“He never said a word,” Eden said, feeling out of breath. The man she loved was even more wonderful than she’d ever imagined. He had brought her family back together.

“Sounds like he’s pretty crazy about you,” Betsy said in a singsong voice. She leaned in toward Eden. “I have a secret. I’m expecting.”

Eden let out a loud cry. Her sister put her finger to her lips. “Shh. I’m not announcing it yet. I just wanted to tell my sister.”

“I’m so happy for you and Cleave,” she said in a voice trembling with emotion. So much was happening she didn’t know how to contain her emotions.

The sound of footsteps and a deep male voice caused Eden to turn in the direction of the kitchen. Brady was standing there looking way more handsome than he had a right to look. With his festive Christmas sweater and a pair of dark cords, he looked downright adorable.

Not caring who was watching, Eden rushed over to him and threw herself into his arms.

She looked up at Brady, knowing in all likelihood love was shining forth in her eyes. At this moment she didn’t care. She was no longer hiding her truths.

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing my family back together,” she said in a voice full of emotion.

“I just want you to be happy, Eden. Now and for always,” Brady said in low voice.

“You make me very happy,” Eden said, reaching up on tippy toes and placing a kiss on Brady’s lips.

As guests continued to arrive and fill up Eden’s home, she gathered up everyone in the living room to help with the decorating of her naked Christmas tree. As everyone pitched in to trim the tree, holiday music filled the house, as well as the smells of a smorgasbord of food. Everyone clapped as the final ornament was placed on the tree. Eden couldn’t remember seeing anything as beautiful as the fully-decorated tree.

“There’s one more thing to do,” Eden announced, holding up the star Gran had gifted her with all those years ago.

As the sounds of “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” played in the background, Eden stepped up on the stool and placed the star on top of the tree. When she stepped back down to the hardwood floor she took a moment to admire her handiwork. Her chest tightened. It looked stunning. A gold star that had been given to her with love by her grandmother.

Eden felt goosebumps pop up on her arms. Gran’s presence lived on. It pulsed and vibrated in the space around them. Love shone like a beacon. Somewhere along the way Eden had lost sight of all the love she still had in her life. Never again, she vowed. This was her Christmas gift. The knowledge that she was loved in abundance and she had to spread love abundantly.

Her father came to stand beside her and lovingly placed his arm around her. Tears pooled in his eyes. “I’m proud of you, Eden. And Gran would be too. She loved you so much.”

“She really did,” Betsy chimed in. She leaned in and hugged Eden. Eden closed her eyes and simply savored this wonderful moment. She couldn’t describe how wonderful it was to have Betsy back in the fold. And Cleave too. He was standing right by her sister, loving and supporting her. The news that she would soon be an Auntie was the best Christmas gift Eden could ever receive.

Brady came to stand beside her and reached for her hand. Eden smiled at Brady through her tears. None of this would have been possible if it hadn’t been for Brady. Sweet, wonderful Brady. His return to Celebration had changed her entire world. He’d forced her to stretch herself outside of her comfort zone. He’d given her a soft place to fall along with the knowledge she could trust him. And he’d made her realize that she wasn’t honoring Gran by shutting out the world and ignoring Christmas.

Gran’s world had been filled with love and light and the Lord. Those were the very things she’d taught Eden to value. Those were her values too, right down to her core.

“Turn up that Christmas music!” her father barked. “This is a party, isn’t it?”

As the music grew louder, people began to dance and bop to the music. Even with her bad hip, Vicky grabbed Brady’s hand and began to dance with him. Her dad was using his cane to dance with Maria. Eden smiled at the festive vibe in the air. Everyone looked so happy.

Eden caught Brady’s eye. He was standing a few feet away staring at her with a smile on his face. Tom had come and stolen Vicky away from him. Eden moved toward the doorway and beckoned him with a crook of her finger.

In a flash he was by her side, looking down at her with love emanating from his eyes.

“You know you’re standing under the mistletoe, right?” Brady asked, eyes flashing with merriment.

“I might have strategically placed myself here,” Eden said.

“Never let it be said that I can’t take a hint,” Brady murmured as he dipped his head down and placed a tender kiss on her lips. Eden kissed him back as a feeling of joy swept through her. Kissing Brady was like finding a place to call home. He reached out and pulled her closer to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him for all she was worth.

As the kiss ended, Eden saw something flicker in Brady’s eyes. It looked a lot like love.

Brady let out a contented sigh. “Eden, I know this may seem way too early to say, but I’ve fallen in love with you.”

Eden nodded. “I feel the same way.” She ducked her head down. She was still a little shy about saying how she felt, but she was getting better at being more open every day. “I love you too, Brady.”

A huge grin overtook his face. He took her face between his palms and placed a celebratory kiss on her lips.

“We’re very blessed to have reconnected,” Brady said, looking around him all the guests who had filled up Eden’s home with good will and cheer. “This community really comes together to support one another.”