“No, it's fine. You didn't,” she said feebly. But the truth was she had been scared. And they both knew it. Brady's all-knowing gaze seemed to see right through her, all the way down to the things she kept hidden.

“Eden, please know that I'm mighty grateful for your hospitality. The last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable, especially since—.” His husky voice trailed off. He started fidgeting with his collar.

Eden knit her brows together. What was he trying to say? “Especially since what?”

For a second Brady looked uncomfortable. He locked gazes with her, then let out a beleaguered sigh. “Especially since we're going to be working together at the Country Vet. I’m not just here for the Christmas holiday. For the next three months I'm going to be filling in for my grandmother while she recuperates from hip surgery. That being said, you and I are going to be seeing an awful lot of each other, Eden.”

Chapter Two

“You're the new Vet?” Shock roared through her as she tried to process Brady's announcement. Brady was going to be standing in for Vicky? He was going to be her boss? The second emotion slicing through her was hurt. Why hadn't Vicky told her she'd scheduled her surgery and that her grandson was coming back to Celebration to fill in for her? She'd assumed Vicky would be calling on another vet from a neighboring town to fill up the slack. Other than the candy canes and her father, there was no one she was closer to than Vicky Shepard. In some ways she was the closest thing she had to a mother.

“Yep. I'm the new Vet,” Brady acknowledged with a nod of his head. “Temporarily at least. Until Vicky is back on her feet. And please don't be upset that she didn't say anything to you. I came to Celebration a few weeks early so I could spend the holidays with them. And truthfully, my grandmother is having a hard time staying on her feet. She’s been hiding her pain level from everyone, including my grandfather, so I convinced her to put me to work immediately.”

Eden wasn’t upset at Vicky. She adored her. For at least a year now Vicky had been having trouble with her hips. In the last few months the pain had been severe and she'd had trouble standing for long periods of time. Although Vicky told her surgery was inevitable, Eden had no idea it was imminent. Did this mean their holiday fundraiser for the abandoned animals wasn’t going to happen now? If so, it would break Eden’s heart.

According to Brady, they were going to be working side by side. Tall, rugged, masculine Brady. When she'd applied for the job at the Country Vet three years ago, she'd purposely sought out a position where she wouldn't have to work with men. By accident she'd stumbled upon the vet's assistant job with Dr. Vicky Shepard and, as a result, her whole world had changed for the better. Her boss was kind and loving. And she was as smart as a whip. Sh

e'd taught Eden all about animals, as well as the ins and outs of running a veterinary practice. And Eden loved her dearly for it.

“What about your own practice?” Hadn't Vicky and Tom spoken so glowingly about Brady's practice and his wonderful life in California? Most people couldn't just up and leave their lives behind. She winced as the thought raced through her mind. Hadn't her mother done that very thing when she'd walked out on her husband and two daughters?

Brady frowned, his eyebrows drawn together. He let out a little sigh, then said, “My partner bought me out recently. Things just didn't work out so we decided to part ways. We had different views of how the practice should be run. That’s why my schedule is completely clear at the moment.”

Rather than outright ask Brady the question she was dying to ask, she lightly bit down on her lip to prevent herself from being nosy. It really wasn't any of her business why Brady had sold his half of the veterinary practice. And she didn't know what it was about being in his presence, but it brought back a part of her personality that she'd thought had been locked away forever. Normally she didn't poke into people's business, nor did she allow herself to care about the goings-on of the townsfolk. But Brady wasn't most folks, was he? He was a part of her childhood—matter of fact, one of the best parts.

Brady shook his head and raised his hand to his jaw, where he began to lightly stroke his chin. He looked deep in thought. “It's funny how you can have an idea of something and then when it comes to fruition it's nothing like what you thought you wanted.” His face held a sheepish expression. “When Brenda and I started the practice I was so excited about it. Starting my own practice from the ground up, it doesn't get any better than that. I thought I was living the dream.”“But you weren't?” she asked, too overcome with curiosity to hold back.

“No, I wasn't. Most of our clients were wealthy and I started wishing that I could make more of an impact in my community. Unfortunately, she didn't see things my way. Every time I wanted to devote more of the practice to at risk animals or low income clients, she rejected my ideas.” Brady shrugged. “She didn't think it was part of a good business plan.”

“Sounds like the two of you weren't on the same page,” Eden said, her hackles automatically rising at the idea of such a short-sighted, materialistic partner as Brenda.

“You're right about that. We were miles and miles apart. But, on the bright side, that experience has taught me a huge life lesson. Wherever I land with my next practice, it has to reflect my heart and soul, who I am as a person. Otherwise, it feels empty.” He flashed her a smile that made her stomach do flip flops.

Eden found herself smiling back at him. For a second she was transported back in time to a simpler place when Brady had been the fearless, dynamic kid she'd been crazy about. Hadn't this same smile been used dozens of times to entice her to engage in mischief? And hadn't he made her feel like she could be herself around him, her true, unfiltered self. It had been a long time since she'd felt that way, so long, in fact, she could hardly remember the feeling of being comfortable in her own skin.

Now that there was an opening, Eden decided to plunge right in. “Did Vicky tell you about our holiday fundraiser?”

“She might have mentioned something in passing. Is it something I’ll be working on?”

“We need all the help we can get.” Eden nodded her head. If Brady was going to be running the Country Vet it would be great if he helped out with the fundraiser. She’d stepped up to the challenge due to her passion for abandoned animals even though she wasn’t at her best in most social situations. As Vicky’s grandson, Brady would make a perfect ambassador.

“I hope you join the cause,” she continued. “We’ve already raised a few thousand dollars from various fundraising events. We’re still shy quite a bit of money, so Vicky and I have been brainstorming about one last event to push us over the edge.”

The sound of shuffling feet reached her ears just as her father, using the assistance of a cane, walked over the threshold and into the living room. He stopped short when he laid eyes upon Brady, his expression one of befuddlement. His gaze swung towards Eden. “Eden, what's going on? Who is this?” Her father's tone sounded a little gruff. He knit his eyebrows together as his eyes begged for answers.

“Daddy, this is Brady Shepard. His car broke down in the middle of the storm about a mile down the road.”

“Shepard?” he barked. “Are you Alma's son?”

“Yes, sir,” Brady answered, an amiable smile planted on his face. “I'm Vicky and Tom's grandson.”

He squinted, staring at Brady with assessing eyes. “I’m guessing Vicky and Tom are mighty glad to have you back in town for the holidays. Alma is your mother, huh? I remember you as a young boy. You're the spitting image of her.”

Brady nodded, seemingly in agreement. “I've heard that a time or two. I think it's the hair color and the eyes.”

“How are your folks?” her father asked gruffly.

Brady grinned amiably. “They're doing great. They moved to Florida a few years ago so they could have balmier weather all year round. They just celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary.”