Page 27 of Black Site


Akio knows that his world is one of darkness and death as a child of a member of the Yakuza, Japan’s most notorious criminal network. He doesn’t deserve anything as good and as pure as the little influencer, Quinn, in his life. But when she needs help from a shadowy threat he is the only man who can walk in both worlds to stop what’s coming for her. With the help of his grandfather and her mother can he find a way to keep Quinn after all of this is over or will his Cherry Blossom float away from him forever?

Quinn wants nothing to do with the world Akio is from. She wants to make her videos and enjoy her vacation to the land she has always been fascinated with but when he saves her from being harmed in her hotel room she starts wanting more than just Akio’s protection. Which scares her most of all.

This is the sixth book in the Taboo series and it has all the best parts of a true international taboo love story. If you like your happy ever after with a sweet virgin social media star and an over-the-top alpha bad boy then this one is for you! Kick up your feet and take a ride with Quinn and Akio through the neon lights of Japan and across the ocean to America. This love is so big it spans continents.


I roll over and take in the empty room I am laying in. I'm visiting my grandfather in Japan for the next couple of weeks and every time I come home I feel like I am missing something. I don't know what it is because when I am in America I feel the same. Maybe this empty feeling will always be inside of me. Perhaps it is the product of the sins of my father and his father before him and I am the one meant to carry it around with me.

I take my cock in my hand and hope that I can rid myself of some of this restlessness that has taken up residence in my soul. I'm not really thinking of any particular person when I'm stroking myself, just some nameless, faceless woman who inspires a fire in me. I don't even know if that is possible. It's not like there haven't been offers or that I haven't taken the offers some times but over the past two or three years I find no urge to dip my cock in anyone, male or female.

I close my eyes and think about what the woman would have to look like to make me hard. Auburn, blonde, brunette? Would she have light skin or dark? Eyes that are like mine which have set me apart from the others in my country because of my American mother or will she have the dark eyes that stare back at me when I look at my grandfather? In my head I see the woman who I think will be the one. She'll be small, with lots of curves. I need curves to fill my hands with. Soft, round breasts and a nice full ass that I can squeeze is what I need. I grunt as my cock swells at the thought of taking a woman's hips in my hands and driving my cock deep inside of her. She will have to be willing to be taken over, dominated. It's just in my nature, as it was in my father's and my grandfather's before him.

She would smell nice. Scent is very important to me and a nice scent can drive me crazy. Lately I haven't smelled anything that has even made my dick twitch but my dream girl will smell good enough to eat. My mind goes to rolling the woman over and spreading her thighs as I bury my face in her responsive, pink pussy. The woman will be vocal too. I love a responsive woman screaming my name when I hit her just right. My balls tingle and I reach down to give them a tug so I can hold off on the orgasm a little longer as I think of yet another way I want to take my mystery woman. I would make her take my dick in her mouth and make her suck me until the cum I was saving for her fills her mouth to overflowing and tears streak down her cheeks.

I grunt when I realize I can't hold off any longer and let myself go. Spunk spurts out so fast and hard that some of it lands on my upper abs. I finally lay back and try to catch my breath before I get up to clean myself off and go have breakfast with my grandfather. Another day with all the demons I drag around and no angel to save my soul in sight.




The club we are in isn't the most touristy one a couple of American's can go to. In fact, to come here we had to go through the red light district but Hoshi, my friend that’s been taking us around showing us the sights and wonders of the Kabukicho entertainment district said it was a good place to go. We just came from the wildest restaurant I have ever been in. There were more neon lights flashing in it than there are in this club. In fact, this club is pretty tame compared to what we just got for the dinner show.

The music is good and the lights aren't bright enough to cause a headache so I think we can stay for a little while. Hoshi has been great about showing us all the sights, not just the wild neon nighttime ones. This is the first time me and Hoshi have ever meet face to face. We've been friends for years and even called a few times to chat but nothing like this. And now here I am, in Japan with my mom and Hoshi parting in a club.

I'm a social influencer which is short for saying a make goofy videos of myself doing silly random stuff and upload it to the internet so other people can see how goofy I am. It started out with me doing a lot of scary video games with a lot of jump-scares because apparently I have the best 'oh shit' face out there, and then branched off to me just letting people into little parts of my life like when I had my wisdom teeth taken out or when my brother broke his wrist tripping over one of my sister's toys.

For some weird reason people like watching me. They like it enough that this is my full-time job and while I am not rolling in the money on my mattress, I did make enough to fly me and my mom out here for this social influencers' convention. I try to do at least one of these a year but when I saw that this one was going to be in Japan I had to come to this one. I have always loved Japanese culture. For some reason, the area just calls to me and I have always wanted to come. So here we are.

I try to take in everything around me. To be honest there has been more than a little culture shock over the past two days we have been here. There's so much to assimilate and digest that, even after we go back home, I know it will be days before I have calmed back down and experienced everything fully. For being someone in front of the camera a lot I tend to live inside of my head. It's easy when you don't have a live audience to think about. I just treat my audience like they are one big, giant friend coming for a sleepover or a small visit with my family and that helps. If I thought about the numbers while I was recording I wouldn't do it.

"This is a really popular place on the weekends but it gets kind of...laggy on the weekdays."

"Laggy?" What does that mean? This is a Friday night and it seems pretty busy and lively tonight.

"Um, slow. It doesn't have as good music or shows on those days as it does on weekend nights."

"Oh you mean it's quieter and not as much fun."

Hoshi smiles and shakes her head. She speaks very good English but some of the words I use are colloquial to my area of the U.S. and confuse her which ends up confusing me. It has been so much fun trying to learn from one another though.

"I'm going to hit the dance floor. You want to come, mom?"

"No," she gives us a chuckle as me and Hoshi stand, "you two go ahead. I think after that last restaurant I need to rest a minute before I'm back up for mingling." Her laugh ends her sentence and I can almost bet it won't take her long to be right back out here with us.

Mom is great. She could have lost her shit when she realized what I was doing but she was cool with it and not just supportive but has gone out of her way to help me with my career. It might help that she is a writer. She’s a different breed, set apart from the usual moms who work in offices and school rooms, so the fact I wanted to be a social influencer didn't cause her to bat an eyelash.

We dance for two songs and then make our way back to our table but my mom isn't there. I really hope she just had to go to the bathroom. I cast worried eyes over to Hoshi who looks white as death. I start to freak out when two big men come up to our table beside us.

"Your mother is with Mr. Haruyoshi. You will follow us and we will take you to her." Hoshi grabs me by the wrist. Her hold is tight and almost painful and her palms are sweaty.

"Do what they ask." She whispers through visibly dry lips. Both of us walk in between the two men up a narrow flight of stairs and into a private area that is dimly lit and less noisy than the rest of the club. Hoshi is shaking and her anxiety over what is going on is freaking me out.

As soon as I see my mother I run to her. She is all smiles and pulls me over to a table. "Quinn, you'll never guess who I started talking to. This is Mister Haruyoshi." She pauses before going on excitedly but in a whispered voice, "He's a member of the Yakuza."