“That’s a great idea,” Ruby said. “I imagine it’s a real treat for the people whose houses you stop by. There’s such joy in song.”

“We’re thinking of going tomorrow night. Are you okay with that? I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed. The Prescotts can be a little wild and crazy during the holidays.”

“Only during the holidays?” she teased. “Having just witnessed your grandfather’s over-the-top proposal to Hazel, I’m going to hazard a guess that it’s not just during the Christmas season.”

Liam made a face. “Okay. I take that back. It’s pretty much year-round with my family.”

“The caroling sounds fun. Now that more of my memories have come back to me, I feel more comfortable being around groups of people. I don’t feel like I’m stumbling around in the dark without a flashlight anymore.”

“And you’re developing friendships with Paige and Grace and Hazel. And Honor thinks you hung the moon. You’re not an island anymore.”

“You’re right,” Ruby said. “It helps to have connections here in town. I really enjoyed the tea party. And having Honor invite us out to the Wildlife Center. Those ladies are all something else,” she said. “Grace is so adorable. And Hazel—” She let out a laugh. “She’s a character if I’ve ever met one. And Paige... I don’t know how or why, but she already seems like a close friend.”

“Trust me. Those women can be a real lifeline here in this town. Each of them in their own way is made of strong stuff.”

It was nice to hear Liam speak so well of Hazel, Honor and both his sisters-in-law. She thought very highly of all of them. And she looked forward to making those connections with Annie and Sophie, as well. That was the beauty of community. She hadn’t experienced it in Colorado, but right here in Love, it was as natural as breathing. It was enmeshed in the fabric of the town.

“So, I don’t want to bring up a tricky subject, but we never talked about your dad. Is he still in town?”

“Not that I know of,” Liam said. “I grilled Jasper about it, but he said Pops never swung by his house. Can’t say that I’m surprised.”

“How’s Jasper doing? Hazel seems to be staying firm in her resolve to be done with the relationship.”

“He’s in a little bit of a tailspin at the moment. At first he was in denial, but now the anger is coming out. I’m hoping he just fast-forwards to the acceptance part.”

Ruby made a tutting sound. “I feel kind of sorry for him.”

“What? Why? He broke Hazel’s heart,” Liam said.

“Yeah, but I think his heart must be a little roughed up, too. I think Jasper pretends not to care as much as he really does care deep down. Get it?” Ruby asked.

“I see what you’re saying, but at this point in his life he needs to get his act together. Tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone. We all need to own up to our truths.” Liam looked over at her. He seemed slightly preoccupied about something, but he didn’t seem inclined to share it with her.

She threw her tape down on to the carpet and turned to Liam. “I have an idea!”

Liam’s mouth twisted. “Should I be worried?”

“No. It’s brilliant. Why don’t we play matchmaker for them? Hazel and Jasper! Think about it. Jasper is the one who created the Operation Love program. He’s brought dozens of women to this town and helped Alaskan bachelors find love. Your brother met his wife through the program. So did Declan! Shouldn’t we try and give something back to Jasper?”

Liam let out a sigh. “When you put it like that, I guess we do owe Jasper a little consideration. What exactly did you have in mind?”

* * *

It was a perfect Alaskan winter night for caroling. The temperature was a chilly fifteen degrees Fahrenheit. Snow was lightly falling as they headed out on foot from the center of town. With a full moon hanging high in the sky and the heavens lit up with sparkling stars, their path was made clear for them. There couldn’t be a more perfect December night.

It was a full crew for caroling, but it truly did feel like the more the merrier. Liam had surprised her by inviting Kyle to come and join them. Jasper, Hazel, Boone, Grace, Cameron and Paige were also there. Jasper and Hazel were avoiding each other like the plague. Emma had stayed at home with her nanny, Fiona, since she had just recovered from her ear infection, and neither Paige nor Cameron wanted to run the risk of a relapse. Honor was there, as well as Sophie, Declan and Annie. And Pastor Jack Teagan, who made a point of telling Ruby he’d been the one to officiate her wedding.

Ruby was happy to see everyone. And she no longer felt like a stranger among t

he townsfolk or with Liam’s family. She was part of them now. A citizen of this quirky Alaskan town. A Prescott.

They went door to door, singing beloved Christmas songs. More times than not they were invited inside for holiday treats and hot cocoa. Some townsfolk handed them candy canes or put their coats on and joined them in the revelry. Ruby couldn’t think of a more festive way to spend an evening. And to make it even more special, she had a flash of being heavily pregnant with Aidan and going door to door, her hand firmly clasped in Liam’s.

“I think that’s it for the hot chocolate, Aidan,” Ruby said. “You’re going to end up with a bellyache.”

“But, Mom, I don’t feel sick at all,” Aidan protested, his little mouth turned down in a frown.

Ruby stopped in her tracks, blown away by hearing Aidan call her “Mom.” He continued to walk ahead with the group, totally unaware of what had just happened or how it had impacted her. Liam stopped and stood by her side. A smile threatened to take over his face. He looked almost as happy as she felt.