“Don’t forget that tomorrow there’s a team scheduled to meet you over at the library and help you get everything up and running. They can’t wait to get to know you.” Jasper winked at her. “I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other very soon.”

Annie found herself following Jasper with her eyes as he made his way through the throng of people. There was such a congenial, commanding air about him. Much like Declan, he seemed magnetic. Everyone seemed drawn to him, like moths to the flame. For the umpteenth time, she found herself wondering if Gram, too, had found Jasper Prescott irresistible. Was he her grandfather? Or did the trail lead elsewhere?

Just then a beautiful red-haired woman came rushing to Declan’s side. She threw her arms around his neck and said, “I’ve been praying for your safe return. I’m so tickled that you’re in one piece. This town wouldn’t be the same without you!”

“Sophie!” Declan cried out. “You have no idea how great it is to see your pretty face.” Sophie blushed and said something to Declan that Annie couldn’t hear.

Annie swallowed past the hard little lump in her throat. Some things were crystal clear, even to a small-town girl like herself. Declan O’Rourke might be the most handsome man she had ever laid eyes on, but he was also a player extraordinaire. Annie had heard too many cautionary tales about men like him. Gram had given her the drill time after time. Don’t fall for a man simply because he makes your heart race. Don’t lose a sense of yourself or your values because you’ve fallen in love.

She had forgotten that simple rule once and lived to regret it. That was a mistake she wouldn’t be repeating, ever. Not even for sky-blue eyes and cheekbones to die for.

Declan was an appealing, handsome charmer. He had a sense of humor. He was brave. And he lived a life of adventure as a pilot. It was easy to feel a pull toward a man like Declan O’Rourke. But she had to resist the tug she felt in his direction. It was imperative to keep her eyes on the prize. She had relocated to Love, Alaska, in order to live out her dreams and to experience living in her grandmother’s hometown. Finding someone to walk through life with was part of the grand adventure. Annie was looking for someone stable and steady. A man who wanted to settle down and make a home and create a family. And give her his name. Despite Declan’s endless appeal, he wasn’t even close to being the type of guy she needed or wanted in her world. By his own admission, he wasn’t looking to ditch his bachelor status.

Annie had a list of things she was striving to accomplish in her new life in Alaska. There was no way in the world that a drop-dead gorgeous pilot was going to sandbag those goals.

* * *

Declan drew in a deep breath of air. The scent of fresh catch from the fishing boats hung sharply in the November air. The view from the pier was awe inspiring. White-capped mountains sat majestically in the distance. The waters of Kachemak Bay shimmered as the sun’s rays bounced off the waves. This was home sweet home. The plane ride back to Love had been uneventful, if a bit nerve-racking. He had found himself clutching the armrest as Finn headed in for the water landing. The thud he felt when Ethel hit the water s

eemed more pronounced than usual. And contrary to any emotion he had ever felt before when flying, a trickle of anxiety had settled over him.

Shake it off. This is going to pass like a spring shower, he reassured himself. Flying came as naturally to him as walking. A single incident shouldn’t change all that. He just needed some time to decompress.

Boone walked toward him with his arms folded across his chest and a huge grin planted on his face. He looked at Declan and chuckled.

Declan frowned. “What seems to be so hilarious, Sheriff Prescott?”

“Oh, nothing,” Boone said. “I just remember standing on this very pier when Grace arrived in town. You asked a lot of questions that day. Now it’s my turn to grill you about Annie. The two of you seem to be getting on like a house on fire.”

Declan rolled his eyes. “We were stranded together waiting for rescue, Boone. It’s not as if we were on a date,” Declan said.

“I guess if you’re going to be fighting for survival with someone, it might as well be an attractive woman like Annie.” Boone leaned in and jabbed him in the side. “Am I right?”

“I guess. But she’s more than just a pretty face,” Declan said. “She’s smart. And resourceful. There’s a goodness about her that radiates.” Glancing around, he located Annie in the crowd. He couldn’t help but smile at the sight of her fuzzy leopard pants.

“Sounds like she’s pretty amazing.” Boone raised an eyebrow. “Is she special enough to tempt you to put your foot back in the dating pool?”

“I never took my foot out of the dating pool,” he cracked. “Declan O’Rourke does just fine in that department.”

Boone shook his head. “Come on, Declan. You know what I mean. Connecting with a woman. Finding that special someone. Maybe even settling down. Hint. Hint.”

“Someone who completes me?” Declan teased. He held up his hands. “I’m not geared for all that. Don’t get me wrong. It’s amazing that you found Grace through the Operation Love program, but I’m doing all right the way I am. Matter of fact, I might even have a date tonight.”

Boone’s jaw went slack. “A date? With who?”

Declan frowned. The name was on the tip of his tongue. What was it again? Caroline? Coraline? He snapped his fingers. “Madeline. She’s new in town. One of Jasper’s recruits. Prettiest smile you ever saw.” The moment the words slipped past his lips, he mentally called himself out. His statement hadn’t been true. Annie Murray’s smile was the most stunning he had ever seen in his life. But he wasn’t about to confess that to Boone. Until he figured out how to deal with these feelings for Annie percolating inside him, he was going to keep things close to the vest.

Declan scoffed, “You married people always want us singletons to follow you down the aisle into wedded matrimony. I’m doing just fine all by myself.”

“If you say so,” Boone muttered as he walked away shaking his head.

At almost the same time his best friend was leaving in disgust, Annie was walking toward him from the opposite direction. She moved with a pep in her step and a smile plastered on her face. Although he didn’t know Annie very well, he had a feeling this was how she navigated her way through life. With optimism and an open heart. He wished he could be more like her. On the inside, where it counted most. He was good at putting on a jovial show, but deep down he had always been nursing his hurts.

“I hope everyone has given you a hearty welcome,” Declan said as she stopped beside him.

“I feel like the queen for a day,” Annie gushed. “Everyone is so enthusiastic about the library. I really feel that coming here was my destiny.” Annie’s cheeks were flushed pink with happiness. Her brown eyes sparkled. Her joy was effusive. All of a sudden, he felt excitement building inside him regarding the library. He was beginning to see things through Annie’s eyes a little bit. Although he still didn’t think the library was a good use of town money, he was happy that Annie was now a resident of Love. But for the library, she would still be back home in Whimsy.

“Love is a great town. It’s going to be different from what you’re used to. That’s for sure. But once it settles inside your heart and mind, you’re going to be head over heels for this fishing village. Just you wait and see.”