“Did you just hear that?” she whispered. “Or did I imagine it?”

“I heard it. I don’t need to ask you how it feels to hear him say that one very special word. It’s written all over your face.”

Tears pooled in her eyes. She began to sniff to keep them at bay. “I can’t even put it into words. I feel like I could soar right now.”

Liam reached out for her mittened hand and squeezed it. They began walking toward the group of carolers, hand in hand. For the first time in forever, Ruby felt like part of a couple. And it felt wonderful to know she wasn’t alone in the world. She was tied to something so much bigger than herself. There wasn’t any other place she’d rather be at this moment than right at Liam’s side.

* * *

“Why don’t we invite everyone over to the house for a small gathering? We were already planning to have people over. What’s a few more?” Ruby suggested. The expression on her face was one of pure excitement. Her cheeks were pink from the cold, and he could tell from the way she was jamming her hands into her coat pockets that she was trying to stay warm.

“Everyone? Are you sure?” he asked, filled with surprise at Ruby’s willingness to host a large gathering. It was a generous suggestion, particularly since she was still getting used to being around large groups of people.

“What about the plan for Jasper and Hazel? I’m not sure Jasper wants more of an audience for his big moment.”

“Yes, I’m sure about including everyone. We have enough food to feed a small army, and Aidan will love having a house full of guests. Plus, it will make things more romantic when Jasper’s plan comes to fruition. He owes Hazel big-time after the last one.”

Liam hoped Ruby wasn’t disappointed. His grandfather was a feisty, opinionated man who tended to dig his heels in when he wanted to be ornery. There was never a guarantee with Jasper that he would follow along with anything, even a plan that might reunite him with Hazel and put him back in her good graces.

As they stood on Jarvis Street, Liam put his hands together and let out a whistle to gain everyone’s attention. The group quieted and shifted their attention to him. “Ruby, Aidan and I would like to invite everyone back to our place for a light meal, fellowship and holiday cheer.”

Judging by the reaction, everyone was excited about attending a gathering at their home. There was clapping and cheering from the group. Jasper let out a groan and made a face at him. He didn’t think he’d ever seen his grandfather so nervous and agitated. He prayed this didn’t mean he was about to bail on the plan. Aidan was doing a little dance in the snow and sticking his tongue out so that he could taste the snowflakes. He dove into the snow then picked up a handful, lifting in the air and lobbying it in his father’s direction.

Plop. It landed on Liam’s shoulder. With a wild roar he raced toward his son, who let out a shriek and began running in the other direction. Before long, snowballs were being lobbed in all directions by everyone. Liam couldn’t remember the last time he’d had this much fun. Joy pulsed sure and strong in the air. The spirit of the season could be felt right there on Jarvis Street among this group of townsfolk.

Once they arrived at the house, Liam opened the doors and let everyone in. He grabbed Ruby by the hand and pulled her back outside.

“What’s going on? Aren’t we supposed to be inside?” she asked with a laugh. “Jasper looks like he’s about to jump out of his skin. You might need to settle him down so this can go off without a hitch.”

“Jasper will be fine. I just wanted you to see something.”

He pulled her into the yard so that they were facing their big bay window. “Look.” He pointed up at the window.

Ruby let out a gasp of pure awe. “Liam. It’s magnificent.”

Liam and Ruby stood for a moment and simply admired the way their Christmas tree looked from outside. The lights shimmered and winked at them, dazzling in their beauty. The gold star glinted from on top of the tree. Their home looked warm and festive and inviting. In his heart of hearts, Liam had never imagined Christmas could ever feel this heartwarming ever again. It was true that a house wasn’t a home. Ruby being back meant all the difference in their world.

She had brought so much along with her—hope, joy, heart. And he knew now that her return also served to provide him with a second chance to get things right. Part of doing that would be facing down his fears and telling Ruby the truth about their marriage problems. He simply couldn’t exist in all this beauty while sitting on something so big. It was the only way he could save their relationship from future bumps and bruises. If they were going to have an open and honest relationship, he was going to have to be transparent.

“It’s simply beautiful, Liam.” Ruby let out a sigh. “This whole evening has been so joyful. Being with family and friends. Seeing Aidan so happy. The caroling door to door.”

Liam grinned with pleasure. “It was a night to remember, that’s for sure.”

“I felt like a kid again singing like that. I was in the choir, you know,” she boasted. Yet another thing she felt blessed to have remembered.

“It’s a good thing you’re easy on the eyes because your singing voice needs some work,” Liam teased. Her singing voice had always been something he’d been able to tease her about.

Ruby swatted him with her mitten. “Hey! That’s not very nice.”

Liam was laughing so hard he clutched his stomach. “Maybe not, but it’s true.”

“I’m very insulted,” she said in a prim voice.

“I’m sorry. It’s just that you’re amazing at everything under the sun. That’s the only thing I could ever tease you about,” Liam admitted.

“It’s not the sound of the voice that’s important. It’s the way you put your heart and soul into it,” Ruby said, trying not to chuckle.

All of a sudden Liam stopped laughing. Her words represented way more to him than she realized. It signified the way he wanted to walk in the world. Heart. Soul. Truth. He couldn’t imagine being wrong when being led by those values.