Finn held up his hands. “I know what you’re going to say. That I never stick around. That I bailed on you the last time. Well, you’re wrong. I actually just bought a little place. A fixer-upper. I’m here to stay, Declan. And I want to partner up with you.”

A few months ago Declan might have viewed Finn’s proposal as crazy. So much had changed in the last few weeks. He’d lost Lucy. He had been in his first plane crash. And he’d fallen hopelessly in love with Annie Murray. All those things had transformed him. He didn’t want to hold Finn’s past actions against him. Finn was family.

“Come up with a proposal for me to look at, Finn. And if you’re serious about buying into the company, you’re going to have to secure financing.”

Finn’s mouth hung open. “You’re okay with this?”

Declan nodded. “We’ll have to work out the details. As long as your proposal looks good, I’m open to all the possibilities.”

Finn let out a whoop of excitement and lifted Declan off the ground. “Put me down, Finn. Seriously. I have to be somewhere. It’s urgent.”

Finn regarded him curiously. “Is there a fire you need to put out or something? You look like you’re about to jump out of your skin.”

“No,” Declan grunted. “I need to go find the woman I love and tell her that I’m the world’s biggest fool.”

* * *

Annie was doing her very best to focus on the town meeting. Much to her dismay, every other second she found herself distracted by thoughts of Declan. At some point she needed to figure out how she was going to get over him. There was no way in the world she intended to pine for a man who stood in the way of her dreams.

Impossible. How could she convince her heart not to love him? She’d had no control over it in the first place, after all. Her love for him had blossomed without any assistance from her. She let out a sigh. Perhaps it would be best to start dating some men in town. It would serve as a nice diversion. And who knew? Maybe she would fall in love with someone else.

Tears gathered in her eyes as her heart handily rejected that notion. It was Declan who held her heart in the palm of his hand. And she feared it would always be Declan who made her soul soar.

The sound of footsteps beside her aisle seat caused her to swing her gaze upward. Declan was standing beside her, staring at her with mournful eyes.

He looked over at the dais where the town-council members were seated. “Jasper,” he called out. “Our town librarian has something she needs to ask you.”

“No, I don’t,” Annie said in a loud whisper, shooting Declan her fiercest glare.

What was Declan doing by showing up here and interrupting the meeting?

“Now’s your opportunity to say what’s resting on your heart,” he told her in a low voice.

Of all the nerve! He was now pushing her out on the ledge after he’d told her last night not to pursue the matter.

Jasper beckoned her to the dais. “Come on. Don’t be shy, Annie. We’re old friends now, right?”

Dwight slammed his palm down on the dais. “This is yet another example of a complete and utter lack o

f civility and violating the rules of order. I heartily object to these shenanigans.”

“Sorry, Dwight,” Declan said in a raised voice, “but sometimes there are things that are way more important than being a rule keeper.”

“Such as?” Dwight asked. “Please enlighten me.” His voice oozed sarcasm.

“Such as righting a wrong,” Declan said in a tender voice. His eyes flickered with an emotion that caused Annie’s heart to thump wildly. He reached out, grasped her hand in his and tugged until she was standing up. “I was wrong. Stupendously, dreadfully wrong. Asking you not to pursue your family connections here in Love was selfish. I was afraid that you might hurt people I love. But in silencing you, I did the very thing I was trying to avoid. I hurt you. I never want to see that look in your eyes again.”

“Family connections?” Jasper asked in a thunderous voice. “What in the world are you talking about?”

“Annie,” Declan said gently. “I think it’s time you spoke your piece. You’ve waited so long for this moment.

She turned toward Declan, suddenly consumed by doubts. What if she was wrong? What if she made a colossal fool of herself? She had never imagined this scene unfolding in such a public place, with so many eyes trained on her. “I don’t know what to say,” she whispered. Declan squeezed her hand tightly.

“Speak from your heart.” He winked at her. “You’ve always been good at that.”

Emboldened by Declan’s support, Annie swung her gaze toward Jasper. “My grandmother was born and raised in this town. Thanks to her stories, I loved this village well before I ever stepped off Declan’s seaplane. Her name was Aurelia Alice Murray.”

Shocked gasps rang out in the room. Jasper’s blue eyes bulged. He sputtered. “You’re Alice’s kin? Her granddaughter?”