A growl left him...but still he didn’t protest. Head high, naked but for the hated collar, she strolled ankle-deep into the cool water.

“Do you even know how to swim?” he asked.

“Kind of.”

Another growl. “What do you mean, kind of?”

“I lived near a lake once. I taught myself to mostly stay afloat.” With the waterline at her knees, Viori eased down and stretched out. She submerged herself in the soothing liquid, letting it engulf everything but her eyes and nose. Locks of hair soon floated around her face. Oh, this felt nice. Cool and refreshing. Forget any kind of plan for a moment. She needed this.

Her lids turned heavy and sank as she soaked. Had she ever enjoyed anything more than this luxurious, weightless sensation?

Well. Yes. She had. Micah’s kiss...

Great! There went her relaxation.

A shadow fell over her, and she blinked open her eyes. The beast tamer towered on the shore, minus his cloak. He peered at her. No, he glared at her. He clutched a thin length of rope in one hand, and she tensed.

“You are clean enough,” he barked. “Out. Now.”

Ugh. What had soured his mood? “No. I’m dirtier than ever,” she purred. “Ask me what I was thinking about before I stripped, and I’ll prove it.”

“I will not. You will get out because I commanded it.”

Double ugh. Rather than protest, she sat up. Droplets dripped from her nipples. Oh, oh, oh. What was this? He’d definitely sucked in a breath this time.

Heart fluttering, she asked, “How about this? I’m sure you have questions for me, starting with my original scheme to snare you. I vow to answer each query honestly, but only while I’m in the water. Deal?” She could enjoy the water and torment him with her responses at the same time. Win-win.

He opened his mouth. Snapped it closed. Opened. Closed. Then he barked, “As if I can trust anything you say.”

“No, you cannot.” She grinned slowly, coldly. “But you’ll agree to my terms, anyway. Be honest. You like watching me.” A statement, not a question. “Perhaps as much as I like being watched by you.”

“Now I know you’re lying.”

“Am I? What if I told you I like watching you even more? Surely you’ve felt my gaze upon you. Specifically, on a certain overlarge location...”

For a long moment, he white-knuckled the rope. His nostrils flared with each inhalation. Then he gave a stiff nod. “Very well. I accept your terms.” He tossed the rope. “You may bathe. I will question. Because I’m curious. No other reason.”

“Of course.” She followed the tether with her gaze, overjoyed by its distance. When she noticed the array of toiletries provided by Cookie, she nearly whimpered. Micah had lined up the necessities near a waterfall. Cleaners for her hair. Scented oils for her skin. Items she’d craved very badly as a child. Things her parents had been unable to afford. Items she still craved very badly. More than ever before.

Viori barely stopped herself from leaping from the water and rushing over to gather everything close. Mine! “You didn’t let me finish,” she said, licking her lips. “As long as I’m in the water and using those gifts from Queen Cookie, I’ll answer your questions.”

“You didn’t let me finish,” he countered without missing a beat. “I accept your terms—as long as your hands are tied.”

Gah! “Why did you toss the rope? And how am I to use my toiletries?”

“You won’t. I will. And I’ll show you.”

Anger sparked—until she realized the implications of his demand. And caught a whiff of his satisfaction. Well, well, well. Seemed her husband had a diabolical plan of his own, and it involved putting his hands on her.

Why does this excite me? “If you wanted to rub soap all over my body,” she rasped, “you should have said so. I would’ve agreed to your terms ages ago.” She extended both arms toward him. “Hurry. I’m eager to begin.”

A muscle jumped beneath his eye. From the shore, he clasped her hands and slowly glided her through the clear liquid, toward the waterfall. The deep end of the lake. Her heart fluttered as the rocky bottom disappeared, forcing her to rely on Micah to stay above water. But she wasn’t afraid. He had a look in his eye every time he glanced at her over his shoulder...

As she paddled her legs and rested her elbows on a moss-covered shore, he sat between her and the array of toiletries, then collected the rope. After re-tying her wrists together, he relaxed—and smoldered.

Naughty Micah. He’d planned this. Set her up. And she wasn’t sorry about it.

He removed his boots, rolled the hem of his pants up, then dipped his feet and calves into the water and lifted a small opaque bottle. He was going to do it. He was going to bathe her, facilitating his own doom. Because he wanted to. He wanted her.