“Go make your call,” Fancy ordered her. “We’ll take care of her.”

Once she was in a private area she pulled out her cell phone and dialed Mac’s number.

“Hey, sis,” Mac said, picking up on the second ring. “What’s shaking in good ole Savannah?”

“Mac!” She could hear her voice cracking. All of a sudden she couldn’t force the words out.

“Baby girl, what’s wrong?” Mac asked. “You sound like you’ve been crying.”

“I-it’s Luke,” she said, her voice quivering. “He’s been in a terrible accident. He’s in a coma.”

“Callie. That’s terrible news,” Mac said. “What are the doctors saying? Are they giving you a prognosis?”

“Nothing yet. I’m scared. Really, truly petrified. And to make the situation worse there’s the tension with my parents and…I’ve had the worst blow up with Jax. Everything is falling apart,” she wailed.

“Hey, don’t cry. For now, focus on your brother getting better. Luke is going to pull through this. Why don’t we do the things we can do to help the situation. Think positively. And pray, Callie. And tell your friends to pray. From everything you’ve told me about him, he’s strong. And well loved. He’s got everything to live for.”

“He does,” Callie said, feeling invigorated by Mac’s words. He sounded so certain. So full of conviction. That type of positivity was downright contagious. It was okay for her to be frightened, but she wasn’t giving up on Luke’s recovery. Not by a long shot.

“Let me know if you need me to fly out there. I’ll be there in a heartbeat,” Mac vowed.

“I know you would, Mac. And I’ll keep you posted on his condition. In the meanwhile, please pray for him.”

“Of course. Luke was your big brother when I couldn’t be. He protected you, loved you and guided you. For those reasons he’s always going to hold a special place in my heart. All the Donahues will be praying for him. That’s a promise.”

“I love you, Mac,” Callie said, realizing for the first time that she’d never had a problem saying those words to Mac…or Luke. Maybe she could tell Jax how she felt after all.

“Love you more,” Mac said, promising to call her later on before he hung up.

Once again she felt blessed to have Mac back in her life. He had promised to always be there for her, no matter what. And she knew in her heart and soul he always would be. And she planned to do the same for him. To the moon and back.

She walked into the waiting room carrying a cup of coffee from the vending machine. Even if it tasted awful it was hot and would provide a jolt of caffeine that she desperately needed at the moment. Callie looked around the waiting room for her mother and the girls, wondering where they had gone. She placed her coffee down on an end table.

Had there been an update regarding Luke’s condition? No, they would have come to find her to tell her the news. Perhaps they had taken her for a little stroll around this wing of the hospital. She wasn’t going to fret about it. With Olivia and Fancy at the helm, she knew her mother was in good hands. As for her father, she was beginning to worry about him spending so much time by himself in the hospital chapel.

Suddenly, Jax was standing there, looking way more handsome than she could wrap her head around at the moment. He must have come straight from work, she imagined. He was wearing a charcoal colored suit with a pink shirt. A pink and grey tie tied it all together.

Her heart leaped at the sight of him. A little sigh escaped her lips. She struggled against an impulse to throw herself into his arms. She’d been missing him so terribly. She swallowed past the lump in her throat. What could she say to make things right? How did she make the necessary apology to smo

oth things over?

Instead of saying something…anything…she stood there like a lump staring at him.

He held up his hands. “Don’t worry. I’m not here to plead my case with you. I received the message loud and clear the other day. You think I’m in collusion with your father. I just came to check on Luke’s condition.”

At the mention of her brother’s name she began to cry. She couldn’t help it. The thought of losing Luke was terrifying. “H-He’s in a coma. Someone ran him down with their car and took off. He’s critical.” She swiped away her tears, wishing she wasn’t such a weeping willow.

Jax ran his hand through his dark mane. He looked dazed. “I can’t believe it. I just saw him earlier at work.” He clenched his jaw, lending his appearance a forbidding quality. “When they catch this person, and I know they will, I want a front row seat at the trial and sentencing.”

“Me too,” she said in a soft voice.

Jax shifted from one foot to the other. “I’m going to take off. I know this is an area for family. I just wanted to check in,” Jax said, his face as hard as granite.

“Don’t go,” she blurted out.

“What? Did you say something?” Jax asked, turning back around to face her.

“I said don’t go,” she said in a louder voice.