“I know the kind and have been to a few of them myself. My favorite costume was the time I went as The Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland. But like—her corpse.”
Molly’s palm is smoothing itself over my chest again, making it hard for me to concentrate on the words coming out of her mouth.
I dip my chin in an attempt to see her better and come in close contact with her lips.
She kisses me.
Pulls back.
Leans over and kisses me again.
It doesn’t take more than a few chaste pecks for us to start making out, tongues introducing themselves. It’s a wet, hot, exploratory kiss that gets my dick hard.
Then again, in the past few hours, I’ve gotten several hard-ons, and Molly isn’t even trying to get me turned on. All she’s doing is exploring my upper body with her hand, not having lingered anywhere below the beltline.
This kiss is sexy, and we’re cozy in bed with the lights off, the mood suddenly more sensual than it was five minutes ago. The conversation has stopped, and the exploring has begun. All I can think about now are the tits pressed into my chest.
Molly rolls again and eases her body up onto mine so she’s lying on top. She’s light and little and not at all crushing me; the weight feels amazing.
Her mouth is like a dream, her tongue minty and sweet from having just brushed her teeth, both at the same time. Not demanding—but she’s also taking the lead, hand on my chest and roaming up to my hair.
“You taste good.” I moan.
She moans.
It’s one of those kinds of kisses.
The kind that curls your toes and makes you want to dry hump like teenagers sneaking around in their parents’ basement. The kind of kiss that has a woman’s hand easing into your tee shirt and gliding over your stomach, and you don’t even care that you’re wearing day-old boxer shorts that have a hole in the backside.
The kiss is that good.
My large palm skims the side of her boob.
I have no idea how we are going to sleep after this. My adrenaline is rushing, and any lethargic cells in my body are now gone. Cock at full mast, begging for attention.
She must feel it between her legs because she abandons her efforts at my nape and my hair to drag it down my rib cage, seeking out my hard, throbbing length.
And as much as I wouldn’t mind her jerking me off, I demure.
Flipping her off me so she’s flat on her back, I brace myself above her. “Oh no, you don’t.”
“Don’t what?”
“You’re not going to suck me off, or jerk me off, or do whatever it is you think you’re going to do with my dick. I want tonight to be about you.”
With the little bit of light filtering into the room, I see her nibble her bottom lip. “Fine. If you insist.”
Arms above her head, she watches as I shimmy down her body, pulling her bottoms along. She lifts one leg, then the other, so I can remove her sleep shorts, tossing them to the side with a “Good riddance.”
“Don’t throw them too far.” She laughs. “If I’m not wearing clothes, I can’t sleep.”
I lift my head. “So you’re not sleeping naked?”
“Uh, no. Sorry to disappoint you, but I’d be awake all night…”
I’ll allow it.
I can’t believe Eli is going down on me. While I’m wearing a shirt.
Should I take it off or keep it on?
This would be much sexier and hotter if I was completely naked…
Still, he doesn’t seem to mind, intent on his mission of pleasing me.
Decision made, I don’t bother with the cumberson row of buttons, instead yanking the top over my head and tossing it where I think Eli has tossed my bottoms, stretching out like a cat lying in the sunlight even though he can’t see my whole body with the lights off. I still feel sexy as hell and in control knowing that this powerful, smart, and funny man wants to make me come.
His large palms are sliding over my thighs, thumbs caressing the apex between my legs.
I squirm.
Thrash my head, albeit a tad prematurely, but I’m excited. The anticipation of what’s to come more than I can bear.
A man hasn’t been able to make me come by going down on me in years, and I’m anxious to see how good Eli is with his mouth, wishing I could see his eyes, nose, and mouth.
Sexy, sexy Eli.
His broad shoulders are between my legs, keeping them parted. Hands stroking.
Then his mouth is on me, tongue licking.
I don’t mind that part, but it honestly does nothing for me. Too gentle and too soft to get any kind of response.
It’s not enough.
My hips wiggle impatiently.
Eli’s glance is brief. “Harder?”
I nod.
He figures out what that means and stops licking me, sucking instead, never giving up like the determined man he is.