“Well. You do love kissing, after all.”
“I do love kissing.” I prove it by kissing the side of her neck. “Know what else I love?”
Her chin tilts up. “What?”
“You,” I whisper. “I love you.”
“So you’re seducing me in the bathroom of a swanky restaurant?” Her fingers go through my hair. “I like your style.”
“Only like my style?” I’m teasing her, and I don’t even care. I’m not even worried that she’s ignored my two declarations of love. Though can they be called declarations if they’re said in the context of a solemn matter?
“Fine.” Her lips pout. “I love your style.”
I get on my knees in front of her, toying with the trim of her dress.
“Really, really love your style,” she breathes. “But…but what if someone tries to get in?”
I kiss the inside of her thigh. “Someone will definitely try to get in.”
But the door will be locked, and she’ll still be pressed against it, and my mouth will be on her pussy as I worship the ground she walks on.
“You smell so good.”
“Oh god, don’t say that so close to my vagina. I barely showered today.”
I laugh, lifting the skirt of her dress and tugging down her black thong, impatient to get my mouth on her.
“Oh jesus,” she gasps when I lick between her legs. “What happens if I fall over? I have horrible balance.”
“You won’t tip over.” I shush her. “Relax.”
Her head goes against the door, hands on my shoulders to steady herself. “I’ll t-try.”
It’s not easy going down on someone standing up—harder to hit the good spots, harder to suck from this angle. Still, I make it work, giving it the old college try, determined to give her an orgasm, loving her with my lips and tongue and teeth.
A nip here.
A lick there.
“Oh my god, Eli.” Molly bends her leg and puts her foot on my propped-up knee, giving me more access. “Why does that feel so good?”
It just does, baby. It just does.
Breathing quick, face red, hands on my neck, shoulders, hair.
Tastes so fucking good.
“Oh my god, Eli,” she moans. “I’m so hungry.”
“So am I, babe.”
“Eat me.” She laughs. “I cannot believe I just s-said that.”
Neither can I. It makes me laugh and lose my concentration, and I have a job to finish so we can eat our actual dinner.
“I can only live on pussy so long.”
Molly wiggles her hips, groaning. “I love you so much, do you know that?”
Now she’s going to tell me she loves me? While I’m on the floor, in a public bathroom, next to the toilet, going down on her?
“Say it again.” Lick. Suck…
Suck harder. Work her pussy like it’s the last job on earth.
“Oh, shit…”
I pause. “Nope. That’s not it.”
“Eli,” she begs. “Don’t stop.”
“Say it again.”
She’s pouting instead of saying the words I so desperately want to hear, and who knew I was such a sap?
A sap?
This from the dude down on his knees…
“I love you.”
That’s my girl.
A few moments later, she comes at the same time there’s a knock on the door and the doorknob jiggles.
Molly bites her lip, nostrils flaring, as her orgasm has her legs quivering, thighs shaking, palms and back and head pressed against the door.
“Dear lord,” she mutters at long last, pulling her underwear back up to her hips. “Those scallops are going to taste so good.”
False. They’re going to be cold, but far be it from me to point that out.
We wash our hands, and I rinse my face.
And as I unlock and pull the door open for her, I mutter, “I’m never going to forget that the moment you told me you loved me, I was on my knees giving you oral in a restaurant.”
“That is your effing fault.” She rolls her eyes. “You dick.”
Speaking of my dick.
It’s so fucking hard for her.
Smiling, I slap her on the ass as we go back to our table.
“Please just say you’ll have sex with me later.”
“Are you begging me?”
“No, but I will if you want me to.”
She takes her seat at the table, folding the napkin across her lap, looking proper as you please. As if she hadn’t just gotten eaten out in the bathroom by the toilet.
“I probably wouldn’t mind you begging me for sex every now and again. Nothing makes a woman feel powerful like a man groveling at her feet.”
I cut my steak and peer at its inside. “This definitely got cold.”
Molly stabs a scallop and holds it up. “Mine too.” Nibbles at the edge of it. “Yeah, it’s cold.”
I cock my head with an idea. “Want to get this to go and head back to my place? We can nuke it in the microwave, change into pajamas, and rent a movie.”
“Oh my god, that sounds so nice.”
I hold my hand up, signaling for the server.
“Wait.” Molly sounds panicked. “Do we look guilty?”
“Guilty of oral?”