“The place looks lovely,” Meryl cooed. “Amazing what a fresh can of paint will do.”

Fancy shook her head, her expression reflecting her supreme displeasure.

Case sent Fancy an apologetic glance. Fancy’s eyes radiated irritation, not only with Meryl but with himself as well. Stuffing down a feeling of irritation, Case led Meryl away from Fancy and toward the main hallway.

“What are you doing here?” he spit out, not failing to mask his anger.

“I thought I’d surprise you,” Meryl said, flashing him a grin.

“You surprised me all right. But not in a good way,” he snapped.

Her face fell, then crinkled into a mask of despair. “Oh, Case,” she cried. “I never imagined that you wouldn’t want me here.” She raised a hand to her throat as a look of devastation passed over her face.

“Meryl. This is an invite-only reception. You’re not friends with Fancy or Charlotte or any of the girls. Why would you show up here uninvited and unannounced?”

She stared at him blankly. “Because I’m your girlfriend.”

Case held up his hands. “Whoa. Meryl. We’re not in a relationship. We went out on a few dates. That’s all. I’m not looking for a relationship. I told you that in the gentlest of ways.” He shook his head, overwhelmed by a feeling of astonishment. Hadn’t Meryl picked up on any of his cues? He made a deliberate attempt to make his voice sound more gentle. “I don’t want to hurt you, but I think we’re better off as friends.”

“This is because of her, isn’t it?” she asked, jutting her chin in the direction of the alcove.

“Lower your voice, Meryl,” Case said in an insistent voice. “People are staring. And I won’t have you busting in here and ruining the evening for these ladies. They’ve worked way too hard to not fully enjoy the festivities.”

“This is all for her, isn’t it?” she sobbed. “All for Fancy. That’s why you’re breaking up with me. That’s why you don’t want me here, isn’t it?”Meryl’s features twisted. Her voice was shrill. “I can’t believe after everything she put you through in the past that you’re still sniffing around her as if she’s the prize flower in the garden.”

“Lower your voice to a dull roar,” he said in a sharp tone. Charlotte stood off in the distance staring at Meryl with a disbelieving look. She sent him a look that spoke volumes. His sister couldn’t understand why he was here at the event with Meryl.

He nodded back at his sister, letting her know he could handle the situation.

As guests began to stare and whisper, Case gently took Meryl by the arm and led her outside.

“I think you should go home, Meryl. This isn’t the right place for you to be tonight.” He studied her features. They were creased with strain and anger. Something felt very off about Meryl this evening. He couldn’t believe she was acting this way.

“So you just want to get rid of me, is that it?” she asked, sounding like a petulant child.

He shook his head. Tonight was about celebrating Savannah House. He didn’t want to spend another moment going round and round with Meryl. It wasn’t going anywhere. She was sounding like a broken record.

“You don’t seem well tonight. Let me take you home,” Case suggested.

“No!” she cried out. “I can make it home on my own.”

“I don’t think you’re in any state to drive,” Case said, feeling worried about Meryl driving in her out of control state. He reached for Meryl’s hand, wanting to make sure that she was safe this evening.

“As if you care,” Meryl snapped as she pushed him away and stalked off toward the valets.

Case stood and watched from a distance as her car was brought around. Meryl got into the driver’s seat and roared off into the velvety night. Case shook his head in disbelief. How could his judgment have been so off about Meryl? She was a bitter and angry woman, who seemed to have an axe to grind against Fancy. And she had delusions of grandeur about their relationship.

He felt a sudden burst of anger at himself. Ever since he’d ended things with Fancy there had been huge lapses of judgment—both in business and with his personal life.

It felt as if he couldn’t see straight anymore. And it worried him about the choices he’d made—major decisions that had deep ripples in his present-day life. How could he have been so convinced that Fancy was no longer the woman for him? Had he made the most colossal mistake in his life by ending his engagement to Fancy? She’d made errors in judgment with Marc, but had that really been enough to cast her out of his life?

He raised a hand to his chest as a piercing sensation had him in its grip. For the first time in two years he felt that he was seeing things clearly. And he didn’t like what he was seeing. Pride had blinded him for a very long time. And now, he was beginning to feel the ramifications of his rash and prideful choices. And it made his heart ache as it never had before.


Fancy held it in for as long as she could. The moment Meryl had shown up, her insides had been bristling with embarrassment and vast disappointment. Her ex-fiancé had invited another woman—her childhood nemesis, no less—to her big night in celebration of the relaunch of Savannah House. She felt her cheeks burning, but she had no clue as to whether it was from shame or anger. Or maybe hurt. All she knew for certain was that something was bubbling up inside her and threatening to spill over.

If she was ten years younger she might stamp her foot in frustration. At her age it wouldn’t be a good look, especially on her special evening.