Glancing over at my co-workers, I see there are more than a few curious eyes on us, on me.
Naomi’s still blabbing about how I saved everyone, but being asked out, even just as a friend by Ash, for coffee seems so…unreal.
As amazing as he is. Because he’s so amazing, why would a guy like Ash want anything to do with me?
Now I sound like my parents.
“I just…I should go,” I say briskly, not sounding like a girl who wants to show her appreciation anymore.
Bridget, what are you doing?
I feel Ash loosen his grip on me, he’s not the kind of guy to force me to do anything, but I can feel his mood without even looking into his eyes.
I can’t. I just…Can’t.
Like the jumping thing? You said you couldn’t do that either.
Shut up! Shut up! I just need some…Ugh! I dunno what I need. But I can’t let him think I’m that kind of girl.
My parents would kill me.
Or worse.
They’d make sure I never left the house again.
What I just did or said to make Bridget so distant is beyond me.
Maybe you should’ve waited to ask her out, Ash. Maybe she already has someone?
I groan at the realization. Then kick at some loose debris as I watch her walk away, hugging her elbows.
My elbows. My Bridget….
Not anymore, genius.
Something spooked her, though, and I’m sure it wasn’t just my coffee date invitation.
I discreetly cup my hand to my mouth and check my breath.
Smells okay…I guess.
Then what did I do wrong?
I don’t have to stew on it long, though. The shrill sounds of someone screeching her name, followed by a middle-aged woman leaping from a car she’s barely put into park helps me join a few dots.
Before anyone can stop her, she’s made her way through the blockade of fire trucks and emergency services, making a beeline for my girl.
This would be Mom, I’m assuming.
I watch from a distance, still feeling like I’ve messed everything up, until I overhear her Mom, insisting she go to the hospital. Even pestering the same medic we saw earlier. Making sure her daughter gets to the hospital to get checked out.
Bridget looks around for a bit, and I tell myself she’s looking for me, but I dunno.
My whole caveman, saving the damsel in distress and carrying her back to my cave fantasy, feels kinda lame in real life when her Mom turns up, and my chief’s torn me a new one.
But if Bridget’s headed to the hospital, then that’s where I’m going too.
I remember exactly how it felt driving in the wrong direction earlier, and I don’t intend to make the same mistake twice.
Playing hard to get, or maybe she does have someone in her life? Either way, I’d rather look like a fool and let her realize I’m serious than just walk away.
The crowd of rubber-neckers is bigger than the chief, and a few patrols of cops can handle, so I morph back into the throng of people. Leaving my comrades to do their work and making sure I keep the ambulance taking Bridget to the hospital in sight.
Her Mom gets back to her car and starts to follow. And within minutes, I’m playing a game I don’t like but know I have to.
Follow what’s mine. Stake my claim, then put a baby in her belly to prove that I mean I want a forever deal.
I lose both Bridget’s Mom and the ambulance in heavy traffic, but I know where they’re headed.
Parking a ways off from the emergency entrance, I play it safe and keep my distance.
Walking across the road, I decide on that cup of coffee after all. Only a solo cup this time. I sit in the hospital cafeteria, waiting for what I figure should be long enough before I go looking for Bridget again.
I did not want to look as crazy as I feel about her by just showing up in the emergency room while her Mom was there.
Not right away, anyhow.
That would give Stack all the reasons he needs to suspend me, or worse. But right now, I’m off duty and just happen to be in the hospital.
Plus, I’m not sure if I wanna play fireman anymore.
Finding Bridget today, saving her, and then feeling her so close to me? I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to focus on anything except her ever again. And I’ll be damned if I’m going to let her go wandering around in the world without me watching over her.
If she has someone else, then whoever they are will have to do without what’s mine.
I calm myself knowing deep down Bridget’s like me in at least one way. I somehow just know she’s single. Like some people have a wedding ring, single people just…I dunno. You kinda just know. And today is the first time I’ve realized that.