They locked gazes. Jax’s blue eyes flickered with something that resembled hope.

“Why?” His simple question floated in the air between them.

She took a deep breath. “Because…I need you here with me. I was wrong, Jax. Wrong to suggest that you could ever be anything but what you are. Good and honest and true. I’m ashamed that I lashed out at you. If I could take it back I would. But I was caught off guard when I saw you there at Attorney Mayhew’s office. Inheriting Savannah House feels like a fresh new start for me, and it felt like I was being sandbagged.”

Jax’s jaw trembled. “I would never do that to you.”

“I know that.” She slapped her palm to her forehead. “I was a fool. And I didn’t act right and I know that I blew it with you…with us. You probably don’t want anything to do with me anymore, but I want you to know how I feel.” She was beginning to babble but she couldn’t help herself. Jax was standing here and it was her chance to tell him how sorry she was and how she loved him. But his face looked stern, as if he didn’t really care what she had to say.

Lord, please help me find the words. I’m fumbling around in the dark now without a flashlight. Show me Your way.

Tears filled her eyes. She felt incredibly vulnerable. “I love you, Jax.”

His eyes widened. A vein began to thrum above his eye.

Her palms began to moisten. She didn’t know how to interpret the look on his face. He wasn’t saying anything. Why wasn’t he saying anything?

“It’s no excuse, but I was scared,” she continued. “I was scared to love you. Afraid of losing myself. I know it’s all tied up in my past and I want to get over it. I think I am getting over it, but it’s not going to happen overnight. And I know it might be too late. Your feelings might have changed. But for me, I just wanted—” She became choked up, so much so that she couldn’t continue. Her emotions were all over the place. Luke could be dying. And she was still at odds with her father. And she needed Jax desperately. But life had taught her that you didn’t always get the things you needed most.

She bowed her head down, too embarrassed to even look at Jax. Even though she was trying her best to hold back the tears, they slid relentlessly down her face. She felt broken at the moment in every way possible.

“What makes you think my feelings have changed?” Jax asked, his voice sounding ragged.

She shook her head. Taking a deep breath she raised her head so she could look at him. It was an act of courage, but she needed to be brave, no matter where this conversation led.

“I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember. What makes you think I could stop loving you so easily?” He reached out and trailed his palm across her cheek. He leaned down and pressed a kiss against her lips. For Callie it was the sweetest of kisses. It was filled with hope and love and forgiveness. And deep, abiding love. It made her heart soar.

She kissed him back, reaching up and running her hands alongside his jaw, her fingers getting a tickling sensation from his stubble. His scent surrounded her—a rich woodsy smell that invaded her senses. His mouth plundered hers with such tenderness it made her ache inside. How could she have ever doubted this? She belonged to him.

As the kiss ended, they broke apart, although Jax reached for her hands and pulled her close to him. His eyes were awash with pure joy. “And knowing that you love me back, Callie…that is the biggest gift imaginable. I knew you were frightened. I can’t tell you how happy I am that you pushed past those fears.”

Tears flooded her vision. His words served as a healing balm to her heart. It wasn’t too late! He still loved her. Suddenly, a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. “I think I’ve loved you for a long time. But I’ve been afraid of loving you.”

Jax blinked. “Afraid of me?”

“No, not you. Never you. My past showed me a lot of dysfunction. Mac and I were raised by a mother who allowed a man to come into our lives and change everything in our world. He changed her. Frank consumed her. The idea of giving myself to a man so completely, so wholeheartedly—it scares me.”

“Callie, I want to love your for a lifetime. I may hurt you. We may hurt each other. But those hurts will never defeat us. What we have will never be easily broken.”

Tears of joy slid down her face. Jax lowered his head and kissed her forehead. “I’ll always work toward healing your hurts.”

“And I’ll always work towards being there for you when the world around us becomes too much to bear. I want to be your shelter from the storm.”

“You are, Callie. Always.”

Callie reached up on her tip toes and kissed Jax. Her kiss was filled with so many things. It was a promise of what was in store for them. It was filled with hope. The same kind of hope she held in her heart for Luke’s recovery.

The clearing of a throat caused them to pull apart. Her parents were standing nearby, looking at them with a mixture of curiosity and wonder.

“What is it? Has Luke’s condition changed?” Callie asked, her heart lodged in her throat.

Her father smiled at her. There were tears pooled in his eyes. “Thank the Lord, it has.”

Her mother let out a cry. “Hallelujah. Luke has woken up. The doctor said his condition is still guarded, but he’s talking and responding to stimuli. He’s going to need weeks to recuperate, but he’s going to make it.”

Callie shut her eyes and uttered thanks to God for being merciful to Luke. Jax tightly gripped her hand in support. Suddenly, all her anger toward her father melted away. She would never forget what he had done, but her heart needed to move toward forgiveness. They had almost lost Luke today. She couldn’t bear the thought of her family being so splintered apart. They would all need to support Luke in the weeks and months ahead.

“What a blessing!” she said, reaching out and clasping both her parents by the hand.