Had Case truly forgiven her? Was it possible that they could go back to their former relationship? She knew that might never be possible. How could they ever put the shattered pieces of their relationship back together again?

It was crazy for her to allow herself to dream that dream. Sometimes a kiss was just a kiss.

“I think we should go back inside. You’ve worked incredibly hard for this moment. It’s time to take your bow.” Case held out his elbow and she looped hers through it. She raised the hem of her dress so it wouldn’t get stained by the garden residue. She wasn’t sure how long this moment would last between she and Case, but she now knew what it felt like to have a true Cinderella moment. Just a little while ago she had been down in the dumps and broken. Like a true Prince Charming, Case had come to find her in the gardens and given her the best gift possible.

For the first time in two years, a kernel of hope blossomed inside her. And even though she knew that it was a long shot, she was a big believer in the power of prayer. For so long she had prayed for a crack in Case’s armor. And now, tonight, he had not only continued to offer her an olive branch, but he had kissed her. And it hadn’t been a pity kiss either, she thought triumphantly.

The kiss had been sheer perfection, filled with emotion and romance and tenderness.

And she knew without a shadow of a doubt that when she laid her head down for slumber this evening, she would dream about kissing Case.

“Some people shine like the sun. It’s noticeable when you’re in their orbit, because suddenly you feel a lot brighter when you’re around them.” Olivia Renault Rawlings

Chapter Six

Case stood to the side of the room and watched as Fancy, Callie, Olivia, Hope, Morgan and Charlotte gathered together to make their speech in the jam-packed living room. It was a wonderful sign, he realized, that so many invited guests had turned out tonight. The party sizzled with energy. Excitement buzzed in the air. The chatter tonight was all about how Savannah House was going to be in high demand with clients. Some were predicting that it would serve as a popular honeymoon or wedding ceremony location. Everyone agreed that it would be an amazing getaway spot.

It was clear to him that if the girls could keep up the enthusiasm, diligence and their own devotion to Savannah House, it would be a smashing success. He predicted that they would be booked solid for months and months in advance.

Running an inn was no small feat. Although he knew these women were up to the task, it wasn’t going to be a journey free of bumps and bruises along the way. They would need one another to make things run as smoothly as possible.

“Welcome everyone to Savannah House. It’s our supreme pleasure to have such a large group of supporters here tonight,” Callie began. She gestured around the room with her arms. “Do you love what we’ve done to the place?”

Everyone began whistling and applauding. Fancy was beaming as if a flashlight was lighting her up from the inside.

“Please make sure you have a glass in your hand. Champagne and sparkling cider are being circulated by the men in the gorgeous white tuxes,” Callie instructed, flashing a wide grin at the audience.

Olivia moved forward and began speaking. “In renovating Savannah House in preparation for its relaunch, we have been blessed in the renewal of our friendships and the strengthening of the bonds that Miss Hattie surely knew we had established. This has been a true labor of love for the six of us.”

“While we’re celebrating the relaunch of Savannah House and welcoming you all to make reservations for a stay here, we would be remiss if we didn’t mention our mentor, Miss Hattie Alexander.” Fancy paused for a moment. Case could tell her emotions were getting the best of her. And she wasn’t the only one either. Charlotte was dabbing at her eyes. Olivia blinked back tears.

“Miss Hattie was an amazing woman,” Fancy continued. “When we were young girls she put us to work here at Savannah House and showed us what it meant to work hard toward a goal. She pointed us in the direction of our futures by believing in our potential and teaching us life lessons that we carry around with us each and every day. Because of her, the six of us stand here this evening as co-owners of this amazing, fantastic resort.”

Charlotte linked arms with Fancy. “And we cannot wait to see the dawning of a new age for Savannah House. We have so many things up our sleeves for the coming weeks and months.”

Hope stepped forward. “We pledge that we will carry on Miss Hattie’s legacy and make her proud of our efforts. Without her, none of this would have been possible.”

Morgan raised a champagne glass high in the air. “To Miss Hattie. And Savannah House. And to all of you, for your support and love.”

Everyone raised a glass in the air as the room exploded in cheers and celebratory shouts. Case thought his chest might explode with pride. He looked over at his parents, who were beaming with happiness. It was nice to see them so joyful and engaged. His father, Lincoln, was usually so consumed by the Duvall family business that he couldn’t see straight. Perhaps he was learning to lighten up a bit and enjoy his private time. Unlike Uncle Lionel—Callie and Luke’s father—who seemed to want to live, breathe and eat Duvall Corporation. Case noticed Luke standing by the entryway with an uneasy look etched on his handsome features.

Hmm. Case wondered what was going on with Luke? He wasn’t standing by Violet, who was in the front of the room, seemingly enjoying every moment of the celebration.

On a hunch, Case made his way to the back of

the room. He planted himself next to his cousin.

He leaned in to talk in Luke’s ear. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “You seem wound up tonight.”

Luke scowled at him. “I didn’t say anything was wrong,” he snapped. “Why does everyone keep asking me that?”

Case smirked at him. “Probably because you’re walking around here as if you’ve lost your best friend and your dog died. Again…what’s up?”

“I don’t want to be here tonight, okay,” Luke acknowledged. He fidgeted with his bow tie with jerky fingers.

“Why not? Callie and Charlotte have worked hard for this acknowledgment. Not to mention the other girls.”

“I know that,” he said with a sigh. “I just can’t take being run over by the Duvall machine anymore. I’m being pushed around at work to do Duvall family business and now—”