After retrieving his things from the library, Case quickly moved toward the front door. He swung his gaze toward Fancy. She was still standing at the bottom of the spiral staircase, her gaze trained on him. He didn’t know whether he was imagining it or not, but Fancy’s eyes were filled with an expression that looked a lot like longing.


Once again, it seemed as if Case was walking away from her. She couldn’t even pretend anymore that it didn’t hurt like crazy. She sucked in a deep breath. Focus on the future. On Savannah House. Make new dreams that don’t involve your ex-fiancé.

“I guess we didn’t help anything, did we?” Hope asked, her expression contrite.

“Umm, no,” Fancy snapped. “Didn’t you see Case’s face? It looked like a thunder cloud. He was not amused in the slightest bit.”

Callie made a face. “I feel badly about it now. It seemed like such a good idea when we were hatching the plot.”

Olivia looked at Callie and shook her head. “I told you it wasn’t a good idea, but no one wanted to listen to common sense.”

“Did the two of you manage to talk at all?” Morgan asked.

“Yes, we did talk,” Fancy admitted. “But it solved nothing. It didn’t help. Not a single bit. For your information, Case hates me just as much—if not more—than he ever did. So thank you for that humiliating exercise in futility.”

“We’re sorry, Fancy,” Charlotte said. “We just feel so powerless to help you.”

Fancy glared at her best friends. “Listen very carefully. The next time you want to help me, don’t hatch a plot that ends up making me look like a complete and utter fool. Just stay out of it!”

Fancy glared at her five friends. She knew from their expressions that they were apologetic, but it really had been humiliating. Case had insinuated that she was a part of the scheme. And even though she had vehemently denied it, there was no telling what Case chose to believe. His current attitude toward her seemed to be skeptical at best.

Olivia placed her arm around her. “Don’t walk away from us angry. Morgan made a nice lunch for us all. When it comes right down to it, we’ve agreed to be friends for life. Regardless of bumps in the road, we’re going to stick together and present a united front. Let’s go sit down for lunch.”

Suddenly, all of Fancy’s anger faded away. What good did it do to hold on to her fury? The past had shown her that it did nothing other than eat a person up inside. It created division and separation and a world of loneliness. She had no intention of going back down that road. These women were her forever friends, and she knew that their presence in her life made her world richer—and better. She was a stronger, more enriched woman for having known them.

“Lunch sounds divine,” Fancy said, gifting Olivia with a huge smile.

Morgan looped her arm through hers and began leading the group toward the dining room. Every time she entered this room Fancy wanted to shout out loud with a chorus of Hallelujahs. This room had always been beautiful, but over the years it had lost a little bit of its shine. After redecorating and painting the walls a lovely shade of robin’s egg blue, the dining room now had a more modern, stately appeal. The heavy draperies were gone, replaced by cream colored, light ones.

“You really outdid yourself in this room,” Callie raved. “Don’t be surprised if our clients want to hire you to redecorate their own houses.”

Fancy waved her hand at Callie. “You’re too kind,” she said, flattered at the notion that guests might want to use her services. In the back of her mind Fancy had been thinking of creating a small interior design company. It was only the germ of an idea, but she was working in her spare time to see if it would be viable in her off-hours from working at Savannah House. Although she had never thought of herself as smart or talented, she was beginning to realize that God had gifted her with a special talent. And she didn’t want to squander it.

“It’s truth, not kindness,” Hope piped up. She reached down and picked up Ella and rocked her on her hip. “You’re talented, Fancy. And pretty soon everyone in Savannah is going to know it.”

Fancy’s face flushed. She wasn’t entirely sure how she felt about it. Flattered, yet afraid. For so long she had been told by Mama that she was only one thing. Pretty. It was the one thing of which she’d always been certain. Was it possible that she was more than that? That her value wasn’t just her pearly white teeth, blonde hair, sky blue eyes and a perfect, model’s figure?

But surely God wouldn’t be leading her in this direction if He didn’t want her to explore the talents he’d bestowed on her? That would be a sin. And being creative made her feel joyful and upbeat. For so long she’d been depressed and sad.

As the six sat down at the table, they joined hands and blessed the food Morgan had prepared with a prayer. Hope had placed Ella in a little playpen at the end of the table. They could hear the sounds of her joyfully playing with her rattle. The smell of down home cooking wafted in the air, serving as a reminder of the delicious fare their guests would be treated to during their stay at Savannah House.

Crab cakes. Kale salad. Cornbread. Corn chowder soup. Fancy couldn’t remember being treated to such a delectable meal.

“Morgan, I think you’re going to be known as a culinary rock star when Savannah House opens. This meal is killer,” Fancy said as she raised a spoonful of corn chowder up to her mouth. It was so good Fancy wanted to let out a moan of approval. If it didn’t fall into the category of bad manners she would do it in a heartbeat.

“Amen,” Charlotte said. “I can’t believe you’re still single. They say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”

Everyone laughed heartily at Charlotte’s teasing. Fancy watched Morgan’s expression waver for a moment before she plastered a smile on her face. Morgan caught her watching her and began to fidget in her seat uncomfortably. Fancy had a funny feeling—and not for the first time about Morgan. Had she met someone in Paris? Or had she left Savannah so unexpectedly because of a man? A love affair gone wrong? Had someone stolen her heart?

“If only it were that easy,” Morgan quipped, earning herself a round of laughter.

“Love is hard,” Fancy said. She quirked her mouth. “Too hard.”

“It’s hard,” Callie conceded. “But well worth the struggle if you find the right person to walk through life with.”

“Spoken like a true newlywed,” Hope said in a low voice. “I’d love to give Ella a family one day.”