Alone with her sister-in-law, she stripped and bathed quickly. There was no time for modesty.

“You mentioned something about a dress?” she asked. “Because I need something spectacular to wear.” She wished to look her best for this.

“You’ll see it when I do,” Cookie said.

What did that even mean? The moment Viori finished the bath, she emerged from the water and toweled off.

“All right. Dress time. Here goes.” The queen winked at her and extended her arms. Tiny vines shot from her fingers and thickened as they grew. Leaves appeared and flowers bloomed. Those vines drew together and—Viori gasped.

“A gown of leaves and flower petals.” She spun this way and that, marveling.

The garment fit her every curve with a high slit in the skirt. It was magnificent, and perfect for the jewelry she planned to wear. Pieces Cookie helped her don, after styling Viori’s hair in an elaborate series of twisting braids. The thorn necklace. The rose ring. And the horned crown. All gifts from her husband.

“How about a pair of glass slippers?” Cookie asked.

“No thank you.” She preferred to go barefoot.

Pressing a hand over her heart, the queen said, “I am the best fairy godsister in the history of fairy godsisters. You are a masterpiece. Oh! Before I forget. As another gesture of my awesomeness—I mean, to celebrate our new bond, I’m going to help you travel to and from the mortal world. Micah told us you have children there. We can fetch them, one at a time.”

Viori hugged her close. “Thank you for bringing Kaysar such happiness. Thank you for helping Micah and me. Thank you for everything.”

Cookie cleared her throat and eased back. “Yes. Well. You’re okay yourself or whatever.” She wiped at misty eyes. “I’m not crying. You’re crying. Or the babies are. Whatever. I’ll give you and Micah a few hours to tear my exquisite creation to shreds. That’s all the time I can promise you. I won’t be able to distract Kaysar longer than that. Then he’ll insist on seeing you. Oh! Amber wanted you to know she spoke with Micah’s new oracle and arranged a marriage line to occur, like, now. But you must hurry.”

With a sweep of her skirt, the queen glided through the doorway. Then, Viori stood alone.

Hurry? In this dress? She strode to the exit. The spot Micah had used to go in and out, now that he had possession of the stones controlling the thing. Tree limbs covered the area, and those limbs parted for her, allowing her to leave.

The train of her dress dragged over grass as she glided forward. My, my, my, how things have changed. Lush green foliage in every direction. Bushes and grass and flowers. Pools of crystal water. New—unliving—trees blooming with other kinds of fruit.

Micah had wanted a true paradise, and honestly, so had she. A place where fae helped each other, defending those weaker than themselves. What a great start!

Citizens littered the area, plucking pieces of fruit. Everyone gasped and bowed when they spotted her. Whispers rose throughout the camp. Viori saw faces she recognized and many she didn’t. Soldiers were posted throughout, and she inquired of Micah’s location.

“The common tent, Your Majesty,” one said, bowing to her. “And may I add, we are overjoyed to see you.”

“You may.” She flashed a toothy smile, and for some reason, he paled.

Well. He’d get used to her. They all would. Viori flittered to the proper tent, directly at the entrance. Laughter spilled from inside, dozens of voices calling out names and suggestions. The marriage line had begun then. Perfect timing.

Head high, she swept inside. A handful of people noticed her, their laughing conversations tapering to quiet. Realization spread among the throng quickly. Every gaze swung her way.

Let’s do this. “Your queen shall pick next,” she announced, scanning for Micah.

A path cleared, revealing him on the other side of the tent. He was kneeling before a teary-eyed Cakara, who clung to Drendall and Nema. A sense of rightness set up camp inside her, deciding to stay a while.

His attention whipped in Viori’s direction. He shot to his feet, gasping, “Red.” He blinked. His gaze roved over her. His eyes widened, and his jaw dropped. When he braced to flitter to her, she stopped him with a shake of her head.

“Do not come near me, Majesty. I’m busy. As queen, I must first choose my companion for the evening.”

A corner of his mouth twitched. “You are wed already, Queen Viori. You are ineligible.”

“That sounds like an obstacle, darling, and today we have no obstacles. I suggest you get in line as fast as your feet will carry you.”

A full-blown smile bloomed. In a blink, he stood at the end of the line. She moved deeper into the tent, fae smiling fondly at her as she passed. She didn’t stop until she reached Micah, whose smile had only widened.