It’s been a surreal twenty-four hours.

One I won’t forget.

“What are you doing tonight?” I ask when we’re seated on the plane, across from each other, separated by the table. Beth smiles at us with water and champagne.

“That depends on when you think we’ll get back?”

I check with Beth.

“We’ll have a tailwind, so it will be about an hour thirty.”

Molly wiggles her head back and forth. “I didn’t have any real plans. What about you?”

Same. “Would you like to come to my place and watch a movie? I actually have a few screeners at my house.”


“Yeah—movies and shows that haven’t hit the theaters yet.”

“Wow. You get early release movies?”

I nod. “One of the perks of having famous clients, I guess. Most of my players get them too; studio execs and producers are hoping we’ll talk about them in the media for free publicity. Less expensive than ads and paying influencers.”

“Sure, I would love to come by and watch a screener. I’ve never done that before.” She bites down on her lower lip, something I’ve noticed she does when she’s thinking. “This whole weekend has been…really something else.”

“I’m glad you’re happy.”

She beams back at me. “I am. Thank you.”

Leaning forward, we meet halfway over the table for a quick kiss before the plane pulls away from the gate and begins its taxi to the runway.

My brain does a quick mental inventory of everything I have in my penthouse, from the kitchen to the pantry to the sheets on the bed. Whether or not I have towels on the bathroom floor, whether or not there is dirty underwear anywhere.

I think I have food in my fridge?

I’m almost positive the bed has been made but can’t be sure. My housekeeper has vacation coming up, but I can’t remember if it was this week or next week.

Do I have clean sheets on my bed?


Slow your roll, pal. Just because you have new sheets on the bed doesn’t mean Molly is going to sleep with you. You invited her over to watch a movie, so don’t be a presumptuous dick.

Besides, I have plenty of time to get home, pick up, and order in groceries before she’s anywhere near my place.

Hours, even.

Molly reads a magazine on the flight home while I read the paper, our legs touching beneath the table, our hands meeting when we both reach for snacks at the same time.

Beth has laid out the pastries and treats from yesterday, along with fresh fruit and veggies, and has a small platter of sushi to accompany it all.

Five stars all around for Beth and her service, making me look like a hella awesome date.

I’m happy.

Then again, orgasms will do that to a person.

Humming while I read the newspaper, eyes scanning up and down the columns, I’m not taking in any of the words on the paper. Too busy daydreaming, more at ease than I’ve been in who-knows-how-long.

Daydreaming—also something I haven’t done in ages.

When we land, I take her hand when our feet hit the tarmac. My car is already pulled up to the hangar so I don’t have to fetch it from the parking lot—which isn’t too far of a walk, to begin with, but a nice perk nonetheless.

“What time do you want to come over tonight? I can grab dinner—something light? Vegetables with rice, chicken. Sushi, pho, Italian—whatever you’re in the mood for.”

“We had chicken last night. How about sushi? It tasted so good on the plane earlier, I could eat it twenty-four seven.”

I toss our bags into the back of my sports car and slam the rear shut.

“Shower, then come over?”

Molly sniffs her armpit as I rev the engine and give another wave to the flight crew.

“Could definitely use a shower.” She laughs. “How’d you know?”

“Just a guess. I wasn’t implying that you stink.” I laugh, too.

Her head goes back against the headrest, eyes sliding shut. “Do you mind if I take a short nap? I’m so tired.” She yawns. “I should have slept on the plane instead of reading that magazine.”

I drive.

Molly sleeps.

It’s not far back to her place. I hadn’t had to use my GPS to find my way and only had to gently nudge her awake when I pulled into her short driveway.

I let the car idle. No sense in cutting the engine and loitering for an invitation inside, not when she’s due to be at my place for dinner.



I get her things out of the trunk, and she meets me at the back of the car, going up on her tiptoes when she wraps her arms around my shoulders and kisses me on the cheek as a farewell.

“I had a really nice time,” she tells me again. “Thank you. It was so thoughtful of you to take me to South Carolina. I absolutely loved it.”

“I had a good time too. I’ll be sure to let Donna know you had a good time.” I wink at her, teasing.