Finn chuckled, then said, “Don’t you dare.”
Once he had walked away, Dwight piped up. “He’s a prime example of the stiff competition in this town. Girls fawn over guys like Finn, who has chiseled abs and movie-star good looks. The last time I checked he’s not even gainfully employed. He’s a bit of a rover.”
Noah held his tongue for a moment, reminding himself that it took all kinds of people to make a world. Dwight—bless him—suffered from a serious lack of self-esteem. Noah knew he couldn’t cure it, but he could provide him with a dose of common sense.
“First of all, beauty is in the eye of the
beholder. One person might think a Picasso is junk, while another hails it as a masterpiece. And I’ve dated women who were gorgeous on the outside, but mean as a snake on the inside where it matters most. Hating Finn isn’t going to bring you any closer to finding your match. It’s dwelling on the negative, when you should be focusing on showing yourself in the best light. We all have flaws, but don’t lead with that when you’re trying to make an impression.”
Dwight ducked his head. He didn’t speak for a few moments. When he looked up again his eyes were glassy. If he started crying, Noah knew he would throw in the towel and go home. He could take only so much.
“Thanks for the reality check. I do tend to focus on the negative. I always have. And you’re right about Finn. He’s a pretty nice guy, so I shouldn’t pick him apart. I shouldn’t be jealous of him or you or any other man in Love. Nobody ever gained anything in this world by focusing on what they don’t have.”
Relief swept through Noah. Dwight wasn’t clueless. He got it. He just needed to get his head out of the sand and take action.
Noah splayed his hands on the table. “So, what I think you should do is focus on a lady you want to ask out on a date. Maybe to the Founder’s Day celebration. Then approach her with confidence, not cockiness. Use your wits and charm. And whatever you do, don’t fall into self-pity. Even if she says no, keep smiling.”
Dwight’s face blanched. “You think she’ll say no?”
Noah let out a groan. “No, Dwight. I was just throwing that out there as a possible scenario. As I said, stay confident. Don’t make it the be-all and end-all of your life.”
Noah looked around him. The café had filled up with patrons. He noticed Sophie sitting at a table with a few other ladies he didn’t know. He felt a pang in his heart as he watched her. She was giggling over something and her entire face was lit up with sheer joy. Noah knew he’d never seen such a glow on any other woman’s face. It was a reflection of who Sophie was on the inside, he imagined. She radiated from within.
Sophie glanced over at Noah and sent him a little wave. He smiled and nodded at her.
“It seems I’m not the only one looking for love, am I?” Dwight said.
Noah swung his gaze toward him, and found his eyes alight with interest. He had clearly seen Noah staring at Sophie.
Noah shrugged. He wasn’t going to deny his interest in her. “I haven’t been very successful in the love department, Dwight.”
Dwight couldn’t contain his surprise. “I would have thought you’d be like catnip for the ladies. Pardon the expression, but you have it all. Good looks. Charm. A nice physique. And in addition to all that, you’re a good guy. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me. You must really have it bad for Sophie if you agreed to spend your evening tutoring me.”
Noah sighed. Dwight had hit the nail right on the head. He had it bad for Sophie. They had almost kissed earlier. Although the situation was complicated, Noah knew his feelings for her were the real deal. They continued to grow despite his attempts to stuff them down into a dark hole.
He was sick to death of trying so hard not to like someone. Noah liked Sophie. A lot.
“Since coming to Love I’ve learned to be a little more hopeful,” Noah said. “I don’t know if love is in my future, but I’m a little more open to it these days.”
He pushed his chair away from the table and stood up. He’d put this off for way too long. It was time to contact Sussex and hash some things out.
“See you around, Dwight.”
The man stuck out his hand and Noah reached for it. “May we both find what we’re looking for,” Dwight said with conviction.
“From your lips to God’s ears,” Noah said as he cast one last look in Sophie’s direction before beating a fast path out of the Moose Café.
As he walked out into the frosty night, Noah knew he’d come to a crossroads. Talking to Dwight had been more than a thankless task. Somewhere during their discussion Noah had realized the two of them weren’t all that different. He also wanted love in his life. For some time now he’d wanted to change his romantic situation. He had begun to yearn for the things his parents had—a home, security, a partner to have and to hold. And then he had arrived in Love, and despite his initial fears about Sophie, she had nestled her way into his heart.
A heavy weight was sitting on his chest. He felt a little bit breathless. At the present moment he was existing in two different worlds. In one he was working undercover for a client he wasn’t quite certain had told him the truth. But his entire life in Seattle depended on Sussex’s paycheck. In the other he had found a wonderful Alaskan hamlet with people who trusted and believed in him, even though he was lying to their faces.
And he had found Sophie, a woman who made him feel as if he could accomplish anything he set his mind to if he believed in it hard enough.
Chapter Nine
The day of the Founder’s Day celebration had dawned. Sophie had arisen earlier than usual, eager to greet this new day. Grace had come over to help her with her hair and makeup, neither of which were areas of expertise for Sophie. Baby Eva was sleeping comfortably in her carrier nearby, completely oblivious to their chatter. As soon as Grace arrived the conversation had quickly turned to Noah.
“This Noah Callahan must be pretty special,” Grace noted. “I haven’t seen you this excited since we arrived here in town.”