The pattern continued for seven more days. The dome became his home—their home—his things moved here. Trunks and tables and maps and a tub—his baths were her favorite thing. King Jareth, apparently, had gifted them with massive ice blocks the hot sun had already melted into lakes and ponds. Bodies of water they owned outright! Their kingdom was already thriving.

“I can feel you watching me, wife.” The words growled from Micah as he took today’s bath. “I know you’re aware of what’s happening around you. Wake for me.”

Trying so hard! Viori dreamed and fought, fought and dreamed. Never had she been so desperate for something. But on she slept, another day passing.

The patter continued. Again, Micah held her throughout the night, whispering sweet everythings at certain times. Visiting her throughout the day. Around her, the trees began growing fruit. More than she would have thought possible. One even grew elderseed!

What miracles the darlings were! But then, a tree’s fruit depended on its roots. Now, her babies had strong, healthy roots steeped in joy and family.

Happy citizens came by at all hours to call well-wishes to her and partake of the goodness. Well, everything but the elderseed. Marvel—the name of the tree—protected her bounty, with help from the others, who shielded her from onlookers. Smart. Special power should be meant for special people. Those who would use it wisely.

Drendall dropped by often, as well. The doll sometimes chose to follow Micah, sometimes Kaysar and Cookie, who hadn’t ceased referring to the little darling as Chucky for some reason.

The trees allowed no others inside the circle, however. Well, no others save the servants who brought water for the tub. The trees did help the citizens eat, lowering limbs for easier plucking. No tree produced the same thing, and no tree ever ran out of goodies. What they produced, they replenished.

More and more joy filled Viori, and more and more strength seeped into her bones. The very next morning, she made enough progress to twitch her fingers, and a greater tide of joy burst free. Somehow, she was doing it! She was pulling herself from the slumber faster than ever before.

Somehow? Ha! She knew how. Micah. Her love for him. His love for her.

Love changed everything.

“I declare today a Feast of Remembering,” Micah told her as he climbed from the bed. He kissed her temple and dressed, saying, “For the first time, there truly are no obstacles. The truce between our kingdom and Kaysar’s holds steady. Some of our people chose to live with him, but most stayed here. Every inch of the Dusklands now teems with life. Trolls are no more. At least, we’ve found no trace of others. We’ve begun building a new orphanage in your honor for the children, and our palace construction has also begun. King Jareth gifted us with another pond, this one outside our personal chambers. I’ve given Elena a warrior’s send-off. One day soon you will awake, and all the Dusklands will rejoice. Drendall misses you, but she has made friends with Cakara and Nema. The threesome is more than the headmistress can handle. She misses you, too. But no one misses you more than I. According to everyone around me, I’m very difficult nowadays.”

He kissed the tip of her nose before he left, and Viori fought harder. A feast meant a marriage line and she must, must, must be part of it! Cookie had once mentioned a grand gesture, and this was Viori’s chance to perform hers.

She fought harder than she’d ever fought before, using her love for Micah like a lifeline. Climbing higher and higher until...

With a gasp, Viori jolted upright. She blinked, opened her eyes. Panting, heart thundering, she scanned her surroundings. The dome, exactly as she’d envisioned in her head.

Outside, the trees exclaimed with excitement, and she blew each one a kiss. Rising to trembling limbs, she was careful not to harm any of her magnificent gifts. When she gained her balance, she toddled to the bath, now half-surrounded by potted elderseed plants.

The tub was half-empty. Well, no matter. She—Energy crackled inside the dome, a doorway opening near the bed.

Wearing a massive ice-blue ball gown, with puffy sleeves, a cinched waist and a voluminous skirt, Cookie glided inside the circle. She smiled at Viori and waved a thin stick in her direction. “Amber told me I needed to be here at this time to dress Cinderella for her ball. So. Consider me your fairy godsister. And thank goodness you woke up! Kaysar is pouting, which means our prisoners are dwindling. Which means I have fewer practice targets. Which means my temper is budding. But I digress. I gotta remember this isn’t my story right now, but yours.” She rubbed her hands together. “Let’s get you ready.”

Cookie snapped her fingers and a line of servants marched inside the dome, each with a bucket of steaming water. The tub was filled in seconds, the toiletries left surrounding it. As quickly as the servants came, they exited. Viori watched it all in amazement.