“I’ve seen this place on one of my favorite reality shows,” I tell Eli. “Oh my god, I’m so freaking excited.”

I’m bouncing again like a kid on steroids.

“I’m still reeling over the fact that you kissed me on the face,” he tells me, putting the Jeep into park and glancing over at me. “I can still feel it.”

His hand touches his cheek where my lips had been, and we both laugh.

“I feel like you just took my virginity.”

He is too ridiculous.

A surprise every time we’re together.

He does the honor of checking us in while I prepare the bags and wait by the Jeep, too enthralled with the atmosphere to go into the office. Lights hang around all of the tree house cabins, twinkling in the fading sun and lending a romantic air to the entire area.

This is so romantic, I can’t help thinking to myself, wanting to spin in circles, anxious with anticipation to see which tree house we’re going to be in.

I do a mental inventory of my suitcase; casual cotton pajama set (nothing special or even sexy), sweatpants, YALE hoodie (in case it’s cold), jeans, white tee shirt with tiny red hearts, and brown wedge heels. Everything is casual yet so perfect for this weekend Eli has planned.


I half expect one of the management to come outside and greet me, but it’s just Eli with the key. He jingles it in the air, and it glistens and shines against the twinkling lights and coach lantern they’ve given him.

“How cool is this?” He holds it in the air, marveling. “I feel like I’m roughing it already.”

“Hardly.” I roll my eyes. “Roughing it would be no electricity, no running water, and no amenities. These cabins are completely decked out.” I’m an authority on the subject, apparently, given that I’ve seen the insides on the internet, having wanted to rent one after I’d seen it on my show. Sadly, they’re always completely booked out and unavailable.

I wonder how he pulled this off on such short notice?

“True,” he allows. “Not to mention I ordered us dinner, which is catered.”

“You’re worse than I am when it comes to being spoiled.”

Far worse I imagine considering the world he lives in. I bet you the guy doesn’t even do his own grocery shopping or run to the dry cleaners by himself.

Our cabin is number nine near the back of the property. He walks toward the Jeep and opens up the driver’s side. “Hop in. We can park in front of it.”

Within minutes, we are taking the steps one by one up to a cottage named “Southern Sunrise,” which I’m assuming means we’re going to be awoken by the blaring morning sun.

Good thing I packed my eye mask.

“This is so cute.” Eli is pushing through the front door but giving me the first look, following me.

“I’m in awe.” Setting my suitcase and purse down, I lift my eyes to the expansive windows. They’re reclaimed window panes and stacked atop one another to create a two-story view.

Rustic chandeliers hang from the ceiling over a vintage iron bed.

Reclaimed cabinets.

A vintage clawfoot bath sits on the other side of the cottage near a standalone sink and marble countertop.

“This is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.”

I forgive the fact that there are two of us and only one bed, and this is our first date, and we’re in an entirely different state than the one we woke up in.

But life’s an adventure, and I trust Eli, more so every day.

“What should we do first?”

“Explore more while there’s still sunlight.”

He nods, keeping his shoes on and holding the door open so I can cross the threshold, stopping me before I hit the first step.

Hand on the crook of my arm, it’s clear he wants to say something, his gaze lingering, lips parted.


Eli shakes his head and releases his soft grip on my arm. “Nothing.”

I see it now. He was going to kiss me.

I think.

I shiver.

Nodding, I move past him down the steps, one by one until my feet touch the earth again.

“Which way?”

“There’s a path.” He points toward the back of our cottage in the sky, and I follow, our hands nearly brushing as we make our way along a trail blazed through the woods.

It’s quiet, this path we’re on.

Abandoned except for us.

Serene and peaceful.

With every step, I wonder if I should take his hand. We haven’t been intimate in any way since we met, if you don’t count the chaste kiss I planted on his cheek in the car, so perhaps now is a good time to start.

My brain goes back to the night he asked me out.

“Do you want to go on a date?”

If I hadn’t been lying down when he’d asked, my legs wouldn’t have worked. “Do you want to go on a date?”

“I’m asking you if you want to go on a date. A real one. With me.”