Page 17 of Black Site


She's trying to kill me. That thing with the grape, dry humping me in the nightclub, and now she's sitting up in my bed letting the sheet I covered her with fall to her waist. She sees what is about to happen and makes a grab for it but not before I get a quick glimpse of the finest set of breasts on Earth. Not that this is the first time I've seen them - or that she's been naked in my bed for that matter.

I stayed with her all night waiting for her to wake up. We got on a plane and got the hell out of the country. I carried her into the house and up to my room. No way was I letting anyone else around her. She sleepily started taking off her dress as soon as she felt the cool sheets at her back and I helped her so she could be comfortable. I was torn for all of two seconds and then I took my cock out and relieved myself of all the built-up frustration of not being able to fuck her when I had her across my lap in the club. Seeing my seed splash across her belly and thighs helped a little but the tension that is always there with Libby is back.

Her eyes find me finally. There's fear in them, she's scared about what happened. Or what might have happened. Also, worry and self-loathing are present but there isn't regret. Anywhere.

"Wh...what happened? I can't remember. I...don't remember anything after the club and now I'm naked. In a bed."

"Calm down. You're safe." For now. The only thing she is wearing is my collar that I refused to take off so she might not be so safe for very long.

"All I can remember, like the last thing I remember is...hands, touching me."

"I can tell you that the only person touching you was me and will be only me." Something settles behind her eyes. She's not opposed to me being the only person allowed to touch her. I think that's a win. "You might have been feeling the guys helping me put you in the car as we drove back to the airfield but I can assure you they didn't touch anywhere I would kill a man over."

I'm still not happy I had to have their help putting her in the car but she was freaking out and I needed to calm her ass down. I didn't want anybody else to do it so they held onto her until I got the sedative ready. I raise a bottle of water to my lips and take a drink noting how Libby's eyes follow my movements the entire time.

I hand it to her after I've drunk from it. Yeah, I know I'm a bastard but I don't care. She will eat my food, drink after me, and if I have my way sleep in my bed every night of her life and be my wife. I don't think she's ready to hear all of this. Libby is extremely independent - something I love about her - so going in stealthily might be the best plan.

"Why am I naked?"

Shit. I don't have an answer for that.

"Jim, why am I naked? When exactly did I get this way?" Ah, she's worried about someone seeing what is only mine to see.

"I thought you might be more comfortable this way. The drugs make your core temperature rise high fast. By the time we got home your dress was soaked. You'll need to drink lots of water today to flush your system." I nudge her hand with the bottle in it and watch as she takes a drink. Better she think it me that wanted her bare for me than the fact that she wanted more of what I offered in the club.

Libby's not ready to admit that she trusts me with her life just yet but she will. She'll learn that for her I would set the world on fire and all because she asked me to. Better tell her that slowly. She'll need time to let the fact she controls one of the most dangerous men in the world sink in.

She's knocked back more than half the bottle when a knock on the door makes her stop and look at me. Her eyes are big and round but again she gives me that trust when she looks to me for protection from whatever is on the other side of the door.

"They won't come in unless I tell them to." I sit back and cross my leg over my knee before I ask louder, "What is it?"

"Got her clothes, boss." I wait. They wouldn't come to my door if there wasn't something that happened. "I, uh, need to talk to you about something else though."

There it is. Something raised the hackles of the two men I sent to pick up Libby's clothes. Duncan and Dante wouldn't just stand out in the hall for shits and giggles or interrupt me when I am in my bedroom with my woman. I give her a long look before answering Duncan. "Meet me in my office."

"Yes, sir."

I move finally to walk across the room. She watches me the entire time. I like her eyes on me. I don't know what it says about me, a man who is a ghost, being glad that this woman can't seem to take her eyes off of me but I'm just about sick of fighting it too. I'll give her another two weeks to make peace with the fact that she is mine but then I will be coming for her.

I open the door and pick up the clothing the men placed on a hallway table before leaving for my office. I move the clothes to a chair before turning and looking at her. I walk back over to run my finger down her cheek. I can't stop myself. It pisses me off at the same time it thrills me. I don't want to be controlled by anything – thus the tolerance for street drugs that each of the men have built up. At the same time, she is the only time I feel alive unless I am taking a life. Maybe she's my last chance at humanity, the last sliver of a heart, I have left.

I turn from her and walk out the door before I push her back and join her in the bed she's sitting on. Good thing fate gave it to her, she'll keep it safe, keep it alive while I make sure no one will ever touch her. I would fight Death to keep her safe and close to me. Given the fact he's on my payroll, I doubt I'll have to go that far. It's good to be the one calling the shots.




I step into my apartment and can tell something’s not right. Everything is in the right place but it feels off somehow. Maybe I'm still reeling over the fact I woke up naked in my boss's bed after spending the night dry humping him to orgasm and stealing a book of names from a Russian gangster that could have me destroyed in a finger snap if Jim hadn't already killed him. Yeah, I got a lot to unpack and the least of it is my suitcase from the trip.

Next time I'll just stay home if this is a typical business trip with Jim. More people got killed in this business trip than in a natural disaster and I didn't get to ice skate once. The thing that is really bothering me is that Jim stayed in his office the entire day. He didn't come out for lunch which most of us try to do together in the dining room downstairs. He didn't say good night to me when I told him I was leaving and when we did talk his answers were one word and monotone again.

Glad to see everything is back to normal, sheesh. He said the cocaine didn't affect him but clearly, something did because he was a much nicer person when I was high. Besides the fact he shot up a nightclub and killed twenty or thirty people. I unzip the pencil skirt I wore today and let it fall to the floor. I walk to the bathroom and pull my panties off along with my shirt and bra, throwing them into the hamper sitting by the sink.

I found out today that he went back to the restaurant from Croatia. Not to rendezvous with Super Hips either. He killed the man and her from what the papers are saying. Although I'm not sure why we have a Croatian newspaper just lying around, I wasn't going to not read it when it was left lying out. The papers assumed that the woman killed him and then shot herself but with Jim who knows the order things happened in. He was gone all night so he had some time to play around if he wanted to.