Case frowned. He could see the tell-tale signs of stress on his cousin’s face. “Now what?”

“Dad is pressuring me about asking Violet to marry me. And he had the nerve to order me to announce it tonight.” Luke’s jaw trembled. His fists were clenched at his side.

Case let out a low whistle. “Seriously? I had no idea you guys were close to marriage.”

“We’re not,” Luke said tersely. “I don’t love her. She’s a fine woman in her own right. But Dad’s agenda is crystal clear. Violet’s family is extremely wealthy. And her roots here in Savannah are firmly planted. He wants us to merge like a business, which is sickening to me.”

“I thought he’d learned something from what went down with Callie and your parents,” Case said.

“One would think so,” Luke drawled, a look of disgust imprinted on his face.

Luke and Callie’s parents, Lionel and Davinia Duvall, had been responsible for allowing Callie—their adopted daughter—to believe that her biological brother, Mac Donahue, had died in childhood. In reality, Mac had been in the foster care system until he was adopted by a loving family in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Callie had been estranged from both of her parents after reuniting with Mac. It had only been recently that Callie had chosen the path of forgiveness with her parents.

“Is it possible that love will grow between you?” Case asked. Although he thought it was ridiculous to arrange a marriage between Luke and Violet for mercenary reasons, he knew all too well that some marriages grew into love.

Luke let out an agonized groan. “I’m not in a position to fall in love with anyone when I’m already in love with someone else.” Luke’s gaze swung toward the area where Fancy stood with her five closest friends. Case watched as Morgan’s eyes met Luke’s across the room. There was no mistaking the connection between them. It hummed and pulsed in the air. Case almost felt like an intruder.

Morgan darted her eyes in his direction. A stunned look crept over her features. Upon realizing that he’d witnessed the loaded glance they had shared, Morgan turned away. Luke let out a frustrated sigh. A person would have to be blind not to notice the romantic tension between them.

“Hey. What’s going on between you and Morgan?” he asked.

Luke, his eyes still trained on Morgan like a beacon, let out a strangled sound. “Leave it alone, Case. Some things are better left unsaid.”

Luke turned towards the entryway and made a quick path toward the hall. His movements were full of frustration and anger, as well as a degree of sadness that broke Case’s heart for his cousin.

Case let out a huff of air. He hadn’t been aware that all of this angst and emotion had been brewing under the surface. Luke had major feelings for Morgan, and judging by the look on her face, she reciprocated his cousin’s feelings. But for many years now there had been an expectation that Luke would marry Violet. The situation had all the potential of a powder keg ready to explode.

A marriage between Luke and the heiress to Foxworth Ironworks would be advantageous to the Duvall family, but it sounded like something out of another era. In his opinion, love was the only basis for a marriage. And if Luke loved another woman, then it would be a tragedy for him to sacrifice that love for a marriage based on a business merger.

He stared back toward the front of the room where Fancy stood, basking in the glow of her success. She was totally unaware of the drama between Luke and Morgan. Case was glad about that fact. Fancy deserved to shine, and he knew she would be working overtime to try and fix whatever was broken between Morgan and Luke.

Although he was tempted to go after Luke, he knew that if his cousin wanted to talk to him about the situation he wouldn’t have left the room in such a state. Curiosity tugged at him. Luke had sounded so passionate and firm about loving this woman who he suspected to be Morgan. Did she know Luke loved her? And was his hunch correct about Morgan loving Luke in return? And if so, was she willing to fight for his love against the machinations of Lincoln Duvall and his almighty empire?

Lord, please watch over Luke. He’s a good man. He deserves a future filled with love and not obligation. Love is hard enough to find, and if you’re very fortunate, to hold onto for a lifetime. Let Luke be able to embrace love. And if Morgan owns his heart, let them find their happy ending.

Embrace love. Why was it so easy for him to ask for things for Luke rather than his own self? Here he was, still pining after Fancy, but unable to allow himself to open himself up to the possibilities. Because she’d hurt him and he didn’t want to open himself up again to that crushing pain. Hadn’t Marc opened a door for him by confirming that he’d made things appear worse than they had actually been? Didn’t he have to assume some responsibility for allowing things to get so out of hand? Everything had unraveled so quickly. Pride and jealousy had consumed him, sweeping him away to a place that wouldn’t allow him to see clearly. He hadn’t been able to push past his own ego and wounded heart.

The verse from Song of Solomon nagged at him. “Set me as a seal upon your heart, upon your arm, for love is as strong as death, jealousy is as fierce as the grave.”

Fancy was sealed upon his heart. He’d been righteous and unforgiving and implacable. Fancy had clearly been in the wrong, but he’d been unyielding. Unable to forgive. And what had it gotten him but heartache? Pain. Loss. Loneliness. He was in the same exact boat as his cousin.

His heart ached as he watched Fancy in all her glory. He would be standing right beside her as her husband if things hadn’t gone so terribly wrong. If he hadn’t been so steeped in his righteous anger.

It’s not too late. A little voice buzzed in his ear. There’s still time to make things right. Or at least try. Otherwise, you’re going to regret it for the rest of your days.

For the first time in a long time, Case decided to lead with his heart. He prayed it wasn’t too late.


Fancy couldn’t remember a time when she’d ever felt more alive and vibrant. She felt as if she was glowing like the moon. This evening had been a triumph. She’d received endless compliments about her interior design work at Savannah House. For the first time in her life she felt accomplished. Modeling hadn’t ever given her this thrill. Not one single time. She knew it was because she’d used her creativity in redecorating Savannah House rather than her looks. Although she’d never believed herself to be in possession of any talents, that wasn’t true. She was gifted in this one area. Mama had been wrong. She was smart. And savvy. And she had a very keen sense of fabric and furniture and colors. And although most might not agree, for Fancy it was an earth shattering revelation. For the first time in her life she felt proud of herself.

“Darling, we’re so proud of you,” her father gushed as he quickly ate up the space between them. He enveloped her in his arms, practically crushing her against his chest in the process. Fancy didn’t care. It always felt so nice to be held in Daddy’s big, loving arms. She felt safe and protected there. And surrounded by his unconditional love.

“This place looks great, Fancy,” her mother said with a nod. June Tolliver was looking around with assessing eyes and soaking everything in. Fancy braced fo

r something negative to come hurtling out of her mother’s mouth. Although she loved her mother dearly, she knew that it was only a matter of time before she found flaws with Savannah House. And her.

“Thanks, Mama,” she said, sharing a loaded glance with her father. In return, Barrett Tolliver rolled his eyes, as if he too feared his wife might veer in a negative direction. They were used to it, after a lifetime of dealing with it.