Drendall climbed into her lap, holding a string of diamonds that Pearl Jean was no longer wearing. “Look what I found for us, Momma.”

“Chucky!” Cookie burst out, flattening a hand over her heart.

“That’s mine, you little—” Pearl Jean pursed her lips before mumbling, “My children will have better manners. That’s all I’m saying.”

For some reason, King Jareth recoiled. “Your children?”

“Don’t worry. It’s not like you’ll be involved when the time comes.”

He scowled at her.

Viori did the same. “Let’s talk about this crush you have on Micah.”

“Oh. That. There’s no need. I’m over it. I’m currently using a temporary meat stick to meet my needs.” The hag wagged her sculpted brows. “I’m using him often.”

“Meat stick?” Jareth bellowed. He was a handsome man. Tall and muscular, with thick blond hair and dark blue eyes.

“Don’t remind me.” Cookie scowled. “The flashbacks and soundtracks make me nauseous.”

He pointed at her. “Cease your lying. You love it. Consider it inspiration.”

This foursome was beyond bizarre.

“Mom-ma! Did you even notice my necklace?” Drendall whined.

“I did.” Viori kissed her cheek and secured the necklace around her throat. “Wonderful job, darling.” With a shake of her head, she refused the oracle’s offer of a misshapen cookie withdrawn from a pocket. Her stomach was in knots. “May I ask you a question?”

“You wonder if Micah will forgive you for misleading him about your connection to Kaysar.” Amber nibbled on the cookie. “The answer is, I’m not sure. I’ve seen differing paths, each leading to an altered future. One where you are together. Another where you are apart. Others where either of you is dead. Each outcome depends on the decisions you make in the coming days.”

Viori swallowed a whimper. Anything could happen. The good, the bad and the ugly. “With responses like that,” she grumbled, “I’m not sure how wars are won and lost with the word of an oracle.”

“Exactly what I say,” Cookie retorted.

“Son of a troll,” Kaysar shouted, in the water once again. The battle raged on.

Amber laughed as if her king was an utter delight and passed around cups of tea she produced from a second satchel Viori had missed. “Do you love Micah?”

Love. Did she? She knew she felt safe with him. Knew she adored the way he sometimes looked at her, as if she were his reason for being. Knew she wanted him more than she’d ever wanted another. Knew he was a good man. Special. Rare. Knew she yearned for what he’d offered. Knew she craved his intensity and enjoyed the care he took with her. Admired his strength. His stubbornness. When he set out to acquire something, he refused to give up.

“I think I might,” she whispered. “I also think he...won’t forgive me.” He’d come close to asking her to choose. He still might. And what would she tell him then, hmm?

He took a nasty blow to the groin, but he didn’t slow. No, he broke Kaysar’s jaw with a single strike. A tooth went flying, and Viori winced. There’d been a whole lot of rage behind that particular strike.

No, he might not forgive her in the slightest.

Her shoulders rolled in. Until they didn’t. What was she doing? Fearing the worst? She didn’t have to accept unforgiveness. She could fight to win him back. And she would! She was Queen Viori of the Forgotten Court, Mother of Belua. The one Micah had chosen for himself. She could do anything. Couldn’t she?

Pearl Jean dug a small bottle of whiskey from her pocket and poured half the contents into her tea. She offered the bottle to Cookie, only to draw back before the other woman had a chance to respond. “No. Not you. But would anyone else enjoy a top-off?” She drained her glass without awaiting a response. Rather than pour herself more tea, she poured herself more whiskey, then drained that, too.

“Why not, Queen Cookie?” Viori asked, declining the offer with a shake of her head.

“She’s pregnant with twins,” Amber announced, buttering a toast point. Where had that come from? “That’s the real reason she and Kaysar sought to solidify a truce with Micah. They also plan to find and slaughter every troll in existence before the babies are born, so that the species will never be used as a threat again. What?” she demanded as her friends gaped at her once again. “In the future, Viori already knows this information. So why not tell her here and now?”

“Because she didn’t know until you told her?” Pearl Jean said, clearly exasperated.

Kaysar, a father. Viori, an aunt. Her heart raced. The fight tolled on.

I want a family with Micah, and I will have one!

No, she would not be giving him up.


AFTERNOON SUNLIGHT GLARED at Micah as he swung. Muscles quivered from exertion. Sweat soaked his chest and back. He’d burned through any lingering elderseed long ago, ensuring he healed at a slower clip. But then, Kaysar had begun to heal at a slower clip, too, his energy depleting.