“I promise to help you, Ruby. Can we work something out that doesn’t involve you going back to Colorado, at least not yet? Give Love a chance. Maybe you’ll find you like it here.” The look on Liam’s face could only be described as intense. “Please? For Aidan?”

She ran a shaky hand through her long brown tresses. Staring into his eyes for too long made her feel nervous. It seemed impossible to resist his plea when he appeared to be motivated by love and concern for Aidan.

“Where would I live?” she asked. She couldn’t imagine herself living all by her lonesome in strange surroundings. One thing she had learned about herself since the accident was that she didn’t thrive well in solitary settings. She needed human contact.

Liam gestured around him with his hands. “I’d like it if you would stay here with us. There’s plenty of room. Honor was staying with us, but she just moved to live out at the wildlife center. I think it’s the perfect venue for you to bond with Aidan and get your bearings.”

The idea of living with Liam and Aidan in this fairy-tale house nestled in the Alaskan woods was appealing. It was far nicer than anything she’d experienced in the last few years. She could put her cooking skills to use in this airy, fantastic kitchen. And she would be close to her son...and Liam, too. The idea of spending time around her husband was a bit nerve-racking. She didn’t want to get pulled under by the sheer force of his magnetism. There was so much to figure out and process. Would he expect her to fall into old, familiar rhythms she didn’t even remember? Was he hoping to get his partner back?

“I think being here is helping me to recover my lost memories, which is why I came here in the first place. Sticking around for my son is a no-brainer. There’s really no way I can say no.”

Liam let out a huge sigh that sounded like relief. He reached out and placed his hand over hers. He gently squeezed it. Ruby felt a spark in response. Liam’s eyes widened as if he had also felt a connection. Judging by his expression, he was just as surprised as she was by it.

Just then Aidan darted into the room. His hair appeared less rumpled, and he had changed out of his pajamas into a pair of corduroys and a festive sweater. “Hey, Dad. Remember you said we were going to pick out our tree today.”

Liam let out a groan. “It’s amazing how you can remember all of my promises, yet you keep forgetting to brush your teeth before bed.”

Ruby giggled at the sight of Aidan jumping up and down with excitement. She hoped she would be able to keep up with him and his unbridled enthusiasm and energy.

“Hey, buddy, I’m on call today, so I have to be ready to run to the clinic if anyone needs me. You know the drill, right?”

Aidan nodded his head. “Yep. You made a sacred oath to help people.”

“That’s my boy,” Liam said, his tone full of pride.

Aidan walked over to his dad and tugged at his sleeve. He gestured for him to lean down. Aidan cupped his hands around his mouth and began whispering loudly in his father’s ear. Ruby couldn’t hear every word, but she managed to overhear the words “tree” and “please” and “ask.” Suddenly, two pairs of eyes were focused on her.

“Ask her,” Aidan urged in a loud whisper. He put his finger in his mouth and began to nibble.

“How about it, Ruby?” Liam asked. “Do you want to come with us into town and go shopping for an Alaskan Christmas tree?”

* * *

Watching Ruby getting along with Aidan like a house on fire warmed Liam’s insides like nothing else ever could. They had driven into town and parked on Jarvis Street, then made their way to the town green where Alan Pendergast’s tree stand had been set up. Liam’s family had been buying trees from Mr. Pendergast ever since he could remember. Now, he was passing the tradition down to his own son.

This moment was almost surreal. If anyone had told him two days ago that he’d be picking out a Christmas tree with Ruby and his son today, he would have called them all kinds of crazy. God was good! He had given his family back the person who had always been at the core of it with her huge heart and unwavering kindness.

A tight feeling seized his chest as he studied the familiar, graceful slope of Ruby’s neck and the long strands of mahogany hair that trailed down past her shoulders. A hint of a smile played around her lips. She was patiently listening to Aidan and nodding her head in response to his comments.

Was the woman he loved still in there somewhere? Was she still his Ruby? Or had all that changed forever as a result of her head trauma?

Ruby had always been the love of his life. They had planned on being each other’s forever. He fought against a feeling of sadness that crept over him. So much had changed between them. Ruby didn’t even remember him, which he was trying not to take personally. She remembered Aidan and Kyle and the town of Love, as well as a host of other important things. But not him. Not a single memory of him or all the happy times they had shared. It played into every insecurity he had about his relationship with his wife. And even though he dreaded her remembering the rocky state of their marriage at the time of her accident, he still ached to have her remember the sweet and tender moments—their wedding, Aidan’s birth, their very first Christmas together as man and wife.

He stuffed down the feelings of hurt. This wasn’t about him. Aidan was the focus here. Sooner or later he and Ruby would have to figure out where they were headed, but for now it was all about restoring Aidan’s relationship with Ruby. It would be the ultimate Christmas gift.

As he watched Aidan, Liam had the sneaking suspicion his son’s face might crack under the weight of his huge grin. Liam felt as if his heart had expanded to ten times its normal size just watching his joy. It pulsed and hummed in the frigid December air. Aidan was on top of the world as he walked hand in hand with Ruby. Every time he saw an appealing tree, he would begin circling it and eyeing it up and down.

Although word had gotten around about Ruby’s return, there was still a good amount of heads turning in their direction, as well as astonished faces. Thankfully, the place was fairly deserted. Otherwise it would have been overwhelming for Ruby. And Liam was a little tired of explaining the situation to the few townsfolk who pulled him aside and asked. He didn’t blame them for being shocked, but he simply wanted to savor this moment with his family. Liam felt fairly certain his grandfather might have to call a town meeting simply to announce the incredible news.

His family. He still couldn’t believe it. Tears misted his eyes. He blinked them away before Aidan or Ruby could see them.

“This one!” Aidan said triumphantly as he pointed at a large pine tree. “Isn’t it great, Dad?”

Liam walked over and looked the tree up and down. He turned toward Ruby, who had a bemused expression on her face. “It’s pretty impressive. What do you think?”

“I think it’s a keeper,” Ruby said, holding her palm up so Aidan could give her a high-five. He jumped up and slapped her hand, letting out an enthusiastic cry that sounded a lot like triumph.

“If you’re sure, I can go pay Mr. Pendergast,” Liam said. Aidan gave him a thumbs-up sign.