“Whatever.” She shrugged, offering no assurances.

He huffed and flittered deeper into the cave. Deeper still. Hmm. No hidden surprises. Merely a cavern and cenote. Ebony crystals covered the entire ceiling. Pinpricks of light danced inside them, making each resemble a swirling star.

He returned to Vee, gathered her close and flittered her to the cenote. “We’ll spend the night here.”

When he released her, she remained pressed against him, peering up. “Why are we taking the scenic route to camp, huh? Why don’t you flitter me back?”

“Reveal my schemes to a foe? Do you know nothing about your husband or the art of war? Tsk-tsk.”

She maintained a pensive expression as they splashed water on their faces. Even as they ate the last of their food on their blanket. Without prompting, she cuddled up beside him the second he stretched out. Yet another shock. He held her close, unwilling to let go.

With her cheek resting on one of his pectorals and her palm flat on the other, she said, “I believe I owe you a childhood tale.”

“If you aren’t ready—”

“I’m ready, okay. Jeez. Anyway. When we left off, I had been captured by a unit of Winterland soldiers. They carted me to Frost Mountains. I created Snowy, and he took care of the problem for me, killing the guards. The other prisoners feared him and ran. Maybe they died due to freezing temperatures, maybe they escaped. I don’t know. I slept for a time, then awoke in a place called Scotland. There, I created Lochnessa—Nessa—and fell asleep yet again. When I woke up, I was with Snowy, and we were alone.” She paused. “I really am sorry about Erwen. Tell me about him.”

His heart stuttered. She remembered his name. “He was the best. No one better. Loyal. Honorable. Kind. Brilliant. He found me as an infant and raised me as his own. He owed me nothing, yet he gave me everything.”

“That’s wonderful,” she said, even as she grew waxen. “I could have used someone like him as I made my way through a realm I no longer recognized, sticking to the edge of civilization, watching, learning, creating protectors as needed.”

He could imagine they’d learned the same lessons in the shadows. A kind smile often hid a heart filled with hate. Selfishness and greed abounded in all species. Trust no one but yourself.

He pressed his tongue to the roof of his mouth. “What else?”

“Eventually I came across a nice family. One of my least favorite memories. I don’t like to think about them, much less talk about them, so I’ll just skip ahead—”

“Tell me. Now.” He must have this information.

Sighing, she glided her nails lightly over his chest, almost absently. “All right, so. I finally came across a nice family. A loving couple with a little girl. She had this doll, you see. The most beautiful in all the land, according to her. But I knew better. I’d seen my doll, Drendall. We argued but decided to become friends, anyway. I visited her for weeks before she convinced me to meet her parents. They must have felt sorry for me. They fed, clothed and sheltered me for months.”

He tensed, sensing the encroaching dread. “And then?”

“And then centaurs raided their village. Said they smelled something special. That they were soon to attend a banquet and were ready to select the main course and side dishes. When they settled on the girl’s parents, the mother offered me in exchange for the safety of her family.” Her shoulders rose and fell. “The thing is, I understood her choice. Protect yourself and those you love, whatever the cost. That’s when I created my first six trees. I stayed awake long enough to witness the destruction of every threat. The centaurs...the villagers.” Her voice wobbled. “After that, I was rarely in a trusting mood.”

He didn’t want to ask. He shouldn’t. But he did. “Where did you awaken? With the trees?”

“Nope. I ended up in West Virginia, where I created a magnificent creature made of smoke. His name is Mothan. I didn’t return to the trees for three decades.” Affection dripped from her tone. “They were so happy to see me.”

He traced his fingertips along her spine, asking softly, “What of the male you loved?”

She sighed, her breath a warm rasp against his skin. “He was a human in the mortal world. A healer. He found me injured in an alleyway and patched me up. For months, he provided me with food, shelter and clothing. He worked hard to earn my trust. Once I offered it, I noticed things. He never stayed the night with me. Someone phoned him constantly. A phone is a device—Oh, never mind. It doesn’t matter. The point is, I followed him one night and discovered he was married. That he merely used me as a receptacle.”