She leaned down and wrapped her arms around his neck, showering him with kisses. “Yes, Boone. I’ll marry you. I can’t imagine a better life than one we can share together.”

Tears welled in Boone’s eyes. “I don’t have a ring on me, but I do have this.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his sheriff’s badge. “Not many things in this world mean more to me than this badge. It represents truth and dedication and commitment. All the things I intend to give you, Gracie. For the rest of our lives.”

Boone stood up and pinned the badge on Grace’s shirt, causing her to smile so wide she feared her face might crack. She ran her hand over the shiny star. It served as living proof of the principles they would build their lives around and of the strength of their love.

For now, and always, she would be the sheriff of Love’s lady.

“Thanks for coming after me, Boone,” she whispered. “It’s the loveliest thing anyone has ever done for me.”

“Oh, Gracie,” he said with a sigh. “It was never really a choice. A life lived without you isn’t really a life at all. At least not for me.”

Grace stood on her tiptoes and placed an emotional kiss on Boone’s lips. He was a keeper. Thank You, Lord. For answering my prayers and pointing me in the direction of this wonderful man.

“Let’s go home, Boone,” she murmured, knowing that from this moment forward they would be walking in love.


New York Tribune


Grace Corbett of New York City was married today to Sheriff Boone Prescott in Love, Alaska. Grace, a journalist for the Tribune, met Mr. Prescott while on assignment for the paper. Her popular series, “Finding Love in Alaska,” details her courtship with her now husband. The couple plan to honeymoon in Hawaii and will reside in Love, Alaska, with their malamute, Kona.

Grace nestled against Boone as they sat on their couch while her husband read the wedding announcement out loud to her. Kona was sitting at their feet, curled up in a ball. Grace was still dressed in her elegant vintage wedding dress with the faux fur collar and rhinestones on the bodice. Her ivory shoes, bejeweled with brilliant crystals, sat prettily on the hardwood floor. Boone, looking dashing in a black tuxedo, smiled down at her as he closed the computer and placed it back on the coffee table.

Their wedding this morning had been conducted by Pastor Jack in the presence of family, friends and an abundance of love. Sophie, Honor and Hazel had stood up as Grace’s bridesmaids, with Liam, Declan and Cameron acting as Boone’s groomsmen. Aidan, decked out in a little black suit, had marched down the aisle as the ring bearer. Grace brought Jasper to tears by asking him to walk her down the aisle. There hadn’t been a dry eye in the chapel as they recited their wedding vows with both of them adding their own heartfelt words of commitment and devotion. In the morning they’d be flying to Anchorage to catch their flight to Oahu for ten days of paradise.

“The Tribune promised to send me a copy of the print edition. I can’t wait to have it framed so I can put it in a place of honor,” Grace said with a smile.

Boone leaned down and pressed a kiss on her forehead. “I can’t wait to see our future unfold.”

Grace reached up and placed a kiss on his cheek. “You’re not the only one, Sheriff Prescott.”

Boone gazed at her lovingly. “Any regrets about hanging up your hat at the Tribune?”

“Not a single one.” Grace let out a contented sigh. “I’m right where I should be. And I can submit articles as a freelance journalist whenever I want, not to mention there are a few things I want to submit to other papers here in Alaska.” She grabbed Boone’s arm. “How does this sound? How to Survive in the Alaskan Wilderness. Alaskan Spelunking 101. Or how about this... Finding the Man of Your Dreams in Love, Alaska.”

“I like the last one, especially since you’re the woman of my dreams, Grace Prescott.”

“Grace Prescott,” she said in a dreamy voice. “I like the way that sounds. It has a certain ring to it, don’t you think?”

Boone brushed his lips across Grace’s, his kiss full of tenderness and emotion.

“I think God blessed both of us the day He sent you to Love. Right from the beginning He gave us a sign when you fell right into my arms.”

“Now I know what prayer He answered. I found everything I’ve always wanted right here in Love. Right here in your arms, Boone,” Grace whispered, her voice husky with emotion. “I’ve always wanted a tight-knit family. Now I get to share yours.”

“I’m not sure I want to share you with anybody just yet,” Boone teased. “After all, we’ve barely been married a few hours. I like having you all to myself.”

Grace giggled. “Jasper sure is tickled that we’re the first couple to be married as a result of Operation Love.”

“Something tells me we won’t be the last. There are a lot of people who need love in this town,” Boone drawled.

“Oh, Boone. We should help them. We could become the official ambassadors of Operation Love.” Her voice rang out with enthusiasm. She tapped her finger alongside her jaw. “Imagine all the possibilities.”

“That sounds a lot like matchmaking,” Boone said with a raised eyebrow.

“It wouldn’t really be matchmaking. Just giving the people we love a push in the right direction. Think about it. There’s Cameron, Declan and Sophie. And of course there’s Liam. And Honor.”