“Anyway, I’d take Kate on days I didn’t have football practice, and we’d slip into the movies.”

“I love going to the movies. I also love watching them at home.” I’m a bit of a homebody even though I’m trying to change that about myself—get out of my comfort zone and stop being so lazy.

This weekend I’ve proved to myself that I can, so yay me!

“Hey, Eli?”

“Hmm?” His arm is around my shoulder as we lay here, yawning and getting tired. It’s been a long, eventful day, and the orgasm certainly helped my chill levels.

“Thanks for the orgasm.” I pause. “Are you sure you don’t want me to…?” You know, go down on you?

“I’m sure. Just go to sleep and stop thinking about it. I came, too, which made me feel fifteen but whatever.”

“What’s the plan for tomorrow?” Surely, he has one.

“I thought we would eat breakfast, then take a look around. Get in the Jeep and head back toward the direction of the airport but stop along the way if we see anything interesting?”

That sounds like a great plan. “Go off on a high note.”

“Exactly what I was thinking.”

I yawn again. “Ugh, suddenly I’m so tired.”

The yawning is contagious, and he automatically does it too. “Same.”

We’re quiet for a few heartbeats. “Night, Molly. Thanks for coming along for the ride today.”

“Thanks for the invitation.”



I barely have my pants on when I get a text from Jack Jennings, slipping into the same jeans I had on yesterday but pulling on a clean tee shirt.

I know it’s him because of the preview on my screen, and since he’s messaged me twice in a row, I figure it must be urgent.


Jack: Yo. Word on the street is you’re on a date this weekend.

Me: Who told you that?

Jack: I have my sources, which I will never reveal.

Me: Do those sources include my sister?

Jack: Can’t say. But dude, OUT OF TOWN? Tsk tsk, don’t fall in love with this one, or you’re going to lose our bet.

Me: First of all, it’s one date.

Jack: That’s not what I heard—I heard you’ve been seen out with this woman before, MULTIPLE TIMES.


Jack: A lady never reveals her source. I just told you that. But for real, OUT OF TOWN?? That’s serious.

Me: You should talk—didn’t you fly Penelope to California for a date?

Jack: Yes but A) She’s the mother of my child, and B) I had a game in Cali, so I was multitasking. What’s your excuse?

Me: I was trying to be creative.

Jack: By flying a woman on a private jet on a weekend getaway?

Me: We’re camping. I hardly call it a weekend getaway.

Jack: Wait. You’re CAMPING??? Never mind what I said about you losing the bet. No woman wants to go camping on a first date.

Me: Fine. By camping, I meant glamping—we’re in a tree house.

Jack: Come again?

Me: Google Calder Family Tree House Farm

Jack goes momentarily silent, and I assume he’s busy googling.

Jack: I take back what I said. She’s definitely going to fall in love with you. This place looks badass. I should bring Penn and Skipper there.

Me: Not to brag, but yeah, it’s one of my better ideas.

Jack: Come again? I distinctly recall asking you for advice last year, and your brilliant date ideas included coffee and buying flowers. NOT AT ALL creative. So basic.

Jack: This has Donna written all over it.

Me: What difference does it make whose idea it was?

Jack: I’m just stating a fact.

Me: Quit bothering me just so you can be right all the time.

Jack: Listen—you’re the one who made the bet.

Me: Actually, no—it was Penelope. She said, and I quote, “Wanna make a bet?”

Jack: Semantics.

Me: What’s your point again?

Jack: Just here to find out if you’re hiding a secret girlfriend or if you’re keeping things on the up-and-up.

Me: There is no secret girlfriend. It was one date.

Jack: Heard it was more like 3, which is so unlike you. Sounds to me like you’re cheating.

Me: You’ve known me long enough to know that I don’t cheat. I consider this a business deal, and our handshake was a binding contract.

Jack: I never shook your hand.

Me: But it was in writing.

Jack: Wow, you really are a stickler.

Me: Don’t think for a second I haven’t had second thoughts.

Jack: Well, keep me posted, bro. I’m not the one you have to deal with. It’s my lovely girlfriend who’s got your balls in a vise.

Me: I’ll keep you posted.

Jack: In the meantime, you should bring your girlfriend by…


Jack: Yet.

“Whoa, who’s got your panties in a twist?”

I glance up to find Molly watching me intently as I toss my phone on the bedspread next to my duffel bag.

“Jack Jennings is riding my ass. My sister told him I was seeing someone, and he couldn’t wait to say something about it.”