Liam paid for the tree and helped Al carry it over to his truck where they strapped it down with rope.

Once the tree was secure, Aidan seized the moment. “Can we go to the Moose Café for hot chocolate? I want to show my m...” His voice trailed off after he stumbled with the words.

Ruby bent and tweaked his nose. “It’s all right to call me Mom. If you want to,” she said. She glanced over at Liam with a questioning look in her eyes.

Liam sent her an encouraging nod. He hadn’t thought to bring up this topic before. Calling her Mom would be natural, but perhaps it would be too much too soon for Aidan.

“I don’t want to hurt your feelings,” Aidan said, his eyes focused on the snowy ground, “but it might take a while to get used to. So I might wait a while. If that’s okay with you?” He didn’t look up at Ruby but began to push the snow around with the tip of his boot.

“Of course it is,” Ruby said in a gentle voice. “I’m sort of relieved that you said that because, if I’m being completely honest with you, Aidan, it’s going to take a little bit for me to get used to being your mother. And I hope that doesn’t hurt your feelings, because as far as I can see, you’re the most awesome almost-five-year-old on the planet.”

Aidan tried to keep it together but his grin was effusive. Liam let out a sigh of relief. There were bound to be bumps and hiccups on the road ahead, but it was comforting to know that Ruby and Aidan had worked this one out on their own. There would be plenty of time for Aidan to get used to his mother on his own terms and at a pace that felt comfortable to him.

“How does hot chocolate sound?” Liam asked with a glance in Ruby’s direction.

Ruby bobbed her head. “It sounds perfect.” She held up her mittened hands. “My fingers are beginning to tingle. This material is no match for Alaska cold. I need to invest in a new pair of mittens.”

“There’s also lattes and mochaccinos and tea and lots of other types of coffee drinks.” Aidan practically chirped. “This place aims to please.”

“Wow,” Ruby said. “You’re good! You could be a great advertisement for the Moose Café.”

“Cameron has been training him well,” Liam teased, patting Aidan on top of his hat-covered head.

They all chuckled, with Aidan laughing louder than either of them. As they walked down Jarvis Street, p

ausing to admire the festively decorated store windows, Liam wondered if anything felt familiar to Ruby. He stopped himself from asking her, realizing that it might get tiresome to have to continually answer questions about her memories.

Before he knew it, they were standing in front of his brother’s establishment. The bronze, embellished sign welcomed them to the Moose Café, Love’s most happening coffee bar. “We might as well bite the bullet and go inside,” Liam said. He sucked in a strengthening breath of air.

“Is it going to be that bad?” Ruby fretted.

Liam made a face. “Um, how should I put this? You were beloved in this town. Still are.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Which is a good thing,” Ruby said. “Right?”

“Yes. But that means that there are dozens and dozens of villagers who are going to go a little bit crazy when they see you. Not to mention all the members of my family who are going to swarm all over you, like Cameron and Paige...and then there’s Hazel, and Declan and his new wife, Annie. Not to mention Sophie and Myrtle.”

Ruby’s eyes bulged. She made a gulping sound. “Wow. Sounds like I had a lot of friends.”

“Sophie and Annie are new to town. They both came as part of the Operation Love program. But everybody who knew you, loved you.” Liam’s statement hung in the air, dangling like a fully inflated balloon. Especially me. He almost blurted it out but he stopped himself. It wasn’t the time or the place to go down that road. At the moment it would only serve to muddy the waters.

“No matter how crazy it gets, don’t forget I’m here. I’ve got your back,” Liam said.

He opened the door to the café, allowing Aidan to sail through as if he owned the place. Try as he might, Liam couldn’t stop himself from wanting to protect his wife. He placed his hand on her lower back and ushered her inside, all the while praying she would be able to handle her re-entry into Love society.

Chapter Five

The moment Ruby stepped inside the Moose Café, delectable aromas assailed her senses. Aidan ran off toward the kitchen as if his sneakers were on fire. Waitresses with cartoon moose emblazoned on their T-shirts hustled to and fro, serving customers and taking orders. There was a loud din emanating from the robust crowd. Perhaps it served as an indication of the popularity of this particular establishment. It was filled to capacity. A roasting fire roared in the dining area, lending a rustic, warm atmosphere to the eatery. Antlers hung on the wall above the fireplace.

She heard several people call out to Liam. “Hey, Dr. Prescott” and “I need to see you about my gout.”

The place oozed charm. It seemed like the sort of eatery where you could settle in for a refreshing coffee and good conversation while enjoying a pleasant ambience.

“Liam!” a boisterous voice called out. Ruby turned to see a tall, good-looking man with dark hair and an easy stride making his way toward them. He exuded a great deal of confidence. He flashed them a pearly smile.

“Welcome to the Moose Café, Ruby. Let me show you to a place of honor at my best table over here.” He held out his elbow so she could place her arm through it. The gentlemanly gesture made her want to chuckle. He was treating her like a fragile piece of china.

Liam glared at the man. “Cameron. Take it down a few notches, okay?”