June’s eyes swept over the parlor. She wrinkled her nose. “The only thing I don’t like is the color of that rug.” She shook her head. Her blonde curls bounced with the movement. “It doesn’t look high-end.”

Fancy wanted to groan out loud. “Mama, that rug was purchased at an estate sale from one of the doyennes of Savannah society. It’s valued at an obscene amount of money and I managed to finagle an incredible price for it. It’s perfect for this room.” Heat rose to her cheeks. Why did her mother always want to argue over every little thing? It was as if she had searched for something to nit-pick about.

Her father wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to his side. “I agree with you wholeheartedly, darling. It’s very elegant, just like you are.”

He pressed a kiss against her forehead. Her mother scowled at the two of them. Her cheeks reddened. “I shouldn’t be surprised that the two of you are ganging up on me. Business as usual,” she snapped. “Two peas in a pod.”

Fancy felt mortified. She could see a few people turning toward them at the sound of her mother’s slightly raised voice. Why did her mother have to spoil this magical evening?

“Mama, calm it down,” she hissed, feeling her cheeks reddening.

“June, don’t start,” her father said, his tone full of warning.

All of a sudden, Case appeared at her mother’s side. “June,” he said in his most charming voice. “You look lovely this evening. If I said it once, I’ve said it a million times. You could pass for Fancy’s sister.”

“Case!” June let out a little squeal of excitement. Her mother reached out and hugged him with gusto. Her angry expression disappeared, replaced with a sweet smile.

“You are too kind,” June gushed, patting Case on the cheek. She gazed up at him lovingly.

It was amazing, Fancy thought. Her mother had always thought that Case hung the moon. She’d always been his biggest fan, so much so that she’d been devastated when their engagement had ended. Now she was eating up his compliments with a fork and spoon.

Case swung his gaze toward her and winked. She felt grateful for his intervention. June Tolliver was unpredictable at best. And given the fact that she had probably indulged in a few glasses of champagne, Fancy felt very thankful that Case had noticed the situation escalating and decided to work his massive charm on Mama. Fancy mouthed the words “thank you” to Case when her mother wasn’t looking. He nodded at her and smiled in response.

Case gestured around the room. “Isn’t it magnificent? You should be very proud of your daughter.”

“Of course I am,” June crowed. “Barrett and I have always known that Fancy is a woman of many talents. She is my daughter after all.”

Case threw back his head and chuckled. Her father patted her mother indulgently on the shoulder. Fancy wanted to sputter with laughter. Was her mother serious? Mama had always told her that she didn’t possess any talents other than her beauty. She shook her head in disbelief. Some instinct told her that if Savannah House was a huge, smashing success, her mother would try and take credit for that as well.

What did it matter anyway? Tonight had shown her that she was appreciated and respected for her flair for interior design. That, combined with the kiss she’d shared with Case, had made tonight a stellar evening. One she wouldn’t forget for as long as she lived.

Even Mama’s antics couldn’t derail this perfect night. It had turned out to be far more spectacular than she’d ever dared to dream. And all of the hoopla was leading to the grand finale: the opening of Savannah House.

She watched as her parents greeted old friends and began reminiscing with them about the history of Savannah House. It gave Fancy an opportunity to chat privately with Case.

She turned toward him, her heart full of gratitude. “I can’t thank you enough for rescuing the evening for me,” Fancy said. “You came along at the perfect moment.”

Case grinned, displaying his perfect, pearly teeth. His blue eyes twinkled. “No thanks necessary. You know June and I get along like a house on fire,” Case teased. “I think it’s safe to say that she likes me.”

Fancy laughed out loud. “Likes you? I’m her flesh and blood and I’m fairly certain she likes you better than she likes me.”

“Come on, Fancy. She loves you. Surely you can see that, right?” Case asked, his gaze focused on her with intensity. “Despite her gruffness, she adores you.”

Although she’d been kidding, it had a ring of truth to it. It resonated all the way to her core. She shifted from one foot to the other. Case’s question was one that she’d been asking herself for her entire life. Did Mama love her? Unconditionally? Wholeheartedly?

“I-I honestly don’t know,” she said with a sigh. “She’s never happy with me or anything I do. Even Savannah House. Right before you walked up she was beginning to launch into a bunch of criticisms about the decor.” Fancy shrugged. “It used to bother me a lot when I was a kid, but I’m an adult now. I have to put away my childish need for validation.”

“That’s not childish! Everyone wants their parents to love them. That’s not reserved for children, Fancy. I care way more than I should about my father’s approval.” He quirked his mouth. Fancy knew that Case and his father had a loving bond, yet they’d butted heads over many issues pertaining to the family business, as well as his engagement to her. Fancy tried to shrug off the sad feeling that crept over her when she thought about how much she missed being a part of the Duvall’s inner circle. Before everything had blown up in her face, Lincoln and Barbara had treated her like an honorary daughter. She’d disappointed and alienated so many people with her foolish decisions.

Case studied her. “And I can see straight through you. I think you care way more about your mother’s approval than you’re letting on,” Case said in a gentle voice.

Of course he saw through her, straight down to her very soul. He’d always had that keen ability. It was one of the reasons she’d fallen madly in love with him.

“I just don’t want to keep wanting something that might never happen. I don’t think it’s in her nature to be supportive or full of praise.”

Kindness radiated from Case’s eyes. “Maybe you should have a heart-to-heart with her. Get it all out in the open.”

“Maybe,” Fancy conceded. “It couldn’t hurt, I guess.” For the life of her, Fancy couldn’t imagine having a heart-to-heart with her mother. It had never happened in her whole twenty-eight years of life. June Tolliver wasn’t the warm and fuzzy type. Fancy couldn’t remember the last time her mother had told her that she loved her. That knowledge hurt her more than she could ever express in words. Her father, on the other hand, always showered her with affection and affirmation. Perhaps that would have to be enough.