She looked up at Brady with tears shimmering in her eyes. Without questioning it, Brady lowered his head and placed his lips on Eden’s in a gentle, romantic kiss. Eden’s lips were warm and inviting. A sweet scent—vanilla or cinnamon—hovered around her like a halo. He placed her face between his palms and kissed her with a tenderness that spoke volumes about his feelings for her. He moved his hands through her hair, enjoying the feel of the silky strands against his skin. The kiss swept them both away—far away from Celebration, Texas and the town green. When the kiss finally ended, neither one moved away from the other. It was as if they wanted this moment to go on and on until all the twinkling lights on the town green were extinguished.

Brady knew two things for certain. Eden had nestled her way into his heart. And he wasn’t quite sure how he was going to leave Celebration without a host of regrets.


Eden waved to Brady as she hopped into her car outside The Country Vet where Brady had just dropped her off so she could pick up her vehicle. As she drove home, Eden could feel the corners of her mouth twitching with happiness. She just wanted to smile! She felt as if she could soar.

Brady had kissed her! And she’d kissed him back. It had been wonderful and hopeful and filled with joy. Her feelings for Brady were lifting her up to the mountain top. She felt like a high- flying kite that couldn’t be grounded.

Being with Brady tonight had caused a huge shift in Eden’s world. Healing had begun with a vengeance. She’d taken major steps towards being more open and social and connected. Never in a million years would she have imagined she’d be such a big part of a town celebration. Yet she’d done it twice in the last few days. She still had miles to go on her journey, but for the first time in years she felt hopeful. Confident. Radiant.

Suddenly an idea came to her, one that would allow her to honor her grandmother and move her closer toward healing. It would take a little bit of courage on her part, but she felt determination rise up inside her.

God was by her side through all of these life challenges. She would never allow herself to forget that for a single moment. A verse from Philippians came to her, providing her with a huge dose of confidence. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

Chapter Six

Brady spotted a bright red envelope sitting on his desk. His name was written in a lovely

cursive scrawl. Curious about the contents, Brady ripped it open. He pulled out an invitation with dancing elves and reindeer and glitter on it. The words “You are invited” jumped out at him. He opened the card and saw Eden’s name and address in bold ink. Shock roared through him. Eden was hosting a Christmas Eve party at her home? Was this some sort of a prank?

He and Eden had continued to go out on dates—movie nights, dancing, making dinner at his place or hers—and develop their relationship. She hadn’t mentioned a single thing about a Christmas Eve party.

He left his office and walked out to the front desk. Eden was there, dealing with a client on the phone. Once she finished, Brady placed his elbows on the counter and smirked at her.

“What’s that look for?” she asked, shaking her head at him.

“I just found this on my desk.” Brady held up the festive invitation. “You sure are full of surprises.”

Eden grinned. “I need to get out of my comfort zone. Throwing a holiday party will keep me in the swing of things. I’ve shied away from the community for way too long. Gran wouldn’t have wanted me to live such an isolated life. And my poor dad has been cooped up in the house for such a long time. He really enjoyed the festival the other night. This is for his benefit as well.”

Brady grinned at her. “Sounds like it will do you both a world of good.”

“He really needs to have connections with the locals. A little holiday gathering will be food for his soul. And for mine as well.”

“I agree with you,” Brady said with a grin. “You’ve done a great job of caring for your father, but a holiday celebration will be a great pick-me-up for him.”

“Now I just have to figure out a menu and get some fold-up chairs and some decorations. Gran probably stashed a bunch in the attic, so I’ll take a look tonight.” She tapped her finger to her chin. Brady could see the excitement etched on her face. It made her look even more beautiful. The spirit of the season had finally caught up with Eden. Brady couldn’t have been more tickled.

Thank you, Lord. For giving Eden her faith back. And for reminding her of all the things her grandmother wanted for her in this world. And thanks for placing her in my orbit. She’s the only gift I’ll need this Christmas.

“I make some mean chicken wings,” Brady said. “And you know my grandmother is a pro in the kitchen. She’ll make whatever you need—barbecue, a Christmas log cake, a turkey, ham, chocolate cake, meatballs, crab cakes—”

Eden help up her hands. “You need to stop. You’re making me hungry. Vicky can make whatever her heart desires. I’m sure it will be wonderful.”

“You’re wonderful,” Brady said, tugging her by the arm and pulling her behind his office door where no one could see them smooching. He dipped his head down and pressed a kiss on her lips. She kissed him back fervently, then pushed him away with a chuckle.

Eden shook her finger at him. “You won’t be satisfied until people are gossiping about us kissing at the vet’s office, will you?”

Brady chuckled. For once in his life he actually wouldn’t mind being the object of town gossip. Kissing Eden was well worth the risk.


Eden couldn’t remember seeing her father so excited in the last few years. Hosting the Christmas Eve party had been the right thing to do. She could see it radiating from his eyes. Eden knew she’d made so many mistakes over the past four years out of pain and grief. Today really signified a step in a new direction. The candy canes—Tabitha, Christine and Bailey were in the kitchen helping out with the food preparation. They had all been terribly excited about her hosting a holiday party at her house.

“Daddy, could you help me with the tablecloth?” she called out to her father.

“Sure thing,” he said, grabbing the other end of the tablecloth and raising it in the air before placing it down on his end of the table.