t she though?” Case asked. He knew without a shadow of a doubt that Meryl was fully capable of such duplicity.

Fancy shook her head. “Yes. You’re right. She would. If anyone would be malicious and nasty, it would be Meryl. She’s had it out for me since we were kids. And now that you’ve stopped seeing her, she’s probably as bitter as can be.”

Case reached for her hand and pulled her toward him. He looked deeply into her azure colored eyes. “There wasn’t anything between Meryl and I, Fancy. It was just a few dates. Nothing more.”

She let out a breath. “I’m happy to hear you say that. The thought of you being with Meryl gave me a few jealous moments,” she admitted.

He reached out and tilted her chin upward. “Fancy, don’t you know that I’m a one-woman man? You’re the only woman I’ve ever loved. And even though I’ve been telling myself to take things slowly with you this time around, I can’t stop myself from telling you something. I love you, Fancy. I never stopped loving you.”

“I’ve prayed about you saying those three little words to me, Case. So many times I’ve told myself that it wasn’t ever going to happen again.” She looked down for a moment before lifting her head up and locking gazes with him. “I love you too. And I always have. Even when I tried to stop loving you, I couldn’t. And I can’t help but think that God led me right back to Savannah because He knew we still loved each other.”

Case lowered his head and placed a kiss on Fancy’s lips. He rained kisses on her forehead and cheeks. “I think everyone pretty much knew,” he said with a chuckle. “Charlotte tells me every day that we belong together. And she’s right. No more wasting time. No more wallowing in the past.”

“I want to be with you,” Fancy said. “More than anything I’ve ever wanted.”

Case held her face between his palms. “I want to be with you too, Fancy. And I want to tell the whole world that we’re back together. Starting with my parents.”

“Do you think that’s a good idea?” Fancy frowned and bit her lip. “Your parents don’t view me the same way they used to.”

“Don’t worry about that. They love you. They were just upset about the fallout from two years ago. Once they see how in love we are again, all will be forgiven…and forgotten.”

Tears welled up in her eyes. “I can’t believe this is happening. I’m afraid if you pinch me, I’ll wake up from this glorious dream.”

“I’ll pinch you,” Case teased. “But I promise you, this is all real. You’re not dreaming.”

“Oh, but it is a dream. A dream come true,” Fancy whispered, standing on her tippy toes to place a celebratory kiss on Case’s lips. He wrapped his arms around her, wishing this precious moment in time could last forever.

“There are always going to be people who want to talk us down or make us feel unworthy. Standing up against them is a huge step in moving away from the past.” Hope Matthews

Chapter Nine

Ever since finding out that she was once again the topic of Savannah gossip, Fancy knew that this time around she wasn’t going to sit back and take it lightly. A person’s good name was more important than anything in this world. She wasn’t going to allow Meryl to drag her through the mud again.

At three o’clock Fancy showed up at the real estate office that Meryl worked at in the historic district of Savannah. Fancy parked her car outside of the small white Victorian on the tree-lined street. She took a fortifying breath as she pushed her way past the ornate mahogany door with the stained glass window. The smell of chocolate chip cookies hung in the air. Fancy wanted to laugh. It was an old trick that realtors used when they were trying to sell houses. Perhaps Meryl wanted her clients to have positive vibes about her, hence the chocolate chip cookie smell wafting in the air.

The sound of clicking heels on the hardwood floor prepared Fancy for Meryl’s approach. “Hello. Welcome to Snyder Realty. How can I help you?”

When Fancy whirled around to face Meryl, she immediately saw the shock on the other woman’s face. Meryl quickly recovered, replacing her surprised expression with one of calm reserve.

“Fancy. What brings you here today? Are you looking for a condo or a townhouse? I did hear through the grapevine that you’re living at home at the moment.” Fancy’s smile was plastic. There was a look of contempt behind the ruby red lips and the phony greeting.

Fancy had no intention of indulging in pleasantries. “I know you’re the one spreading the fake rumors about Marc and I. Those stories you’re circulating are baseless.” Fancy made a tutting sound. “Shame on you, Meryl.”

Meryl’s eyes began to furiously blink. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, although I have heard the scuttlebutt.” She held up two fingers and m