He could have this contentment forever. He could have her.

I must have her.

Never had he craved another the way he craved Vee. But what about her children? Micah couldn’t harm them and end up victorious with his wife. But he couldn’t let the beasts live, thereby endangering the people under his care.

With time and patience, he could, mayhap, gain control of belua, the way he’d gained control of the trolls. No. No “mayhap” about it. He would do that, too. Look at Graves. The creature had spent six days in camp without harming anyone. Micah could use the remaining belua to grow his garden.

Hmm. Was this more foolishness on his part? Even if Micah tamed the entire species, he couldn’t count on Vee. She might be vulnerable, but she was still treacherous. A cutthroat beauty who had helped reinforce what Fayette and Diane taught him—never put your confidence in the unworthy. A mistake he couldn’t afford to repeat. Besides, he had no more trust to give. And yet...

How he despised that word. Yet. But there it was. A big part of him had never ceased itching for the opportunity to win his wife...who had done more than soften toward him, he realized. She had melted. She must have. Not only had she saved food for him, but she had leered at him. How could he forget that? The woman found him nigh irresistible. She’d been unfazed by his chimera status. She’d made no mention of it, in fact. None of the usual derogatory remarks.

He’s a good man—for a chimera.

As he recalled the sear of Vee’s gaze, the insult disintegrated. This female desired him, whether she wanted to admit it or not. Whether she wanted to do so or not. Yes, oh yes. The more he considered it, the more certain he became. Soon a slow, almost-calculated smile bloomed. As he had pinned her to the soft carpet of grass, touching and kissing her, she had faked nothing. How wet she’d grown...

Even if she’d planned to leave him frustrated all along, she had suffered the consequences as well. An arousing thought.

He could do this; he could live his dream. Win her over and keep her in his bed. Prove a future with her husband mattered more than a childhood debt. Of course, Kaysar might cease to matter, anyway, as soon as the truce ended. Once the male died, Vee’s loyalties would be divided no longer. Until then, Micah had only to ensure she avoided the royal and his bride.

She would protest. Might feel cornered. But she would get over it. In this, he wouldn’t budge.

Looked like they would be walking back to camp, after all. Thankfully, she seemed to have accepted her lot. She’d ceased attempting to escape him.

When a low groan escaped her, concern filled him. “Vee?”

Another groan as she jerked, as if she were recoiling from an attack. An unseen enemy? Micah untangled from her and jolted upright, a dagger in hand. His gaze darted, but he found no one waiting nearby.

More groaning and jerking from Vee, until she was thrashing over the pallet. He frowned. A nightmare?

“No,” she gasped out. “No, no. Don’t! Stop! Let me go!”

Acid poured through him, suspicions arising. Was this a bad dream, or a bad memory, raised to the surface of her mind, thanks to their conversation?

Trembling, Micah eased down and gathered her close. He held her against him, petting her and cooing assurances into her ear. “I’m here. You’re safe. I’ll allow no harm to befall you.”

Calm overtook her gradually, until she curled against him trustingly, willingly, and slipped into a deep, peaceful sleep. Relieved and perhaps a bit prideful, he kissed her temple.

For the rest of the night, he held her close, alternating between the most magnificent wonder and painful agony over what horrors she might have endured throughout her life. He slept not at all.

As sunlight brightened the sky, he cupped her shoulder and shook her gently. “Time to wake, Red.” Though he hated to disturb her, he required a moment to collect himself.

She blinked open her eyes and stretched lazily. “Mmm. Five more minutes. Not ready.”

As he averted his eyes—too beautiful!—his hands balled into fists. Her hair had dried, returning to its natural shade of auburn. The ethereal gown provided by Cookie should be burned. Or granted the title of hero. The material cinched at Vee’s waist, two silken scarves stretching over her breasts, secured at her nape. The flowing skirt had far too many slits, revealing a tantalizing amount of thigh.

“We have many miles to cover today,” he said, considering his options as he detangled from her. How did one start to win back his wife? “Be ready to go in ten minutes.”

“Aw.” She offered him a smirking smile. “Is someone tired and grumpy because he didn’t trust a certain someone else to stay put during the night? Did he toss and turn while I enjoyed my beauty rest?”