“I can never say no to that. The beach is my favorite place to be.”

“Let’s go,” Jax said, grabbing her by the hand. Jax led her outside and they walked down to the beach which was situated about one hundred feet from the cottage. They slipped off their shoes as soon as they hit the sand. Callie began twirling around like a ballerina. She stood still and flung her arms wide and lifted her face up to the sky.

“What a beautiful night,” she said with a sigh. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Callie was radiant.

“What?” she asked, wrapping her arms around her middle. Suddenly, she looked self-conscious. “I look silly, right?”

“No,” Jax said in a strangled voice. “I think you’re just about the most stunning sight I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

Callie looked up at him, her eyes soft and inviting. He edged closer, wanting nothing more than to wrap her up in his arms. “Callie,” he whispered, reaching out and touching her chin. He dipped his head down and captured her lips in a stunning kiss that had been stored up inside him for years and years. The scent of lilacs hovered around her. Callie kissed him back, her lips responding to his with an intensity that matched his own. She tasted like —something sweet and savory. He ran his hands through her long strands of hair, losing himself a little in the moment as his lips moved over hers.

He felt Callie’s hands reach up and grab ahold of shirt, as if she was off balance and seeking something to steady her. Again and again he kissed her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer. He felt a little bit out of control—Callie always made him feel like he was on a tight-rope hovering high above the ground.

As they broke apart he heard her whisper his name against his mouth.

“I’ve been wanting to do that for as long as I can remember,” Jax admitted.

Callie wrinkled her adorable nose. “Really? You could have fooled me. When we were kids you always told me I had the cooties.”

Jax grinned. “I couldn’t let you see that I was crazy about you. That would have led to endless teasing from my friends.”

Callie shook her head and laughed. “So I got frogs in my cubby instead?”

“Give me a chance and I’ll make up for it.” Jax wasn’t joking anymore. If she gave him a real shot he would surprise Callie in a hundred different ways. Dinner by candlelight. Moonlit swims on the beach. Exotic flowers delivered to he

r door.

“I might just do that,” Callie said in a light tone, her eyes full of something that looked a lot like interest. Judging by the way she had just enthusiastically kissed him, the attraction wasn’t one-sided. He felt like jumping up and down in celebration, but he knew he ought to keep it cool.

“I like spending time with you, Jax.” Callie locked gazes with him. This time she didn’t look away or bow her head down. He saw the sincerity flowing from her eyes.

Boom! There it went. His heart had just jumped out of his chest and was now headed straight toward the stratosphere. He had waited for so long for any slight sign that Callie might have feelings for him. Tonight had been a night full of discovery. He felt almost delirious, overwhelmed by the positive strides he had made with Callie.

“The feeling is mutual,” he answered in a low voice. “How about we head back to the house so I can clean up the dishes?”

Callie nodded and grabbed ahold of his hand, adding yet another layer of wonderful to this stellar evening. As they walked back to the cottage Jax couldn’t help himself from envisioning the future. Going to the movies. Spending Christmas together. Long walks along Savannah Beach. Getting down on bended knee and asking Callie to be his bride.

For the first time in a long time, he felt as if all was right in his world.


As Callie waved goodbye to Jax from her doorway, she felt a groundswell of emotion rise up inside of her. She closed the door and slumped against it, her body feeling almost boneless.

What was happening to her? She was crushing on Jax in a big way. Just being in his presence these days was doing serious things to her equilibrium. It wasn’t anything serious, she reassured herself. He was gorgeous and funny, with a great personality that was beginning to grow on her. And he was always really kind to her. Her mother had once told her that kindness in a man lasted a lifetime.

They were just killing time together. Both of them knew nothing serious would ever develop between them. She hadn’t been in the dating pool for a while, and why not go out on a few dates with Jax? He was one of the most eligible bachelors in town, and it wasn’t as if she was trying to wrangle him in or anything.

What if you fall for him? A voice whispered in her ear. She shook her head to rid herself of even considering that notion. She and Jax were not riding off into the sunset together. They were just having fun. Dinners. Walks on the beach. Evenings in the city. And kisses. She was predicting that there would be lots and lots of slow, languorous kisses.

She raised her fingers to her lips. Was it possible that they were still tingling from the impact of Jax’s soul-stirring kisses? He’d kissed her. For some reason it felt as if he had left an indelible mark on her in the process. She had never been kissed like that in her life. And, if she was being honest with herself, she wanted to kiss Jax again.

Callie reached for her cell phone and dialed Olivia’s number.

“Hey,” Olivia said. “I was about to call you. Today was crazy, wasn’t it? I can’t believe we are now co-owners of Savannah House.”

“I can’t believe I just kissed Jax,” Callie admitted, shutting her eyes tightly as she waited for her best friend’s response. Olivia let out a shriek on the other end of the line.

“What? When did this happen? Did you guys go out on another date?”