“Oh, that’s a relief,” Meryl said. “I want tonight to be special for both of us.”

Suddenly, Case realized that he wasn’t being fair to her. What Meryl wanted from him was shimmering in her eyes. This was a casual date for him, but for Meryl it was the sun, moon and the stars. It radiated from her eyes. He’d been hurt by love, and although he doubted whether Meryl’s feelings rose to that level, he still didn’t want to do anything to wound her.

“We’re just having fun, right?” he said casually. “Two friends enjoying a night out.”

Meryl’s lips trembled. “Of course we are,” she said, voice quivering. “And if something more develops, we should both be open to it, right?”

“I’m not really ready for anything serious,” Case explained. “I’m still getting over my last relationship.”

Meryl’s features hardened. “Of course you’re not. And I perfectly understand after what Francine put you through.” She let out a hissing sound. “Imagine her cheating on you like a common tramp.”

Fury surged through him at the tone and language of Meryl’s accusation. “Meryl! That’s not true. And don’t ever use that language about Fancy ever again. She doesn’t deserve that!”

Meryl’s expression appeared wounded. She raised a hand to her throat. “That’s what I heard!”

“Not everything we hear when we lower our ears to the ground is true. Did Fancy disappoint me? Yes. But in a million years I would never stoop to calling her names,” he said in a fierce voice. “And I’m surprised you would go there, Meryl.”

“I-I’m sorry,” Meryl said. “It’s just that she’s always gotten everything she’s ever wanted just because she’s blonde and beautiful. It’s not fair. And the way she pranced off to New York to become a model after all the pain she caused you.” Meryl shuddered. “She always comes away smelling like a rose. It just makes me sick.”

“Meryl, no one has a perfect life. Not even Fancy. I’m sure it seems so from the outside looking in, but she has her troubles just like the rest of us,” he explained in a voice way more gentle than he felt on the inside. He hated the offensive, hateful word Meryl had uttered. And he knew in this very moment he would never take Meryl out again. She had just proved that she had a cruel heart. Although he still had lingering animosity toward Fancy, Meryl had crossed a serious line by name calling.

Meryl wrinkled up her nose. He watched as she struggled to compose herself. All of a sudden the real woman was coming out from behind the shadows. And she was struggling to get her act together so he wouldn’t see the cracks in her foundation. Too late, he wanted to say. He’d already seen Meryl’s hatred for Fancy and it wasn’t a pretty thing. It made him feel sick to his stomach.

“I’ll pray for her,” Meryl said, her face expressionless.

Case frowned at her. The tone of her voice wasn’t sincere. It sent a chill straight through him. He felt certain that Meryl didn’t have a single prayer to offer up for Fancy. She was simply offering up platitudes.

“It’s getting late. I’ve got an early meeting at Duvall in the morning. Why don’t I see you home?”

Meryl’s face fell and she swung her mouth open as if she might protest. He stood up and placed cash down on the table, then reached for Meryl’s arm. As they walked out of the supper club and onto River Street, Case couldn’t help but think of a much happier evening in this very place when he’d been on the cusp of a new life with Fancy. Those hopes had turned to dust. Yet he still believed with all his heart that his soulmate was out there somewhere. Now if he could just convince his heart that it wasn’t Fancy Tolliver.


“Can I talk to you for a moment?” Although Case tossed the words out casually, there was nothing casual about the impact of his statement on Fancy. Her heart immediately began to thunder loudly in her ears. She opened her mouth to say something, but not a single sound emerged. All she could do was nod like an idiot.

“Why don’t we step outside for some privacy?” he suggested, darting a glance at the other ladies of Savannah House. Although the five women were trying to appear disinterested, their faces were dead giveaways. They all wanted to know what she and Case were discussing. She felt their eyes trained on the two of them like laser beams.

“Sure thing. Let me just grab my sweater and I’ll meet you outside,” Fancy said, keeping her voice even. It wasn’t necessary for Case to realize that his mere presence made her feel like a high school girl on her first date. She walked back into the library and grabbed her navy-colored quilted jacket from the love seat.

Morgan raised an eyebrow. “Going somewhere?”

Five pairs of eyes were focused on her without apology.

Fancy shrugged into her sweater, then folded her arms across her chest and regarded them.

“Seriously? Is this an inquisition?” she asked in a

clipped tone.

“Nope,” Callie said in a light voice. “We were just about to go back to minding our business.”

Chuckles erupted from the group. With a shake of her head, Fancy left the library and headed outside. As soon as she pushed the door open, sunlight slanted down on her from a cornflower blue sky. The weather had warmed up considerably. It had been overcast and rainy earlier. She draped the sweater over her shoulders and strode over to where Case was standing by the driveway.

“What’s up?” she asked as soon as she reached his side.

He met her gaze, his eyes flickering with intensity. Uh oh. Something told her that this wasn’t going to be good news.

“Did you know Marc Cabron was back in town?”