“I understand why you think this is a good idea, but let me tell you why it’s not.” He inhaled deeply. “If what you’re saying is true, Jasper would have been married to Harmony at the time your mother was conceived. They were married right after high school. The implication would be that he betrayed his wife and his wedding vows.”

Annie bristled. She hadn’t considered that fact, and her mind was now whirling with the implications. Now she had some insight into why Gram might have left Love. Being pregnant by a married man would have rocked the small fishing village.

“It’s far from ideal, but it doesn’t change the fact that the Prescott family might be kin to me.”

“Might,” Declan bit out. “Do you really want to open a can of worms for a might?”

Can of worms? Was that what he thought about her search for her roots?

He reached for her hand. “I know you don’t want to hurt the Prescotts.”

She pulled her hand away from him. “I’m not trying to hurt anyone. I just want to know who I am and where I come from,” she sobbed. “That has nothing to do with anyone but me.”

“It’s not that simple. I’ve known this family my whole life. This would tear them apart. You probably don’t know this, but the female exodus from Love began decades ago, around the time Harmony left town. She died after she left Alaska. Her death occurred before they could patch things up and Jasper could bring her home. My point is...the Prescotts have already been through the ringer. Boone and his siblings had to endure their parents’ divorce, Liam and Aidan losing Ruby, Jasper’s heart attack, the recession here in town, Boone and Honor being estranged from one another. And Cameron just got his life back after being blamed for the cannery deal that went bust.”

Everything stilled and hushed for Annie. She had heard every word Declan had uttered about the Prescott family. He was making it crystal clear for her. The feelings of his surrogate family mattered way more than her quest to find her family roots. For Declan, it wasn’t even a close contest. He was striving to keep his beloved family from being hurt, at her expense. A sharp pain sliced her midsection. She wrapped her arms around her middle, wishing she could make these painful feelings disappear.

“I’ve been through a lot, too. I lost my mother, Grams...and I never had a father,” she said in a dazed voice. How could Declan so easily discount her sorrows?

“I know you have, Annie. And I can’t tell you how sorry I am about those losses. I’m not telling you what to do—” Declan began.

“Aren’t you?” she snapped. “How long have I been asking you for your opinion about Gram’s diary? And you’ve been stalling me, no doubt because you didn’t want to have to tell me that you also believe Jasper is my grandfather. Isn’t that right?”

Declan looked away from her. She let out a harsh laugh and shook her head. All day she had been anticipating this evening, imagining it would turn out to be a very special night for the two of them. And now everything had crumbled into dust.

“I think you should leave, Declan,” she said in a cold voice that brooked no argument.

Declan’s eyes flickered with hurt. “Annie! Let’s talk about this.”

“I’ve heard more than enough! Don’t worry about it. You’ve made yourself quite clear.” Annie marched toward the door and wrenched it open. Declan waited a few beats, then made his way to her side. He reached out and grazed her cheek with his finger. “None of this was meant to hurt you, Annie.” Declan moved toward the threshold and walked into the bitter chill of the Alaskan night. Before she could make a fool of herself and openly sob in front of him, Annie slammed the door behind Declan and crumpled to the floor. Huge sobs racked her body as she chided herself for ever having fallen for Declan O’Rourke.

Chapter Twelve

The following day, all Declan could do to avoid wallowing in his misery was to focus on O’Rourke Charters and his clients. Problem was, every time he did so, thoughts of Annie hovered over him like a shroud. He pressed his eyes closed as the painful memories from last night washed over him with the force of a tsunami. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that he had messed up royally. His love and protectiveness for the Prescott family had clashed with his love for Annie.

Declan was in love with Annie. For the first time in his life, he could say those words with conviction. He loved Annie. Loved. Adored.

But the events of last night now stood between them. He had been about as subtle as a sledgehammer in his approach. Every single word he had uttered had come out wrong. And the more he opened his mouth, the worse it got. By the time she had asked him to leave, he had been in a state of shock. What in the world had he done?

He had a life full of all the things a man could ever need. His own business. A home. Loyal friends. All except one thing. He didn’t have Annie. He didn’t have the woman he loved by his side. And it hurt. The pain seared his insides.

Annie had been absolutely right about being stuck in the past. For so long now, he’d had one foot stuck in the past while trying to move toward his future. Now, because of Annie, he wanted to say goodbye to all those dark memories and embrace the future. Their future. The white picket fence. A home in the woods. Whatever it took to make Annie happy and fulfilled.

A quick look at his watch confirmed that the town-council meeting was still in session. He needed to be there. But first, he needed to dig into his sock drawer and pull out his mother’s most precious possession. Hopefully by the end of the evening it would be twinkling from Annie’s ring finger.

The sound of a motorcycle cut into the silence. He let out a groan as he stuffed the ring box into his jacket pocket. Finn always did have bad timing.

His front door burst open without any warning.

“Hey!” Declan cried out as his brother crashed into his house. “Knock before you storm in here. Okay?”

Finn walked right up to him and poked him in the chest. “You need to listen to a few things I have to say.”

He pushed his finger away. “Finn, I’m on my way out. I have a very serious matter to attend to at the town-council meeting.”

“I’m not going to let you blow me off.” Finn raked his hand through his tousled mane of brown hair. “I know you need a new plane. I’m offering you an opportunity to let me buy my way into O’Rourke Charters.”

Declan simply stared at Finn. He was dumbfounded. Had he heard him right? Finn wanted another opportunity to be a part of O’Rourke Charters?