When they reached the bar, Hunter nodded his head in curt acknowledgment of Marcus' presence. If for no other reason, he felt obligated to show he'd risen above petty childhood grudges. Nobody in this town could ever say that mama hadn't raised him right. And it didn't take a genius to figure out that the tide had turned—he was the one who'd risen to unimaginable heights in the world of business while Marcus was just treading water at Renault. A company Hunter now controlled!

“If it isn't wonder boy,” Marcus said with a mean edge to his voice. His lip was curled up in distaste and his dark eyes glittered like embers from a dying fire.

Hunter flashed an easygoing smile, despite the anger brewing inside him. Keep it cool, he warned himself. He didn't have to justify himself to this punk. Although the media had once dubbed him “wonder boy,” he hated the way Marcus tossed the moniker around as if it was something to be ashamed of. It wasn't. Not by a long shot. In some circles it was his badge of honor, a symbol of success. No matter what childish games Marcus played, he was determined to let it roll off his back. Tonight was about Callie and Jax, not a spoiled little rich boy with a chip on his shoulder.

“Nice to know you've read my press clippings,” he quipped. “I’m impressed.”

Marcus twisted his mouth into an ugly sneer. “I see you're already sniffing around Olivia like a dog chasing a bone.”

Hunter gritted his teeth and resisted the impulse to smash Devroe in his perfectly formed nose. The sound of Olivia's name coming from this jerk’s mouth grated against his insides like nails on a chalkboard. He stepped forward until he was nose to nose, eyeball to eyeball with Marcus, with less than an inch between their chests.

“Whatever happens between the two of us has nothing to do with you,” he growled as a primal feeling swept over him. Marcus wanted Olivia. His Olivia. He could practically smell it on him. It wasn't going to happen, not if he had any say in the matter!

“I just hate to see you strut back into town and use her up, then spit her out,” Marcus spit out, his features full of disdain. “Just like last time.”

“I'd just hate to see you lose all your teeth,” Hunter ground out. He had his hands fisted at his sides and he clenched and unclenched them in a desperate bid to keep a lid on his rising anger. Tonight is about Callie and Jax. Callie and Jax. He repeated the words over and over again in his head, using it as a mantra to remind himself of everything that was at stake. He couldn't afford to lose control.

Dear God. Please give me the strength to walk away. I’m better than this!

With Marcus goading him, it felt like he was fighting a losing battle.

Braxon moved forward, quickly stepping between the two men before Hunter could take matters into his own hands and take a swing. He appreciated his brother's gesture since he knew all too well that a man like Marcus wouldn't hesitate to file a lawsuit against him for assault, all in the hopes of getting a financial windfall. Luckily, life had taught him to play it smart rather than react impulsively to volatile situations.

“What's wrong? Wonder boy can't fight his own battles,” Marcus said in a taunting voice.

Braxon was right there in Marcus' face, staring him down with all his might. “You ought to be grateful that I'm standing between you two. Have you forgotten the past so easily?”

Braxon was referencing all the schoolyard fights between them after Marcus has taunted Hunter about being poor. Hunter wasn’t proud of it, but he’d beaten Marcus every time.

Marcus looked at Hunter and said, “All that money has made you soft.”

“Let's take it outside, Devroe. I'll show you soft,” Hunter growled. Joshua pulled at his brother's arm, using his massive strength to hold him back as he surged forward.

Braxon edged towards Marcus, his voice sounding cocky as he said, “It must really burn you that he's one hundred percent a self-made man, Devroe. Unlike you, he doesn't have to kiss up to his father to access the family funds.”

Marcus let out a harsh laugh. “Your father didn't have a penny to his name, now did he?”

A fierce anger exploded within Hunter as he heard Marcus' below the belt comment. Marcus Devroe had just dragged their beloved father into the fight, slurring his good name in the process. A ferocious, animalistic sound emanated from Joshua as he lunged forward, bulldozed into Marcus and toppled him to the ground.


The moment Olivia spotted Marcus and Hunter in the same area, a trickle of fear crept along her spine. Marcus had never liked Hunter, even back when they were kids. She'd always suspected that Marcus was jealous of Hunter's combination of charm, good looks, intelligence and athleticism. For someone like Marcus who was used to being the best and the brightest in the room, Hunter's stunning achievements made him pale in comparison. Particularly now, since Hunter had established himself as a mogul with his company, Rawlings Corporation.

When she saw Marcus and Hunter in each other's faces she hurried over to the bar, intent on putting a stop to the tense standoff. By the time she made her way over to that side of the room, Marcus was on the ground being held by Joshua. Sweet, easy going Joshua had him pinned to the floor. Marcus was putting up a decent defense, but he couldn't match Joshua's brute strength. Hunter and Braxon were trying to pull Joshua off Marcus, but he possessed the strength of a bear as he tussled like a wild man. Sadie stood to the side looking helpless, tears gathering in her eyes as she watched the out of control melee. Something in Sadie's shattered expression told Olivia that she was at her breaking point. Something had to give.

“Enough!” Olivia shouted as she stood over the two combatants, drawing all attention towards her. Joshua scrambled to his feet with a dazed expression on his face and beads of sweat breaking out on his forehead. He blinked a few times and looked around him as if he were disoriented. Within seconds Marcus staggered to his feet, a look of pain crossing his face as he clutched his ribcage. He paused for a moment to collect himself, smoothing his ruffled suit jacket and tucking his white shirt into his waistband.

“I'm pressing charges against that animal!” Marcus seethed as he glared at Joshua.

“You'll do no such thing!” Olivia said in an indignant voice. “This man served three tours of duty protecting the freedoms we take for granted. In my book that makes him a hero. He's made incredible sacrifices for this country and for every person in this room.”

Hunter shot her a look of gratitude that quickly made its way straight to her heart. Although she'd spoken from her heart, it buoyed her spirits to know she had Hunter's stamp of approval.

“Everyone needs to settle down so this night isn't completely ruined for Callie and Jax,” Olivia ordered, her features fierce and forbi

dding as she eyeballed the group of men. “You’re just fortunate that so many people are on the dance floor and the music is loud. Get yourselves together!”

Braxon and Hunter grabbed hold of Joshua and led him towards the terrace, presumably to give him a few moments to cool down his hot temper. Marcus watched the Rawlings brothers walk off, then with a disgusted shake off his head he stormed off towards the vestibule.