"Wait Jim, what does that mean? Jim...?" His laughs again as he pulls me into the bedroom and shuts the door behind us. "Jim...?!"
I sit in the leather chairs that aren't nearly big enough for a man as big as me. I shift and feel the scar tissue catch in one of the holes in my back. It's been four months since I got shot the hell up. Four long months. I look between Jim and Libby. They called me in here for something, now I just have to wait for them to tell me what that reason is.
"I realize you haven't had an easy year, Jack."
No shit! I got shot six times, lost my fiancé, learned that she was fucking cheating on me by walking into the room while another soldier was throwing it to her, and just learned that other solider might be responsible for the reason I was shot and Jim just told me I couldn't kill the guy. Yeah, my year is not going great.
"I understand letting Don come here is rough for you." He turns those green eyes on me, staring me down behind the frames of his glasses. "I also know you understand why it has to be this way, how important it is for us to get the information we need from this guy."
"Yeah, I promised I wouldn't kill him - yet."
"There's something else I'm going to need you to do." Oh shit!
"I just found out that Don and his sister aren't the only people coming this week." Jim takes his glasses off and folds them, giving me a silent cue that the shit is about to hit the fan. "He's bringing Bambie."
Bambie is the top-heavy blonde that hangs out with my ex-fiancé. I really don't want to have to put up with her. She's a little handsy. "Okay, so I promise not to kill her either - yet."
"That's not...oh God Jim, maybe we shouldn't do this. Maybe there's another way."
I sit forward. I owe Libby so if she needs something from me, it's hers. Jim keeps going. "Yeah, I know Don and Bambie are a problem but that's not why I called you in here. I need a favor. I...Libby needs a favor."
"Just spit it out guys." God I hate having to 'people'. And I like these guys so the fact that this place is about to be full of people I hate is going to be tough. I've made my peace by moving out to the cabin out back.
"My sister is coming."
My stomach starts to sink. Oh no! No, no, no.
"You know what kind of man Don is, Jack. I need someone who can take care of the girl. She's completely innocent which is like catnip to someone like Don. I need a man who is going to be able to keep her safe. Maybe teach her self-defense. She's not like Libby. She can't...,"
Jim doesn't finish his thought. He doesn't have to. I wasn't in the room but the guys have told me, Libby took a guy out by stabbing him in the throat with a letter opener. Not to mention the Russian she fought off giving us time to suit up. She's a badass when she wants to be; when it matters. Now they want me to take care of her kid sister who apparently can't take care of herself. They want me to babysit.
"Look I realize I got shot but that doesn't mean I can't kick someone's ass when the time comes."
"Yes, that is exactly what I'm afraid it’s going to come to."
Ah hell no. I stand to walk away but Jim is up and blocking me before I reach the door. "That woman watched over you when you were completely out of it. She sat for days talking to you. I don't have to remind you that you told me you heard her voice calling you back more than once. You owe her and this is the way she is asking you to repay that." His eyes bore into me. "She's going to take her to a hotel if I can't promise her Lexi is going to be safe. I don't want to give her up for three months so she can spend time with her sister. I don't have to tell you how important this - how important she - is to Libby."
God damn it! I turn to look at Libby's worried eyes. I'm going to do it. They know it too. It's why they ask me the way they did. I reach for my arm unconsciously as the scar there pulls.
"Fine. I'll do it but only because I owe you, Libby." Jim smiles at Libby and I see her give him an uncertain look. Good, she should be concerned. "But the kid is going to have to do exactly what I tell her and when. I control her. If she can't live with that then you're going to have to find another person."
I spin around and walk out. I don't have to see her face to know Libby is sure she just made a mistake putting her kid sister in my hands. You know what they say about good intentions.
The End!
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Dangerous Seduction.