Micah lowered his hands and took in the scene. Utter carnage littered the area. The bloodiest battlefield he’d ever beheld. Her power...he’d had no idea. She’d tried to warn him, but he hadn’t believed. Unleash rage? Oh yes.

Kaysar pressed a hand to his chest, radiating pride. “My little love. I’ve never been so proud of you.”

Blood poured over the grass, a great ebony river. No more trolls climbed the wall.

The cocoons around Cookie, Amber and Pearl Jean receded, revealing pale, worried fae who rushed to their males. Well, one pale, worried fae rushed. Pearl Jean finished off the last drops in her canteen before strolling to Jareth as if she hadn’t a care.

Tremors rocked Viori. Chewing on her bottom lip, she peered at Micah. She looked ready to catapult to him, but was also unsure of her reception.

In the end, he couldn’t stay away from her. They hadn’t worked out their problems, but he allowed his long stride to eat up the distance, anyway. If he’d lost her today...

She stumbled toward him at last. The moment she entered his reach, he hauled her into his arms.

Though he was soaked in sweat and blood, she clung to him. “Are you hurt?” she asked, pulling back to study him. She cupped his cheek. “The smallest scratch, and I swear I’ll sing the trolls back to life and kill them all again.”

“I’ll heal,” he replied, gruffer than he’d intended. “Are you hurt?” Tremors shook her against him.

“Expended a bit of energy, is all. Are you hungry? I saved food for you.” She pulled back enough to slide a satchel full of crumbled biscuits from her pocket.

He...did not know what to say. An emotion clogged his throat, but he wasn’t sure which one. He didn’t know anything anymore.

“Let’s go home, love.” Kaysar kissed Cookie’s temple. “Open a doorway. Viori, you’re coming with us, of course.”

She met Micah’s gaze, and he gave her a stiff nod.

“Go with them,” he told her. She needed a chance to reconnect with her brother. That, he knew.

“You’re coming with me, right?” she asked, pressing her nails against his collarbone, holding on to her prey.

He almost couldn’t look at her. The weakening of her glamara had stripped her of defenses, leaving her vulnerable.

That vulnerability... It had always served as his ultimate weakness, hadn’t it? For a moment, he almost believed they could forge a joyous future together. That he could trust her with his life. That the siblings wouldn’t join forces and sing him to death on a battlefield, making him a fool for the final time. Yes, he almost believed it.

He said nothing as Cookie spread her arms, vines curling from her fingertips and converging. The leaves cut through the air, forcing two layers of atmosphere to part.

Pearl Jean and Amber hurried through, Jareth on their heels. Drendall skipped. Kaysar moved to stand between the two locations, half of him in the oasis, the other half in a sunlit courtyard teeming with colorful flowers. Having watched the queen create other doorways, Micah knew she must be the last to enter it. As soon as she did, it would close.

“Come, Viori,” the king commanded with a royal wave of his fingers.

Her gaze probed Micah’s, searching. “You’re coming, too, right?”

“Go.” He kissed her brow. “Be with your brother. You’ve dreamed of this moment for ages, have you not?” To reunite and discuss the dynamics of their renewed relationship without the interference of a former foe.

“Yes, but—”

“No buts. There are things I must figure out.”

Her brow wrinkled. “Things? What things?”

He gave her a little push toward the doorway. “Go on now.”

“Micah, what things?” she demanded, stumbling in a bid to return to him. “I’ll stay with you. We can figure out the things together.”

No, he must find this answer on his own. Whether to seek an eternity alone or forever with the wife who couldn’t help but betray him over and over again. Whatever he decided...he must be ruthless. Execute his chosen future without remorse.

“Let him go, if that’s what he wishes.” Kaysar clasped her wrist, drawing her farther away. “I can always fetch him for you later.”

“Micah,” she cried, and he nearly stomped after her, dying a thousand deaths as her brother dragged her along.

Fight for what’s right, no matter the cost, or you’ll be forced to live with the wrong.

But which path was right? Which was wrong? He didn’t know anymore.

She refused to give up, and it ripped his insides apart. “I declare this day a Feast of Remembering. I’m a queen, so I can do that. That means there are no obstacles between us.”

“I’ll be spending this feast alone.” He forced himself to turn. To march away. She shouted his name, and he cringed. This was for the best.

Wasn’t it? All he sought was a little time. A few days to think.