That said, Micah separated the two pieces of the collar and tossed the metal aside. He plucked the eternastone from his wrist cuff and tossed it to the ground, allowing the two stones to draw together, like magnets pulled one to another.

He remembered the vision. In the troll king’s arms, she’d worn the collar. She was safer without it; nothing mattered more than her protection.

Her breath caught, but doubts swirled in her irises. “What of the other obstacles? My glamara and my children.”

“They no longer apply. You are free to create whatever you wish, how often you wish. Know that your children are my children. Graves demands this. I ask only that our children are not allowed to attack our people.”

“Th-that is doable, but what about the fourth obstacle?” Her gaze darted. “A secret I’m keeping from you?”

What other secrets could she possibly have? Why not tell him now, during this fresh start? But he already knew the answer. He hadn’t yet earned her trust. “I would tell you to keep your secret, if you feel you must. Which makes this a nonissue, yes?”

She floundered, panted. “What if I’m never worthy to be queen? Some obstacles you can’t make go away so easily, Micah. Your people mistrust me. With good reason! How could they not? Plus, I’m unrefined, and I don’t like shoes.” Tears gathered, and her chin trembled. “I don’t even know how to read.”

His chest clenched at the truth, and he hated that he had ever made her doubt herself. With a soft smile, he tenderly cupped her cheeks. “As of this moment, shoes are outlawed in our kingdom. Offenders will be punished severely. And Red? We are royals, and we decide what is refined or not. As for reading, you can learn. No obstacle there.”

“Well, yes. But—”

“No buts. You are the strongest, most courageous and wily creature I’ve ever battled. Your ability to recover and rebound astounds me. Those you love, you protect. They have your wholehearted loyalty. My people—our people—will come to see that and grow to love you. How could they not?” he asked, using her own question against her. “There are few beings who are worthy of you.”

The tears spilled over, her irises turbulent pools. “You have no idea how wrong you are. I ruin things, Micah.”

“That can’t be true. You’ve made everything better for me,” he rasped. “I will do anything to have you, Red.”

Her lids dipped, her lashes dropping, attention fixing on his lips. She tapped the tips of her nails against his shoulders and throatily asked, “You want to keep me so much?”

“I’ve never wanted something more,” he admitted without hesitation.

A suspended pause. Then she glided her fingers into his hair and fisted the short strands, urging him closer. His lips hovered over hers. They breathed for each other. “Take me, husband. Tonight, I choose you. I’m yours.”


VIORI MOANED AS Micah claimed her lips in a wild kiss, then moaned again when he tore at the straps of her dress. To her delight, the material shredded easily, baring her chest. Cool, damp air sizzled against her overheated skin, setting off a new tidal wave of arousal. A stronger wave that brought others. One by one, they crashed over her, drowning her, taking her to deeper depths.

Was she really going to do this? Forgive Micah and try marriage again? She didn’t know. But she knew she yearned for him, too. And he was trying. He’d granted her freedom. He hadn’t teased her about her inability to read. He’d agreed to a truce with her brother. A miracle! So, yes. Here, now, she would have him. Later, she would consider the risks with a clear head. Until then, she... He... Mmm, he nipped her bottom lip, then nibbled across her jaw. He drew her earlobe between his teeth, and she shivered.

“You are my delight,” he breathed against her flesh, the words as thrilling as his touch. “My prize. I’m happiest when I have you in my arms.”

She was? He was? “You are my... Micah!” she cried. He licked her throat, sucked on her hammering pulse. Something he couldn’t do with the collar, but she was free now. And sensitive. Oh! Goose bumps spread like wildfire.

“That’s right. I’m your Micah. Don’t ever forget.” He kneaded her breasts, kissing and licking and sucking from one to the other. “I’ll always be yours.”

“Mine.” A broken groan left her, and she arched in offering, clutching his broad shoulders for purchase. Beneath her hands, his muscles bunched and strained. “Don’t stop. Never stop.”

“Never,” he agreed. He scooted her to the edge of the stone and pushed her legs open with a hand on each of her knees. He stepped between her thighs. Leaning in, his weight settling into his hands, he imprisoned her gaze. “I’m going to do things to you, Red.”