“Me too. It’s the wine.”
“And I ache.” He rubs the base of his neck and his shoulder, wincing. “So what if I should follow—?”
“Want a massage? I’m really good at them.”
“Nah, it’s okay, I just …” He yawns. “Maybe I just need to sleep. What time is it anyway?”
“Late-as-fuck o’clock.”
“Where am I sleeping?”
“You can take my bed. I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“Really?” Quintin sits up and looks at me. “You don’t have to do that. I’ll take the couch.”
I gaze at him thoughtfully. “Why do I have the feeling this is the exact conversation you had with your friend and is why you got relegated to the cat bed?”
He parts his lips, then shuts them and frowns.
“You can take my bed,” I insist. “Come here, I’ll get you set up. It’s comfy as fuck. You’ll fall asleep the second you hit the pillow, I’m not even lying.”
The next minute, we’re in my bedroom standing over my bed. Quintin comes up to the other side and sits on it. Then he lies back, spread eagle. “Oh my god.”
“Oh my god …” He shuts his eyes and grins. “I am so content right now. I feel like a piece of—”
Then he winces again and grabs his neck, rubbing.
I sigh. “Alright, turn over.”
He peeks open an eye. “What?”
“Turn over.” I come around to his side, then climb onto the mattress next to him. “C’mon, turn over. I’ll give you a rub. No one aches on my bed.”
“I don’t need a massage. I just need heavy meds, or a really good orgasm, or another bottle of that strong wine, maybe …? Do you have any more?”
Yes. “Nope. Roll over.” I gently nudge him, rolling the stubborn cutie onto his stomach. He sighs and opens his mouth, about to protest again.
Until my hands touch his neck.
And my thumbs press deeply into his muscles.
He melts against the bed. “Oh, god …”
“Told you.” I twist my thumbs some more, massaging deeply into the meat of his neck and shoulder. “And this is just the start, buddy. You’re going to be a noodle when I’m done with you.”
“I’marreadyanoodnood … mmph … noodnoodle …”
He’s not making words anymore.
I’ll take that as a mission accomplished.
Wanting to get a better angle, I gently straddle his backside, being careful not to put too much of my weight on him, then really press my palms into his tight shoulders and aching neck, working out the kinks and tension he’s built up in them. I smile as I watch the side of his face that’s still visible, seeing the effect my massaging has on the guy.
Something very happy and light is swelling in my chest. It’s a bit scary, the strength of my feelings right now for this guy who almost literally dropped into my life out of nowhere. He hit the head of the nail when he said it felt like we knew each other for years already.
I guess he exudes that kind of vibe on me, too.
“You stopped,” he complains.
I snap my eyes back to him, forgetting where I am. “Sorry, was just … thinking.” I go deeper with my thumbs, working him like dough.
“About your mom?”
Thoughts of my mom and all of her drama couldn’t be farther away. “Yep,” I say anyway.
“Don’t worry. She just needs time. All the best things in the world, that’s all they need … just time … mmm … timeisalltheyneedmmm … mmm …”
And he’s back to gibberish.
Straddling him, my flimsy workout shorts provide little barrier between my cock and balls and his cute butt. And with my hands on his shoulders and neck, my head is so messed up right now. We are so comfortable around each other, it’s like we’re already in a relationship and I’m just massaging him after a hard day of work.
My body is getting all sorts of confusing signals.
It wants to fuck him. It wants to care for him. It wants to respect his space and invade it all at once.
Which fucking signal am I supposed to heed?
I watch as his fingers claw lazily into the sheets, just like that scene in the movie, but minus the porn sounds.
“Mmm,” he moans in a deep, sexy tone.
Okay, maybe not without the porn sounds.
Then the bastard squirms ever so slightly beneath me, causing his butt to wiggle. Which causes my cock and balls to wiggle. Which causes me to have some serious fucking thoughts about all of this goddamned wiggling.
I bite my lip, continuing to massage him.
He breathes deeply, looking like he’s found heaven.
I glance down to discover that despite how confining these workout shorts are, they’re doing nothing to hide the tent I’m starting to make in them.
“Mmm …” he moans again.
Then squirms sleepily again.
I almost can’t take it. The guy is either completely oblivious, or he’s intentionally driving me crazy. Each time he squirms, my cock jumps. Each time I feel the subtle clenching of his butt cheeks beneath me, my heart makes another leap from my chest to my throat. My stomach is doing excited somersaults every time he lets out the tiniest of moans or whimpers, inspired by my skillful hands.