Eden placed a red and white bouquet of flowers in the middle of the table. “I think that looks pretty festive if I do say so myself.”

“It’s gorgeous. Matter of fact, everything looks so wonderful. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say your grandmother decorated this place.”

Eden’s cheeks warmed with pleasure. “That’s the best compliment I could ever get,” she said, nuzzling her head against her father’s chest. Sometimes she took him for granted, but on a day like this Eden felt very thankful for all of her blessings.

Lord, thank you for giving me the most wonderful father in the world. He’s been with me every step of the way, caring for me and loving me. And I wouldn’t have made it through all my younger years without his love and support.

The doorbell rang, sending panic straight through Eden. A quick look at the clock on the wall revealed there was still an hour to go before the party started.

“There’s always someone who comes early to a holiday party,” groused her father. “I’m guessing it’s Merry Jackson. She probably came early to snoop around the place.”

Eden playfully swatted at her father. “Daddy, that’s not nice. Whoever is at the door is our guest. In the spirit of Christmas, we need to be gracious.” She winked at her father. “Maybe Merry came early to see you.”

Her father muttered under his breath something that sounded like bah humbug. He was just being ornery. He was very excited about tonight’s gathering and she knew nothing as trivial as an early guest could ruin his joy.

Eden patted him on the shoulder. “Who knows? It could be Brady or Vicky. They’re bringing some food over.”

“You’ve been spending a lot of time with Brady. Care to tell me anything?” he asked in a gruff voice.

“Saved by the bell,” Eden quipped before striding toward the front door. She pulled it open, letting out a gasp at the auburn-haired visitor standing before her.

“Merry Christmas, sis.” Her sister Betsy threw herself at Eden and enveloped her in the tightest of embraces. Standing directly behind her was her husband, Cleave. He had a huge grin plastered on his face.

Eden let out a cry of surprise and delight. In a million years she would never have expected Betsy to show up at her house on Christmas Eve. As their embrace ended they simply stared at each other for a few moments. Cleave gave Eden a kiss on the forehead and disappeared in the direction of the kitchen. Eden sensed he wanted her and Betsy to have private time together.

“Does daddy know you’re coming?” Eden asked, imagining her father’s surprise at the sight of his beloved daughter.

“No,” Betsy said with an impish grin. “I wanted to surprise the both of you.”

Taking her sister by the hand, Eden led her into the living room. “Daddy, I think you’re going to be very happy to see our first guest.”

Betsy stepped out from behind Eden and threw her hands in the air. “Surprise!”

As the two embraced, Eden could hear sobs coming from her father. She could see the joy etched on his face. His shoulders shook with emotion.

“This is the only thing I need for Christmas,” her father said in a choked up voice. “To have my family all together under one roof.”

“Betsy!” Eden cried out in a strangled voice. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“I’ve missed you too. And I should never have stayed away this long. Losing Gran felt like the end of our family. It always seemed as if she was the glue holding it all together,” Betsy said, swiping away tears.

Eden nodding, understanding firsthand about grief and loss. It took a heavy toll on people. It led them to do things they might not ordinarily do. “It affected me in a similar way. I’ve felt so much pain…and guilt. I miss her every day.”

Betsy clutched her hand. “I never should have lashed out at you. It wasn’t your fault that Derek held up the diner. And it wasn’t your fault that Gran’s heart gave out on her.” She smiled through her tears. “After all, she had the biggest heart of anyone I’ve ever known. It must have been hard carrying around all that goodness.”

Eden smiled. “True. I want to remember her as she was

instead of stuffing all of the memories down so I don’t ache inside. I think remembering Gran will help us heal.”

“Me too.” Betsy looked around her. “She’s here. With every ornament and decorative accent, I see her. She’s with us.”

“I’m so glad you came,” Eden said, feeling as if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

“I’m so glad Brady called me.”

Eden wrinkled her nose. Had she heard her sister wrong? “Brady called you?”

“Yes,” her sister said with a nod of her head. “And I’m so grateful. He told us all about this party and the fundraiser you’ve been holding for the animals. We couldn’t wait to get here.”