“It was so beautiful,” Callie gushed. “And there wasn’t a dry eye in the church.”

“I have no clue,” Jax admitted. “I couldn’t take my eyes off the most gorgeous bridesmaid. She was wearing a beautiful cranberry-colored dress and cream heels.” Jax let out a whistle of appreciation.

Callie let out a giggle. “Hey! All the maids were wearing cranberry dresses with cream-colored shoes.”

“But this one was special. She had hair the color of a slow burning fire. Eyes like precious emeralds. And she’s in love with the luckiest guy in the whole wide world.”

“Oh, you’ve got a silver tongue, Jax Holden.”

“Only for you, my love. Only for you.” He reached for her by the waist and pulled her toward him, leaning down to plant a stunning kiss on her lips.

“Hey, break it up you two. You’re needed on the dance floor,” a rowdy voice boomed. It was Mac’s brother, Wyatt, the superstar baseball player for the Bay State Bombers.

“Come on, Callie. Jax. Mac wants all the Donahues out on the dance floor,” Remy added, waving them toward him. Tall, dark and handsome, Remy was a superstar in his own right as a talented, world famous artist.

Callie looked at Jax. “But I’m not a Donahue.”

“Yes you are, Callie,” Mac said, coming up behind her. He placed a kiss on her cheek. “You’re an honorary Donahue. You’re part of my heart, so you’re part of theirs.”

Tears pooled in her eyes. “Leave it to you to bring me to tears on your wedding day.”

Mac winked at her. “I think that’s good luck.”

“What’s going on over here?” Delilah, Mac’s bride, walked up and looped her arm around her groom’s waist. “Aren’t we doing the family dance now?”

“Let’s do this!” Wyatt said in a raised voice. He was pumping his fist in the air and making a ruckus. His gorgeous wife, Kaitlyn, came over and grabbed him by the hand.

Remy leaned in to Callie and whispered, “We can’t take him anywhere.”

Callie and Jax laughed. The Donahue family was big and bustling and cheerful. She looked off onto the dance floor and spotted Mac’s brother, Brandon, slow dancing with his lovely wife, Rose. Their son, A.J. was doing flips on the dance floor with his older cousin, Seth. There was so much love here. It thrummed in the air around them. Callie found her eyes straying toward Maggie and Alec Donahue, Mac’s adoptive parents. She let out a sigh as she watched the tenderness in their every gesture toward one another. This was enduring love.

As everyone headed toward the dance floor, Callie followed along, joining in on the Donahue family dance. This, she thought, was sheer happiness. To be at Jax’s side, dancing and celebrating alongside her beloved brother, his sweet bride and the entire Donahue clan.

As the dancing winded down, Jax grabbed her by her hand and led her down the hall to the restaurant’s exit. It was early evening and the sun was beginning to dip down beneath the horizon. Its fiery orange rays cast a majestic glow over the earth.

“Jax! Where are you taking me?” she squealed.

“I want to show you something.” Holding her hand he led her over to the cliff wall overlooking a vast expanse of Breezy Beach and the Atlantic Ocean.

Callie sucked in a breath. “It’s breathtaking, Jax. I caught a glimpse on our way up here, but the view from right here is spectacular.”

“It’s almost as gorgeous as you are.” Jax’s voice floated over her like a dream. She turned toward him, letting out a shocked gasp as she spotted him on bended knee, holding a diamond ring in his hand.

“Callie, I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone other than you. I’ve known you for most of my life. I’ve loved you almost from the first day I met you. Will you marry me, Callie? Grow old with me, listen to my corny jokes and pray with me every night. Carry my children and share each other’s dreams. And I promise you, I’ll worship you until God separates us.”

Callie couldn’t help herself. She ran toward Jax and sat down on his knee, throwing her arms around his neck.

“Is that a yes?” Jax said, his voice muffled by her enthusiastic hug.

She released him from the hug so that she could stare into his beautiful, soulful eyes. “That’s a yes, Jax. I can’t wait to spend forever with you.”

Jax raised her to a standing position. He stood up and placed the sparkling diamond on her finger. Callie smiled down at her ring finger. She couldn’t imagine a more romantic proposal than this one. Nor could she imagine ever loving a man more than she adored her soon to be husband.

“Just to let you know, Mac knew all about this, so I wasn’t stealing his limelight. He was one hundred percent behind us,” Jax said, his face lit up with pride. “Let’s keep it under wraps from the wedding guests though. It’ll be our little secret for tonight.”

“Oh baby, you’ve made this special night a magical one that I’ll never forget,” Callie gushed.

Jax reached out and brushed Callie’s wayward strands of hair away from her forehead. “Let’s go back inside and celebrate Mac and Delilah’s big day.”